Friday, May 03, 2013


...and random thoughts on OUAT:

These are a few things I wanted to comment on from the past few episodes.  I've been letting them accumulate so that I could have a decent length post.

In the beginning of ep 2:17, the Talking Heads can be heard playing on the radio in the background.  This pleased meh.  I also liked the Groundhog Day vibe happening at the beginning of the episode.

In ep 2:18,  Snow is honing her archery skillz while listening to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts "I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation."  Not gonna spoil, but the *Blackhearts* is significant LOL   Joan Jett rules!  Xul approves.

And I don't recall if it was ep 2:17 or 2.18, but Regina's line to Snow when she (Snow) was coming into Granny's and Regina was leaving made me LOL..."You should try the special, it's right up your alley...blackened sole." But the way she said it, "buh-lackened soooole" was too funny.

In ep 2:19,  while "Lacey" is shooting pool, Metallica is playing in the background. Niiiiice.  Then there was the exchange between Rumpel and Regina.  Rump bursts through the door at the Mayor's office(Yeah, since the curse is broken things just don't run themselves any more, and the two idiots really suck at boring things like administration and paperwork, so *somebody* has got to do it. LOL) and confronts Regina, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH BELLE?!?"  "Do I look like a one-handed pirate with a pistol?" Regina calmly retorts while doing paperwork at her desk. She's all like ho-hum, yawny-yawny.  LOL  I *love* their scenes together. (And I doubt I've spoiled anything there.  By the time some of you get to this episode you'll have forgotten what I said here.)

Ep 2:20  Snow has quite the ninja skillz.  On the other hand, the Queen isn't shit without her magic.  Hell, even Rumpel can use his cane to put the smack down when needed. But Regina?  Poor thing is useless and has no self defense skillz.  Looking fabulous will only get you so far.  It's very important when being a villain that you have more than one skill set.  Magic is great and all, but take it from ol' Xul, ya gotta have some other skillz!  [She *does* have equestrian skillz, though, while Xul is greatly vexed by horses.]

I was noticing Snow's archery skillz.  Well, it's Ginny's skillz to be exact.  Whoever taught her how to shoot with a bow did a good job and Ginny was a good student.  She was using good form and it came across well on screen.

Not to toot my own horn, but The Great Xul has *awesome* skillz as well as the ability to look fabulous!  I've got bow and arrow skillz, javelin/spear skillz, sword skillz, battle axe skillz, morning star flail skillz, nunchaku skillz, throwing star/knives skillz, gun skillz,  'splosives skillz, a great mind for ingenuity, problem solving skillz, fix-it skillz, and the ability to stay unnaturally calm when the shit is hitting the fan.  That last one is more a gift than a skill, but it comes in handy!  ;P

Unfortunately, I don't possess any magic.  I had to explain that one to my mother just yesterday.  For some reason she thinks that I can just magically appear whenever she calls.  Sorry, I'm not Rumpelstiltskin.  I can't just appear in a poof of purple smoke  Just. Like. That.  I have to physically get up from wherever I'm at and physically walk to where you want me to be.  It's all very tedious and unfair, I know.


Anonymous arekino said...

"buh-lackened soooole" was too funny.

And it's an actual recipe... for Eviiiiilllll... :)

By the time some of you get to this episode you'll have forgotten what I said here.

Yeees, Great Xuuuul... I will have forrrgotttenn what you said heeeeerrrre.... :P

'splosives skillz

You're just talking about fireworks, right?

the ability to stay unnaturally calm when the shit is hitting the fan.

Oddly, sometimes I feel like that's the only time I'm actually calm. :) There's a sense of purpose and direction at those moments. Very zen, probably.

Saturday, May 04, 2013 3:00:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

And it's an actual recipe... for Eviiiiilllll... :)

Makin' me hungry now. I could go for a nice fish dinner. ;)

You're just talking about fireworks, right?

Maybe. ;P Theory is different than practice for any gubmint types out there monitoring meh. ;P

So Arekino, how did the transfer of power go the other day? How's the new King?

Speaking of power, ya know what my mother tried to do the other day? Such a presumptuous control freak.
She came in my room and saw my class ring (Miskatonic U ;P) with the two dragons and amethyst stone(the color of Dark Magic) and tried to bogart it. "Oh, what are you doing withMY ring?" she says. "That's not your ring!" says me. "But it fits me!" (oy vey, as if I don't have different size fingers and one of my rings might happen to fit one of her fingers.) Me: "That's *MY CLASS RING*. You don't have a class ring." Her: "Oh, if it's not mine, then where did you get it?" :::facepalm::: Me: "A catalog." aggravating!

In other news, I've been re-reading The Prince and I read Dreams in the Witch-House last night. It's all good source material for OUAT fan-fic writers. ;P I'm just surprised I didn't have any wild dreams last night as a result! You readin' anything fun?

Saturday, May 04, 2013 3:35:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

How's the new King?

I can't really tell. We never noticed much of the queen before she abdicated. I expect we won't notice much of the king either. aggravating!

Yes, very.

I've been re-reading The Prince

By Machiavelli?

You readin' anything fun?

I'm reading Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks.

Sunday, May 05, 2013 6:25:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Have the thunderstorms taken out your intertoobz connection? If so, it's ridiculous how often that happens. Gosh, just a bit of rain and poof, bye bye world wide web?

It's the above ground cable network, I bet.

Anyway, nothing much happening on this end of the Atlantic. I had a visit from my youngest nephew yesterday. We watched Doctor Who together and he seemed to like it. My sister seems to think he's got some kind of autism disorder but I can't see how that can be the case. He's got some learnin' troubles in school, sure, but he's a smart kid and, hey, school is bloody boring, right? At his age, anyway.

Okay, well, see you when your connection is back - if it's down, if not then... I guess you can just surf... stuff... :)

Sunday, May 05, 2013 2:53:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

We never noticed much of the queen before

Now, ya see, that's not right. If I was a Queen I'd want full authori-tyyy and I'd *most definitely* be noticed! ;P

By Machiavelli?

The very same. :D

Have the thunderstorms taken out your intertoobz connection?

Not today(Sunday). I was busy doing random crap around the house and getting things ready for my mother's surgery on Monday(ridiculously early in the morning, I might add) and didn't get around to getting on the 'toobz.

It's the above ground cable network, I bet.

Yeah, the bastards don't fix shit around here. We had been complaining for 10 years, (Yes. TEN. WHOLE. YEARS.) for them to fix the rotten telephone poles behind the house. Luckily for us, Hurricane Wilma took care of that. Then it took a team from West Virginia to come down and put new poles in. No one ever fixed any of the wires and connections, though. The box out back is STILL missing the cover. So every time it rains, the 'toobs literally fill up with water and everything gets all fucked up.

school is bloody boring, right?

Absolutely! School is jail. The modern system was designed as a minimum security detention facility to house the kiddies while the parents worked during the day. It's bullshit. I am in the "gifted" category and I *still* hated school. The kid likely has nothing wrong with him other than being a typical boy(and there's nothing *wrong* with that IMO). I hate how everyone is so brainwashed these days into thinking that if someone doesn't fit into the arbitrary construct of "normal" then they MUST! have some disorder. :::shakes head:::

Anyhoo, OUAT was exxxxcellent tonight! I'll comment on that later...maybe do a post. And now I know why Lana was in Florida a few weeks ago. :)

I've also been getting my Lovecraft on--read Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Ex Oblivione, and The Call of Cthulhu last night. :O

Sunday, May 05, 2013 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

my mother's surgery on Monday

...the consequences of which will probably spill over into the next day. :(

the 'toobs literally fill up with water

Can't you send some county/city inspector on their bastard asses?

School is jail.

After my high school decided to build a metal fence around the building, we the students came up with a "joke". "What's the difference between our school and prison? The phone number" Ha. Ha.

ow I know why Lana was in Florida a few weeks ago. :)

Are you stalking *her* now? I thought you were stalking *me*? Disappointeeeeeed ;P

getting my Lovecraft on

I read a comic book based on his work not so long ago. He was a bit of an odd fella, that Lovecraft, wasn't he? :)

Monday, May 06, 2013 3:23:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

...the consequences of which will probably spill over into the next day. :(

Oh, most certainly. :( She *could* go to the office that is 5 minutes from the house to get her bandage removed but she had an *issue* with the workers there and had difficulty finding parking so now we always *have to* go to the office 7 miles from here because 'the parking lot is a hassle' at the close office. :::facepalm:::

Can't you send some county/city inspector on their bastard asses?

Government "workers" hate having to do their job even more than the bastards at AT&T. You get the run-around no matter who you bitch to. The easy solution would be to get satellite internet and then I wouldn't have to deal with these local bastards but it's "technology" and my mother is like Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer from SNL---the technology, it's strange and frightens her! :::double-facepalm:::

Are you stalking *her* now?

No, she live-tweets the show and sends out other tweets to her fans. Seems she was filming a commercial for the newly revamped Fairy Tale Land at Disney World in Orlando. I saw the commercial during Sunday's OUAT. She was really funny/awesome in it.

I thought you were stalking *me*? Disappointeeeeeed ;P

Oh, c'mon Arekino, you're the only one I really want to stalk! ;P

He was a bit of an odd fella, that Lovecraft, wasn't he? :)

Yes, but I love the way he wrote. The vocabulary is absolutely luscious! And he's on the same wavelength as me on the subject of dreams. :O

Monday, May 06, 2013 4:47:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Happy birthday, Xul! Did you get the ecard? I tried to find something more or less appropriate. (obviously I wish I could offer something better but, really, what else is there?)

Have you gotten any time to celebrate with what's going on with your mother and such?

Fairy Tale Land at Disney World in Orlando.

Is that just for kids or is it more OUAT level fairy tales? I'm guessing the former since it's Disney.

you're the only one I really want to stalk! ;P

I'm flattered, my evil queen. :)

I am having some serious hay fever troubles, I think. I don't usually have any trouble with pollen AFAIK but today has been tough. My throat is hoarse from sneezing. There's a tiny little waterfall coming out of my nose and I'm practically drowning in moist, sticky tissues. Gaaaaah.... Do you happen to know any quick remedies? I could really use one.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013 3:31:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Did you get the ecard?

Yes, thank you! :)

Have you gotten any time to celebrate with what's going on with your mother and such?

It's been all about her today. I just got home about an hour ago and am finally trying to relax. Gotta go pick up another rx later. :/

Had a weird experience at the doc office--one of the nurses was asking me if I was a boxer(I was wearing a Tapout t-shirt)and I told her I do martial arts and she got all excited like she was talking to a famous person or something when I was telling her about what styles I do. It's always weird to me like when peeps go mental about my artwork.

Is that just for kids or is it more OUAT level fairy tales? I'm guessing the former since it's Disney.

It's the Disney ones, but it's still fun for the overgrown kids! ;P BTW, when I was looking for something in my mother's file cabinet, I found 3 Disney tickets from like 20 years ago and they still have 2 days left on them! One thing about Disney is certain tickets don't expire. I'd have to contact guest services and see if they can do something for me there.

I'm flattered, my evil queen. :)

:D mijn schatje!

Do you happen to know any quick remedies?

Sorry you're having *issues*. ;P One thing that I like to do is flush my eyes out with saline solution and take a good snort up each nostril. Can you get a good probiotic? If so, I'd suggest you start taking that, the immune system starts with the gut and it's good to have healthy gut flora. Maybe do a bit of a phase 1 diet for a couple weeks? Green tea is always good for your general well being. Hope that helps!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:26:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

when peeps go mental about my artwork.

I suppose it's weird when people go mental in general. It's positive attention though. :)

they still have 2 days left on them!

You should definitely go. Did you go there 20 years ago? Or was that just your mother? I remember a pic from you being there, I think.

Sorry you're having *issues*. ;P

You name 'm, I got 'm, sister :P I got a really good night sleep and my "issues" are 95% less severe today. Pollen levels are down significantly as well according to a website that tracks them. Weird, I never get hay fever.

How was the rest of your B-day? Hopefully not a complete disaster? Surely you had cake at least?

Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:40:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

How was the rest of your B-day?

Arekino! You'll never believe what happened! Hopefully not a complete disaster? No! Well, it's a sorta bad news/good news deal. The bad news is that Ray Harryhausen died on my birthday. The good news is that I had him as my pick in the Dead Pool! So I won an original doodle by Her Stoatliness! Of course, when I heard the news, I went over to that website and the proprietor said no one had won. I was like WTF? I could have *sworn* I picked him. I checked, I *did* pick him and said as much in comments then I got the confirmation today that I had indeed won. Just a bit of an oversight on her part. Woo-hoo! You peeps on the other side of the Atlantic made my b-day not a total disappointment. (You were the only one to send me a card BTW. Petrichor thinks you should give me a b-day shag, though. ;P )

Did you go there 20 years ago? Or was that just your mother?

I must have went with both my old peeps. But the very last time I went was for H/S graduation and we had Florida resident passes for that. I still have the expired "passport" as a souvenir. These tickets must have been from a few years before then.

If I was to go again it wouldn't be with the old woman. She ruins the fun in everything and always has for as long as I can remember. I'd only go with someone I really like, and that person is a 13 hour plane ride away. :(

I got a really good night sleep and my "issues" are 95% less severe today.

That's good! I forgot to mention yesterday that elderberry is good for allergies. Just don't ingest the stems and leaves cuz they have cyanide and you could have a permanent solution to those *issues*. :/ Blossoms and berries are fine IIRC. They make a nice tea(or booze ;P). Glad you're feeling better! :::hugs:::

Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:59:00 PM  

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