Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Half-assed OUAT 3.05 + Halloween Post

Seems the writers are at it again with stealing elements from my fanfic.  In my version, my Dutchman character has a ship that can fly, a magic sextant, and there's a magical spring of water with restorative properties.  So all three of those things were in last night's episode.  I would like my check now, please.  >:(

I'm getting a bit tired of five of the main characters wandering around in Neverland.  It's getting boring to me.  There were a couple of good moments with Regina-snark, though.  I liked the scene where Snow and Charming were snogging hard and Regina was all like, "Ugh!!! Blech!!!" and had the greatest look of revulsion on her face.  Then Emma was grossed out and Regina was like, "What I wouldn't *give* for another sleeping curse!"  LOL  I think she just might have used it on herself.  LOL  We also found out another way that Regina is like me--she doesn't *DO* rum!  Yep, flat out refused.  That's my girl!  LOL

Anyway, as tomorrow is Halloween, I did some searches to see if anyone had done any good OUAT pumpkin carvings.  I did manage to find a pattern for Regina:

It's just okay. If I had a pumpkin and was actually doing anything for Halloween, I would turn this pic

into a most excellent pumpkin carving.  Ever since I tweaked the contrast on that pic, it makes it easier to do an outline for a pattern.  Being an artist and one who is very good at sculpting, I'd turn that pic into a killer carving!  Then I'd put a pic of it on the toobs and be getting accolades from all over.  Then maybe someone would like to hire me to do it professionally!

Anyway, since it's  Halloween, here are some other carvings that I liked:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hallo, ween!

I've been laughing and tittering about this for hours.  I guess that makes me a bad person.  I'm totally okay with that.  ;P

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Since I've temporarily ran out of material for the blog, I've opened it up for Q&A.  Reminds me a bit of Prime Minister's Q&A except with coherent questions and answers and only one questioner.  ;P

Okay then!  First question from the gentleman in the Harlequin suit!

Q:  Let's see. Something work related? 

A:  Nah, got nothin' there as I haven't worked in ages.  What else, Harlequin Ninja?

Q:  Or maybe you've met some odd people when shopping?

A:  Oh, there are lots of odd people out there when shopping.  I try to avoid them, though.  Oh!  I did have an incident at the home improvement store last week.  I went in to get another drain for the kitchen sink just so I'd have it should I need it.  So, when I get up front to pay, there was one register open with at least eleventy million peeps in line and four self check registers.  No brainer!  I went for the self check. 

There was already one guy in the self check area and when I went to go in there he said that the register he was at wasn't working.  Okay, there are three others.  The one that had a sign for "cash only" appeared to be working, and since I was paying with cash, that would be perfect.  So I go up to it and push start and scan my item.  It seemed to be working.  I pushed the button to finish and pay and started to feed my money in.  It took my first bill and then spit it out.  So I tried with a dollar bill.  It took it and then it would not register the amount.

Then one of the employees shouts across the hills to me that 'it's not working'.  Okay, at this point I was pissed because the machine ate my money.  Then another employee comes up to tell me that it's not working.  Yeah, I can see that.  Now what about my money?  Then the security guy comes up to me to tell me it's not working.  At this point I was fucking livid and flipping out.  I think I said something to the effect that if you know the machines aren't working then why do you keep letting people come in here?  And how am I going to get my money back?  He says something about someone will have to open the machine for me to get my money.  Well, where is this person?  Is there a manager around?  How long is that going to take?  Blank stare.

At that point yet another employee stealthily comes and closes off the self check area with one of those accordion-type gates that they use at that store, thus corralling me in.  Now I'm extra livid!  I escape from the corral and storm up to the "customer service" area.  There were a couple customers in line waiting to be helped so I queued up and waited, still fuming.  Then a nice young lady who had been working the 'returns' register came up and asked if anyone wanted to pay for an item.  I told her 'yes' and what had happened at the self check.  She didn't say a word except to come over to the returns register and she'd ring me out.  Then she asked if I was telling her a true story.  I said yes, why would I be lying over a dollar and showed her the cash that I had out.  She rung up the item and the total equaled the amount that I had out minus a dollar, so she just entered the original amount that I was paying with and then gave me my change.  Oy!  Everything always has to be an ordeal with peeps at these stores who don't know how to make an executive decision.  Anyway, this was kinda a milestone in my self-improvement journey as I used to be very timid with the social anxiety.  This time, I was quite commanding and not going to let these people bullshit me around.

Q:  Have you had interesting conversations with friends (other than me) lately?

A:  Well, not quite.  I had an interesting exchange via FB regarding the atrocious color that the nabes next door have painted the front of the house.  I have described it as Electric Neon Lox.  This set off many responses.  LOL

Q:  How's the exercising going?

A:  Like it always goes.  I try to do my regular routine a couple times per week.  I think I'm in pretty good shape for my age.  :)

Q:  What was that re-writing traumatic memories all about?

A:  Don't know.  I haven't located that article yet.  I'll have to go back into my web history and see if I can spot it.

Q:  How's Florida doing?

A:  Crazy as ever.  We're supposed to be getting a "cold front"  in the next few days.  The temperature should be going down by a degree or two according to the weather peeps.  :::rolls eyes::: 

Q:  Seen any good movies lately?

A:  Nope.

Q:  Have you ever thought of dying your hair purple?

A:  I have a spray can of purple temporary hair dye as a matter of fact.  I was wondering how it would look to dye just the roots that are growing out white and leave the rest dark.  It would be an interesting look, methinks.  ;P

Q:  Have you ever had a nickname?

A:  Yes.  Several over the years.

Q:  Do you think the person who leaves behind the poo is someone you know?

A:  No.

Q:  If you could travel back in time and take one thing with you, what would it be?

A:  That would depend on which period of time I was going back to.

Okay then!  That concludes today's Q&A with Xul!  Thank you for participating!  ;P

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Why Tink's good intentions were so bad(but it was fate)

~The path to hell is paved with good intentions.~

(I was half awake and half asleep thinking about this topic just before I got up this morning and wrote this, so if it's weird or incoherent, that's why.)

(And BTW, I've blacked out the spoilers, so highlight those parts if you want to see them.)

Pathological altruists think that because they believe themselves to be good, then all their good intentions are also good, regardless of the consequences.  If they had chosen to do the "bad" thing instead of the "good" thing, then everyone's lives would have actually been better.

When Regina went out to her balcony and was pounding the railing out of pain and frustration and the balcony railing broke loose and she fell, if Tink hadn't intervened, Regina would have been dead. She would never have become the Evil Queen and hundreds if not thousands of peeps lives would have been different.  Lot's of peeps not dead.

So Regina is saved from death. But then Tink used the stolen pixie dust to show Regina who her next true love would be.  What if Regina actually did go in to meet him?  Well then, likely she would not have killed the king, Snow would not have gone on the run as a bandit, she would not have met Charming, they would not have had Emma, Emma would not have had Henry, Hood would not have met Marian, they would not have had Roland, etc.

Tink's good intentions would have had drastic consequences for everyone's timelines.  It's like breaking the Prime Directive or going back in time and changing something.  It screws everything up in the future.  I think this is why the Blue Fairy was so angry with Tink and took away her wings and magic, because this was the second time she had done something like this.  (Probably the first time was giving pixie dust to Pan, but we shall see!)

Anyway, I think Tink saving Regina from falling to her death was supposed to happen. That was fated to be.

I initially liked Tink, but she did what she did without regard for the consequences, then got all pissy with Regina in Neverland because Regina didn't do what Tink thought she should have done.  You can't expect people to make decisions based on what you think is best for them.  What happened to Tink wasn't Regina's fault.  It was Tink's fault.  She chose to disobey the Blue Fairy and reaped the consequences.  And blaming Regina for also ruining her true love's life as well is 100% wrong in my opinion.  I don't think his life was ruined.  I think he lived his life as he was supposed to have lived it.  And he and Regina are not dead yet.  I don't think their relationship was supposed to have happened back then in FTL(see my comments in the thread below).  It's supposed to happen some time in the future.

I can't stand pathological altruism. This is part of the reason why I hate "good" characters so much: 

"...The corruption of the good by the belief in their own infallible goodness is the most bloody dangerous pitfall in the human spectrum. Once you have conquered all your sins, pride is the one which will conquer you. A man starts off deciding he is a good man because he makes good decisions. Next thing, he's convinced that whatever decision he makes must be good because he's a good man. Most of the wars in the world are caused by people who think they have God on their side. Always stick with people who know they are flawed and ridiculous." --Helen Fielding

"One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient. In fact, a man convinced of his virtue even in the midst of his vice is the worst kind of man" --Charles M. Blow

Sunday, October 13, 2013

OUAT 3.03 OM Effing G!!! WTF?!?

Holy crap, that was such a good episode!  And Arekinooooooo!!!!  You are sooooo lucky that you live six time zones away and I don't have your phone number or else you would have been awakened by me squealing like a little girl about who I thought Regina's love interest was supposed to be!!!  Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeee!!!!!! The guy with the Leeuw tattoo!!!  Of course, it turned out to be a big fake-out to me.  It wasn't the Dutchman after all, but someone else(not liking) even though he had a leeuw tattoo.  They certainly had me going there for a minute and I TOTALLY went into 13 year old girl mode.  Ya know, I don't think I've ever acted like a 13 year old girl before, even when I *was* a 13 year old girl, so that right there is definitely something!  ;P (In spite of my Evil Queen exterior, I'm just a big ol' sappy romantic at heart.  :)  )

So many feels!!! (Ya see, I'm still kinda in 13 y/o girl mode.  I need to stop hanging out with them on OUAT forums, it's rubbing off!  ;P)

LOL  Arekino is probably like, "What the hell has gotten into you?!?" 

It *really* was a good episode.  They are still stealing my life to make a TV show, but it's totally fine if they are giving me a happy ending.  ;P  I just hope it's not *that guy* that Regina hooks up with.  I don't like that pairing.  That is totally wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Not liking.  :(

There was just so much awesome in this episode and I can't talk about it because *spoilers*, but hey, strong performances, peeps admitting to wrong choices, character development, and a BIG surprise to me--showing that one character is a lesbian who has the hots for one of the princesses.  Not that that character being a lesbian is much of a surprise, but that they would introduce it on this show.

The not so awesome continues to be the craptastic CGI.  It is annoying.  I mean, c'mon!  This is supposed to be a Disney production.  Can't you all spare some coin to make the special effects a *little* better?

Anyhoo, next week's preview showed Peter Pan playing the Pan pipes.  So  :O  Didn't I say these writers play loose with mixing different characters?

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

I like this

Ah, so good of other peeps on the intertoobs to be just as obsessive as me when it comes to OUAT and the fabulous outfits that they have for Regina!  That way, they can do all the work of putting the pics on their sites and then I can come along and shamelessly nick them!

So here is that awesome ensemble which I totally loved that Regina was wearing somewhat toward the beginning of episode 3.02 .  I wasn't sure what this outfit was when I fist saw it, but someone somewhere said that it was some sort of sleeping attire.  Fabulous!  It's good to be Queen!
Sigh...just chillin' here with my apples and looking fabulous. So boring now that Snow is under the sleeping curse and packed away in her glass coffin.

Next pic, you can see the awesome-looking sleeves which first caught my attention.  I love that look.  And we can see that the robe is cinched in at the waist to show off one's figure.  The Magic Mirror is awesome as well.  It has the look of one of Dale Chihuly's glass sculptures--very organic and tentacle-like.

My Queen!  The sleeping curse has been broken!

Now we see the business end.  Note the heavy jeweling/beading on the bustier. (Click to...erm..embiggenify! LOL)  I can tell you from experience that something that heavily jeweled/beaded is indeed HEAVY.  Looks fabulous, though.  I love the ruffle embellishments on the lapels and sleeves, too.  This is one helluva sleeping attire ensemble.  I wonder who she was...*entertaining* the night before?


Anyway, the robe portion is what I'd like to have.  The bustier/corset is fabulous, but I don't think I could wear it many places.  ;P  It's too bad they never showed a full length shot of this outfit.  I'd like to have seen how long it was. Probably mid-calf to ankle length if I had to guess.  Hmmm...on closer inspection, the bustier/corset thingy might not be that at all.  It could be a very ornate nighty from the look of it.

**pics shamelessly ganked from the evilqueensclothes tumbler who in turn ganked them from another tumbler page  ;D