Friday, May 31, 2013

More vivid dreams, because those are the kind I like!

I had a dream a couple weeks ago that was a doozy and I wrote it down somewhere, but now I can't find where I wrote it.  You'll just have to be entertained by the one I had Last night!

It was strange. I was dreaming about sleeping.  I distinctly remember I was sleeping in a bed that wasn't my own.  I was awakened by the sound of two people having an animated discussion in another language.  I thought to myself how weird it sounds to be in another country where people aren't speaking English.  Then I felt that I wasn't alone in the bed.  It seemed that I had a sleep companion who didn't touch me all night.  I was a bit annoyed at that.  I wasn't aware that anyone was there until I felt the movement of someone getting up.  When he got out of bed, I could feel that I was in a water bed of all things.  I thought, "What's with this water bed?!"  I could feel the waves sloshing from side to side under me.  If you've ever been in a water bed, you know the feeling.  It's weird that as I was dreaming this I could feel the sensation of the water under me.

Then my companion came back with a small glass tumbler of water and offered it to me and set down a large-ish bowl next to me in the bed with some breakfast in it.  I don't recall what it was exactly, just that it was breakfast.  I was a little annoyed at that.  I didn't want the breakfast, I wanted a cuddle and maybe fool around a bit and was still annoyed at not being cuddled or touched during the night.  Then I was rudely awakened before this dream finished out.  :(

Monday, May 27, 2013

Movie Review

The movie John Carter was supposed to be based on A Princess of Mars.  I don't know how exactly they claim that.  It's the loosest of loosely based basings I've ever seen. They took the characters from Princess and some of the story elements and then a few elements from the second book of the Barsoom series, The Gods of Mars, and the Thern characters and made them into the antagonists.  It wasn't even close to being the story in A Princess of Mars.  And it helps to have read the first two books so you at least have some kind of clue as to what is going on.

One of the main criticisms that I heard about this movie was that in the books the characters were naked for the most part and in the movie they wear clothes.  Well, I don't have too much of an issue with that.  It is, after all, a Disney movie and PG rated if I recall correctly, and I don't think having all the characters naked would be conducive to a kid's movie.  Anyway, the armor and weaponry weren't too bad.  I thought the swords were pretty cool, too.

One thing that I liked was that they made Dejah Thoris a bit tougher and a scientist instead of just Princess Eye Candy.  In the books, she's like the helpless princess in the Super Mario games.  Every time the hero beats his way through enemies to rescue her, she's then whisked away and the hero has to fight through another level, and on and on.

Just as an aside, I started The Gods of Mars last night because I had read a review of the movie somewhere that mentioned that the movie took some elements from that book and I wanted to get a heads up.  I ended up getting through 11 chapters(before the movie started), but it was like I described before of it being like Super Mario.  It really was like reading a description of some platform video game, just level up, level up, level up.  I got tired of it after a while and skipped to the last chapter which ended in yet another cliff hanger.  :::facepalm:::

This book reminded me of early comic books and had the feel of old school Star Trek or Flash Gordon.  It was definitely written to appeal to adolescent boys.  The action was all a bit over the top for me to the point of it being unrealistic.  Yeah, I know it's a story about different societies on Mars and is far fetched to begin with, but I can suspend reality if the story is good,  but it gets old after a while with the whole Mario/platform feel of it.  I mean, come on already!  Can't John just rescue Dejah and they have a good shag and spend some time together before the next kidnapping/conflict/fight scene?  A Princess of Mars was a better book, IMO.

Anyway, back to the movie.  It actually wasn't *that* bad.  It was a bit confusing and felt rushed about a third of the way through.  And the romantic connection between John and Dejah just felt forced and unnatural.  It wasn't at all like the book. They were trying to cram too much into a two hour movie.  It did look good visually and I liked the steampunk feel of the flying machines and guns.  I also thought they did a good job on what Woola looked like.  I my opinion, they should have stuck closer to the story of A Princess of Mars because that was a pretty good story in my opinion and would have made a decent movie.

So my verdict:  Not the worst movie but not great.  It was just okay for me but the visuals weren't too bad.  If you see it, it's not a total waste of time.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A couple lists...

...that I ganked from a PD message board.  I thought they were interesting and they save me the time of having to do an actual post!

This first one is by someone named Jane Middleton-Moz.

Some characteristics of adults shamed in childhood:

1. Adults shamed as children are afraid of vulnerability and fear of exposure of the self.

2. Adults shamed as children may suffer extreme shyness, embarrassment and feelings of being inferior to others. They don't believe they make mistakes. Instead they believe they are mistakes.

3. Adults shamed as children fear intimacy and tend to avoid real commitment in relationships. These adults frequently express the feeling that one foot is out of the door prepared to run.

4. Adults shamed as children may appear either grandiose and self-centered or seem selfless.

5. Adults shamed as children feel that, "No matter what I do, it won't make a difference; I am and always will be worthless and unlovable."

6. Adults shamed as children frequently feel defensive when even a minor negative feedback is given. They suffer feelings of severe humiliation if forced to look at mistakes or imperfections.

7. Adults shamed as children frequently blame others before they can be blamed.

8. Adults shamed as children may suffer from debilitating guilt. These individuals apologize constantly. They assume responsibility for the behavior of those around them.

9. Adults shamed as children feel like outsiders. They feel a pervasive sense of loneliness throughout their lives, even when surrounded with those who love and care.

10. Adults shamed as children project their beliefs about themselves onto others. They engage in mind-reading that is not in their favor, consistently feeling judged by others.

11. Adults shamed as children often feel ugly, flawed and imperfect. These feelings regarding self may lead to focus on clothing and make-up in an attempt to hide flaws in personal appearance and self.

12. Adults shamed as children often feel angry and judgmental towards the qualities in others that they feel ashamed of in themselves. This can lead to shaming others.

13. Adults shamed as children often feel controlled from the outside as well as from within. Normal spontaneous expression is blocked.

14. Adults shamed as children feel they must do things perfectly or not at all. This internalized belief frequently leads to performance anxiety and procrastination.

15. Adults shamed as children experience depression.

16. Adults shamed as children block their feelings of shame through compulsive behaviors like workaholics, eating disorders, shopping, substance abuse, list-making or gambling.

17. Adults shamed as children lie to themselves and others.

18. Adults shamed as children often have caseloads rather than friendships.

19. Adults shamed as children often involve themselves in compulsive processing of past interactions and events and intellectualization as a defense against pain.

20. Adults shamed as children have little sense of emotional boundaries. They feel constantly violated by others. They frequently build false boundaries through walls, rage, pleasing or isolation.

21. Adults shamed as children are stuck in dependency or counter-dependency.

This second one can also be applied to those who were raised in a dysfunctional home.

Traits of an Adult Child of an Alcoholic, According to Tony A's List:

• Become isolated

• Fear people and authority figures

• Become approval seekers

• Be frightened of angry people

• Be terrified of personal criticism

• Become alcoholics, marry them - or both

• View life as a victim

• Have an overwhelming sense of responsibility

• Be concerned more with others than themselves

• Feel guilty when they stand up for themselves

• Become addicted to excitement

• Confuse love and pity

• 'Love' people who need rescuing

• Stuff their feelings

• Lose the ability to feel

• Have low self-esteem

• Judge themselves harshly

• Become terrified of abandonment

• Do anything to hold on to a relationship

• Become "para-alcoholics" without drinking

• Become reactors instead of actors

Many adult children of alcoholics lose themselves in their relationship with others, sometimes finding themselves attracted to alcoholics or other compulsive personalities - such as workaholics - who are emotionally unavailable.

Some AC will also form relationships with others who need their help or need to be rescued, to the extent of neglecting their own needs. If they place the focus on the overwhelming needs of someone else, they don't have to look at their own difficulties and shortcomings.

Often, adult children of alcoholics will take on the characteristics of alcoholics, even though they have never picked up a drink: exhibiting denial, poor coping skills, poor problem solving, and forming dysfunctional relationships.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


When I walked out to my mailbox yesterday and opened it up, I was shocked to find my Dead Pool prize in there!  Wow, that was quick!  Only 13 days since I won!  I got lucky twice, it seems.  I was the last of a batch of winners.  Her Stoatliness sends a bunch out at one time and I got in on the tail end so I got my winnings pretty quickly!

I was even more delighted when I opened up the envelope to find the drawing that I had requested.  How cool is that?  Like my friend Scottish W always says, "You have not because you ask not."  So I I've gotten into the habit of asking for things in the last few years.  Good things happen when you aren't afraid to ask!

And here's a close-up:

My scanner has been acting up so I took these pics with my camera.  That's why the quality isn't so sharp.

I'm also a bit late getting these posted.  I wanted to do it last night but we had some freaky-scary thunderstorms with torrential rain and wicked amounts of lightning.  So I didn't even attempt to use the computer.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Game of Galleons

One of the aggravating things about living where I do is that whenever there is a special event there is little to no publicity for the event.  Everything is top secret and you have to practically be a super sleuth or Forrest Gump your way upon it by pure accident.

Case in point:  Viva Florida 500.  This year is supposed to be the 500th anniversary of Juan Ponce de Leon's discovery of Florida and there are allegedly events throughout the year to celebrate.  You would think that this would be a kinda big deal, no?  I mean 500 years is a pretty big milestone, right?  Well, you'd be sadly mistaken if you thought that there'd be a lot of interest and hoopla.  I haven't seen a damn thing about any of it on any of the local news stations.  They're too busy promoting Urban Douchebag Week, I guess.  That's WAAAAY more important than some boring historical shit!

Anyway, I can't recall where I saw the original article, maybe it was in the free newspaper they toss in the yard every few weeks, but what caught my eye was that there was a replica of Ponce de Leon's galleon touring the state.  It had set sail from Puerto Rico and was making several stops in Florida.  As a big history buff, this greatly interests me.  I also love those big old wooden ships--very Pirates of the Caribbean!  So, in typical fashion, when I actually tracked down the schedule, it had already made it's stop in Miami (not a peep on the news) and is in Ft. Lauderdale this weekend.

From what I gleaned from several sources around the internet, there were only a limited number of tickets available for the Miami appearance and they sold out within minutes.  Now how anyone knew they were even on sale is beyond me.  They must have been insiders who knew some muckety-mucks at the Tourist and Visitors Bureau.  The Ft. Lauderdale appearance is a bit different.  They aren't charging for tickets, but they aren't making it easy to get them.  The ship is docked at the Bahia Mar Marina by the beach, but you have to go all the way to Downtown Ft. Lauderdale to the Visitors Bureau which is located in a nondescript office building, go up to the second or third floor, say some magic words, know the secret handshake, and hope there's some tickets left.  Everything always has to be a wild goose chase to do anything in this town.  I'm pretty sure it's deliberately meant to be discouraging just like the hoops you have to jump through if you want to tour a ship during fleet week.

So therefore, as much as I like history and historical things and big ol' replicas of old ships, I will not be seeing it in person.  So I'll offer you a picture that I snagged off the intertoob and another one of when I was just a wee Xul and I was having a good time at the old Spanish fort up in St. Augustine.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Half-assed post

Aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!!  I'm too tired to do a proper post tonight.  I wanted to yammer on about the Viva Florida 500 and how there is no publicity for events, OUAT and how it seems someone is stealing my fan-fic material, and some other crap that is escaping me at the moment.

But what I will say is that I managed to buy myself some Game of Thrones "PJ's" at Wally's for my birthday!  Woot!  Wally's never disappoints with the good scores.  I got the Stark insignia shirt for about 30% the cost of what it is online and a nice soft pair of gym shorts for little dinero. 
Too bad they didn't have the one of Tyrion slapping the shit out of Joffrey!  Hmmm, I can't seem to find a pic of that one, so here's a YouTube of it:

I also got around to returning my dad's many calls after he's been blowing up my phone over the stupid watch thing.  I wish I had never said anything.  I said that I'd find something since I'm very particular and he can just reimburse me.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Here is a pic of the pineapple upside-down cake that my mother wanted me to make for Mother's Day.  It's not really a good pic.  You can't really tell that the cake was about 4 inches high, but it was.  And it's not burnt on the top.  I lined the skillet with butter and dark brown sugar and the pineapple slices, pecans, and cherries first before I poured in the cake batter, so that's why the cake looks dark.

Actually, I was lucky to have gotten a pic of it at all.  My mother is extremely impatient--worse than a little kid--and can never wait for anything to cool down before cutting into it.  I didn't even say anything to her.  I just got my camera and took a couple pics.  I said as "proof" that I actually made the cake.  Amazingly, she wasn't suspicious.  She's usually suspicious of every little move I make--always looking for hidden motives in everything.  Funny that the one time I have an ulterior motive she didn't suspect.

The cake turned out very deliciously.  There is currently only a small round piece from the center left.  I also made a roasted pork shoulder for dinner.  It turned out to be the tenderest pork roast that I ever made.  Now I'll have the main ingredient for pork fried rice!  I've been craving Chines food lately.

Other than the cooking part, I got my mom a card.  An unexpected thing that happened today was my dad dropped by for a few minutes with a couple cards--one for her for Mother's Day, and one for me for my birthday--and a small box of chocolates.  Well, the card he bought for my mother was very similar to the one that I had bought.  Of course, my mother had to find fault and get all pissed off about it.  She has a special knack for finding offense where there was none intended.  I didn't see anything wrong with it, but of course I'm the asshole now because I didn't agree with her.  So all the cooking and nice things that I did for her don't count.  I'm the asshole.  No good deed goes unpunished, especially when you're dealing with a fault-finding NPD.  And BTW, I'm late posting this because she was chewing my ear off for the last 15 minutes running down people that she used to work with and building herself up.  How fun for me.  NOT!!!
Oh!  And I forgot to add the most laughable statement of the day from my mother:   When I showed her the box of chocolates that my dad dropped by and that it was meant for both of us, the says with a straight face, "Oh, you can have it all.  I don't eat candy."  o.O  My mother is the biggest sugar addict.  She asked me *specifically* to make that pineapple cake for her.  Last week she asked me to make a chocolate cake.  She eats ice cream bars All. The. Time.  She ALWAYS has some kind of sweets in the house that she eats 99% of, yet she doesn't eat candy?  And that's a big fucking lie, too!  Who's bag of Almond Joy bars is it in the freezer?  Don't eat candy my ass!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

OUAT 2.21

I enjoyed this episode and I don't give a damn what peeps on *that* message board think.  I'm getting tired of those idiots and especially the Comment Stazi.  Like I said before, one of the benefits of having my own blog is I can write whatever the hell I want and if anyone doesn't like it then they can fuck off because I'm not changing anything I say here to please the Thought Police.  

Anyway!  This episode had lots of action and had me waiting in anticipation during the bloody commercials.  There was a bit of everything--torture, ass-kicking, heroics, peeps getting shot, and Regina being a total bad-ass in the face of certain death--once again--and it was friggin AWESOME

Regina was all like, "Motherfucker! You had better kill me now!  'Cuz if you don't?  You are soooo FUCKED!  And not in a good way!  I am half Sicilian and half Puerto Rican and I will fuck your bitch-ass up!"  Okay, she didn't actually *say* that out loud, but her eyes let it be known.  We Regals know what *The Look* translates to!  It's like the Great Vizzini said in Princess Bride, "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"  Mua-hahahahahaha!!!!  (Actually, that scene *did* remind me of the scene in Princess Bride where Count Rugen was torturing Westley.)  And I must say, Regina certainly faces certain death like a Champ!(just like another time)  No sniveling, crying, groveling, or begging for mercy for her...defiant til the end!  That's mah girl!  And she *totally* head-fucked that dude and then laughed in his face!  I LOVED it!

I'm just hoping they don't do something stupid like make Regina the "tragic hero" and kill her off in the season finale.  I don't *really* think they'll do that since she's one of the main character, but these are the same idiots who did Lost so anything could happen.  And I hope they don't make it some awful cliffhanger although I'm sure that's what will happen.  It'll be someone getting "killed" in the process and then the stupid cliffhanger and waiting several months to find out what happened.

Friday, May 03, 2013


...and random thoughts on OUAT:

These are a few things I wanted to comment on from the past few episodes.  I've been letting them accumulate so that I could have a decent length post.

In the beginning of ep 2:17, the Talking Heads can be heard playing on the radio in the background.  This pleased meh.  I also liked the Groundhog Day vibe happening at the beginning of the episode.

In ep 2:18,  Snow is honing her archery skillz while listening to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts "I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation."  Not gonna spoil, but the *Blackhearts* is significant LOL   Joan Jett rules!  Xul approves.

And I don't recall if it was ep 2:17 or 2.18, but Regina's line to Snow when she (Snow) was coming into Granny's and Regina was leaving made me LOL..."You should try the special, it's right up your alley...blackened sole." But the way she said it, "buh-lackened soooole" was too funny.

In ep 2:19,  while "Lacey" is shooting pool, Metallica is playing in the background. Niiiiice.  Then there was the exchange between Rumpel and Regina.  Rump bursts through the door at the Mayor's office(Yeah, since the curse is broken things just don't run themselves any more, and the two idiots really suck at boring things like administration and paperwork, so *somebody* has got to do it. LOL) and confronts Regina, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH BELLE?!?"  "Do I look like a one-handed pirate with a pistol?" Regina calmly retorts while doing paperwork at her desk. She's all like ho-hum, yawny-yawny.  LOL  I *love* their scenes together. (And I doubt I've spoiled anything there.  By the time some of you get to this episode you'll have forgotten what I said here.)

Ep 2:20  Snow has quite the ninja skillz.  On the other hand, the Queen isn't shit without her magic.  Hell, even Rumpel can use his cane to put the smack down when needed. But Regina?  Poor thing is useless and has no self defense skillz.  Looking fabulous will only get you so far.  It's very important when being a villain that you have more than one skill set.  Magic is great and all, but take it from ol' Xul, ya gotta have some other skillz!  [She *does* have equestrian skillz, though, while Xul is greatly vexed by horses.]

I was noticing Snow's archery skillz.  Well, it's Ginny's skillz to be exact.  Whoever taught her how to shoot with a bow did a good job and Ginny was a good student.  She was using good form and it came across well on screen.

Not to toot my own horn, but The Great Xul has *awesome* skillz as well as the ability to look fabulous!  I've got bow and arrow skillz, javelin/spear skillz, sword skillz, battle axe skillz, morning star flail skillz, nunchaku skillz, throwing star/knives skillz, gun skillz,  'splosives skillz, a great mind for ingenuity, problem solving skillz, fix-it skillz, and the ability to stay unnaturally calm when the shit is hitting the fan.  That last one is more a gift than a skill, but it comes in handy!  ;P

Unfortunately, I don't possess any magic.  I had to explain that one to my mother just yesterday.  For some reason she thinks that I can just magically appear whenever she calls.  Sorry, I'm not Rumpelstiltskin.  I can't just appear in a poof of purple smoke  Just. Like. That.  I have to physically get up from wherever I'm at and physically walk to where you want me to be.  It's all very tedious and unfair, I know.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

OUAT 2.20 Analysis

Okay, since *someone* was dying of anticipation waiting for my OUAT episode 2.20 analysis, here it is!  I'm just going to address a few things that were brought up on the OUAT message board before I get to my own special review of the episode The Evil Queen.

1.  Villains becoming dumb, heroes dumber  Yes.  I have noticed this, too.
2.  One villain has become Wile E. Coyote  Yes.  Hit by a car, knocked out numerous times, beat up, survived a 8-10 meter fall, smacked around by a re-annimated character(reminded me of Evil Dead or Army of Darkness) and yet comes out of all of this mostly unscathed.
3.  Story lines are getting schizophrenic  Yes.  That's what happens when this series is written by a damn plethora of different writers.  How is it ever going to be consistent when so many people are writing and they are making it up as they go along?
4.  Why can't it be more like Game of Thrones?  Because Game of Thrones was written by ONE GUY, George R.R. Martin, and it is based on books that have already been written.  The stories are already established.  They are not making it up as they go along.  See #3 above.
5.  Regina is a psychotic, psychopath, schizophrenic, homicidal maniac but sees herself as the good guy and everyone else is evil.   No!  Not exactly!  True, she's murdered quite a few people and doesn't see herself as the bad guy, but clinically speaking she's not a psychopath or schizophrenic.  Some of her traits are: cognitive dissonence, dillusional, dissociation, entitlement, sees self as victim, impulsive, "lacks conscience" i.e. preoccupied with own agenda, objectifies Henry, pathological lying, proxy recruitment, threats, scapegoating, etc, etc, etc, which is...drum roll please!  Classic Malignant Narcissist!  And since her mother was one as stands to reason.

Okay then.  On to my expert analysis!

"Sweetheart, don't you think the genocide was a bit much?"  That's what I was thinking when Regina had her soldiers slaughter a whole village when they wouldn't help her find Snow White.  Okay, maybe it wasn't *exactly* genocide--it was *just* a massacre--but it was a wee bit over the top in my opinion.  I know the episode is titled "The Evil Queen" and we are going to be showed just *how* evil, but come on!  This is supposed to be Disney!

That was the most disturbing part of the episode.  What bothers me about the way they have written Regina is that there isn't any real progression from her being the nice young girl to full blown Evil Queen mode.  It was all too sudden.  There should have been a more natural progression into it.  It's not realistic in my opinion.  You just don't go zero to Evil Queen in 2.5 seconds.  Now chronologically, I'm assuming this episode happened a bit after the Queen had King Leopold killed, so it's a good 10 years after she was forced to marry the king?  Plenty of time to become unhinged but they never showed a gradual progression on the show.  Therefore, wholesale massacre comes off a bit shocking, especially after the first half of the season we see Regina trying to rehab herself.

Now, back to item #1 up everyone has The Dumb.  One scene where our "heroes" discover that *someone* did *a very bad thing* and spoiled all the work that they had been doing(but *I'm* not spoilin'!) and one of them exclaims, "Who could have done this?!"  Seriously?  You have *no* idea who could have done this?  None at all?  NONE?!? Don't even care to take a guess?   :::facepalm:::

And now for a little 'Scenes As Told By Xul'...

[***explanation of "As Told By Xul" from the Comments of Posts Past ***
...I got to thinking about one particular scene and how it was just so 'WTF?' that I started cracking myself up doing a "Retelling According to Xul" and I was cracking myself up so bad that I'm going to do two more scenes "As Told by Xul" and hopefully you'll see the humor. (It's funny cuz I imagine it the way I'd be having a conversation with my sister...we used a certain vernacular like we were straight out of the Roseanne show or Beavis and Butthead...a sorta early '90s teenager dialect...and it makes me LOL.]

Regina at Rumpelstiltskin's Castle just after the slaughter:

Reg:  Rumpel, I'm soooo pissed!  Why don't these stupid peasants love me?
Rump:  Can't imagine why after you slaughtered a whole village.
Reg:  This sucks!  No one will help me find Snow White.  I guess I'll have to do it myself.
Rump:  Can't see ya having any trouble wearing *that*. /sarc (Regina is looking fabulous wearing a super awesome ensemble of tight black leather pants, black riding boots, stunningly awesome ruby-colored floor-length coat--tailored at the waist to show off the curves, and a black fez worn at a jaunty angle.)
Reg:  Hey, I know!  Teach me my mother's shape-shifting spell!
Rump:  That took her *months* to learn.  In a week you might be able to change your hair style.
Reg:  Well, screw that!  *You* change me.  Then I can walk amongst the peasants and learn why they love Snow so much and hate me!
Rump:  Okay then!  But you won't be able to use magic if ya get into trouble!  :::POOF!:::
Reg:  Oh, total ripoff!  I don't feel any different, just that I'm wearing these awful rags!
Rump:  But look in the mirror here.  This is what everyone will see.
Reg: (Looks in the mirror to see she's now sporting some massively frizzy hair with dreads)  :::shock face!!!:::   [This reminded me of Dead Like Me where the characters look normal to the viewer but "other people" on the show see them as someone else.]
The scenes between Lana and Robert are great.  You can tell they are having a blast playing their characters and antagonizing each other.  It's great fun to watch.

Regina and Henry scene:
R:  Hey, Henry
H:  Hey ma, what's up?
R:  You'll never believe it!  Just LOOK what David, Mary Margaret and Emma have been up to!  They were ________(trying not to spoil)and they think I'm evil and were going to leave without me!  That's so not cool!
H:  No way!
R:  I'm tired of being the Evil Queen.  They made me that.  So check this out...why don't you and I blow this taco stand and go back to the Enchanted Forest?
H:  Sounds good, but how do we do that?
R:  Well, I sorta built in a fail-safe to the curse...
H:  What, like a self destruct button?
R:  Yeah!
H:  So what happens to Storybrooke and everyone in it?
R:  They all die.  But it's totally cool though, cuz you and I will be together!
H:  Are you fucking whacked?!?
R:  No,'s totally cool.  It'll be awesome.  You and I will be together and no one will be able to bother us because they'll all be dead!
H:  O.o     NO!  IT'S NOT COOL!
R:  Okay then. :::sigh:::  I knew you'd take that the wrong way. (pulls out mother's spell book, erases Henry's memory with wave of her hand)
H:  Hey, ma, what are you doing here?
R:  Just came to see you sweetie!  Cool bird feeders ya got there.

[okay, *maybe* Henry didn't say "fucking."  He's 11 y/o after all and Regina raised him better than that.]
Don't worry, I'm not really spoiling anything cuz Regina was just talking *plans*  and you know how *those* work out!  The whole thing made me like   O.o   too, cuz she's like 'I don't want to be the Evil Queen' and then is going to kill everyone.  Cognitive dissonance much?

Now, last one.  Regina back at Rump's castle after reconnaissance:

Reg:  (storms through Rump's door, all pissed off)
Rump:  Sorry, I already have a maid!  She's working out quite nicely if ya know what I mean!  :::wink, wink, nudge, nudge:::
Rump:  I said you could call.  I never said I'd come and get you!  :::Rumple giggle:::
Reg:  (Blows by Rump in a huff)
Rump:'re mingin'!!!  Don't you peasants use soap?!?
Reg:  Just change me back already!  I can't even get back into my own castle!
Rump:  :::POOF!:::
Reg:  Damn, those peasants are SO whack!  How could they love someone as evil as Snow.  I'm tired of being nice to them.  The Queen is dead.  Long live the *Evil* Queen!  That'll show 'em!

This was another fun scene.  Lana and Robert have great chemistry together.  And the Queen is just batshit insane delusional at this point.  It's so over-the-top that you're just like WTF?  But it's so much fun to watch.  Ya just can't take this show too seriously if you're to enjoy watching it.  In spite of what anyone else thinks, I pretty much enjoyed this episode.  There were a lot of good scenes.

I already looked at a few spoilers to know that the "new" villain characters don't succeed in killing my favorite villain.  I'm just anxious to see how it all plays out.  I'm sure Emma and Snow will come to the rescue.  I'm just curious if Regina will turn back to good guy status after all the upcoming drama.