Tuesday, May 21, 2013


When I walked out to my mailbox yesterday and opened it up, I was shocked to find my Dead Pool prize in there!  Wow, that was quick!  Only 13 days since I won!  I got lucky twice, it seems.  I was the last of a batch of winners.  Her Stoatliness sends a bunch out at one time and I got in on the tail end so I got my winnings pretty quickly!

I was even more delighted when I opened up the envelope to find the drawing that I had requested.  How cool is that?  Like my friend Scottish W always says, "You have not because you ask not."  So I I've gotten into the habit of asking for things in the last few years.  Good things happen when you aren't afraid to ask!

And here's a close-up:

My scanner has been acting up so I took these pics with my camera.  That's why the quality isn't so sharp.

I'm also a bit late getting these posted.  I wanted to do it last night but we had some freaky-scary thunderstorms with torrential rain and wicked amounts of lightning.  So I didn't even attempt to use the computer.


Anonymous arekino said...

Cool. Why did you ask for this particular drawing again? I think you told me but I can't remember.

What's with the bloody fingerprint on the certificate?

freaky-scary thunderstorms with torrential rain and wicked amounts of lightning.

That actually sounds kinda cool. I like thunderstorms :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:53:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Why did you ask for this particular drawing again?

I won off ol' Ray Harryhausen of Clash of the Titans fame. What better way to commemorate than a severed gorgon head a la Clash?

What's with the bloody fingerprint on the certificate? It's the biometric seal of authenticity! ;P

That actually sounds kinda cool.

The blowing tropical storm force winds and heavy rain were not cool. It was a bit scary at times. I'm surprised there wasn't any damage. One particularly close lightning strike sounded like multiple bombs going off. I'm just glad there were no tornadoes to go along with it. I had the misfortune of having roof damage due to a tornado some years ago. It was very, very terrifying being in a house being hit by a F-1 tornado. I can't imagine what those peeps in Oklahoma are dealing with after that massive F-5. :(

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 5:17:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

BTW, your Breda trip seemed like quite an adventure! Did you participate in any of the mosh pit action? LOL I can just imagine you at a heavy metal show--that's more to my liking. ;P

You are a brave man to spend the night in a squat with bohemian types. Good thing you didn't have to deal with prying old peeps at the time. Don't you love it when you are invited to do something by peeps and drama ensues and then weirdness and then they just bail on you and leave you stranded?

This whole story would make a good horror short story, actually. Like having this night of adventure and then when you wake up the next morning everything has disappeared, like you were partying with ghosts or something. :)

BTW, the metal band wasn't Six Feet Under, was it?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 7:34:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I can't imagine what those peeps in Oklahoma are dealing with after that massive F-5. :(

Well, yes, that's pretty terrible. The only way I'd feel safe living in that area is if my house was underground or a pyramid made of reinforced concrete.

Did you participate in any of the mosh pit action?

Not precisely. I spend most of my time somewhere near the edge of it. My colleague and her BF jumped right in there though. I had a good view of it and spend most of my time keeping people at a comfortable distance.

Good thing you didn't have to deal with prying old peeps at the time.

And I never told them about it either.

and leave you stranded?

Yes, but oddly I never felt things had gotten out of hand. I just really trusted my colleague who I figured had lots of experience with these kinds of situations.

the next morning everything has disappeared,

I guess I should be glad I didn't wake up in a bathtub full of ice with my kidneys missing ;P

BTW, the metal band wasn't Six Feet Under, was it?

I don't really remember but it may have been Peter Pan Speedrock... or maybe they had cancelled and some other band had taken their place... It's all a bit hazy.

There are some details I left out like having to pee in a public open air - very exposed - "toilet" at the festival and the amount of pot people were smoking there and one of my female colleagues' musician friends making a pass at her at the convent (which I pretended not to have noticed). An interesting evening it was.

What are you going to do with the drawing? Frame it maybe? Hang it on a wall?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 12:28:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

house was underground or a pyramid made of reinforced concrete.

It boggles my mind how short-sighted most people are. That is fucking *Tornado Alley* and IMO *ALL* homes and businesses should have underground storm shelters at least.

At least when it happened here(in the middle of the night I might add) I had my basement to get into. That was fun--being awakened by the sound of all hell breaking loose and groggily making my way down stairs. :(

I have to wonder how a reinforced concrete geodesic dome would fare?

And I never told them about it either.

I find that that is always the best course of action. :)

having to pee in a public open air - very exposed - "toilet"

Ahhh...the infamous public open air toilet! I've seen those on travel shows. Americans steer well clear of those! LOL I don't even like using the Jiffy John. Did I ever tell you about the Flugtag toilet situation?

the amount of pot people were smoking

That's a discouraging factor to me. I have a *very bad* reaction to that shit. I'm kinda like the Reavers from the Serenity movie. I don't get mellow, I get raving lunatic homicidal when I smell that shit.

What are you going to do with the drawing?

I would like to frame it and the Official Certificate of Winning with a nice matted frame but then it would be known that I play Dead Pool. So I guess it will be going in my photo album with the other one until a later time. :/

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 1:00:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I have to wonder how a reinforced concrete geodesic dome would fare?

It would be easier to build a normal dome, I think. A geodesic dome with concrete ribs doesn't seem so great.

Did I ever tell you about the Flugtag toilet situation?

No, but that sounds like it might be an interesting story. :)

I get raving lunatic homicidal when I smell that shit.

Just the smell of it gets you that way? That's good to know ;P But seriously, it's not like it was mandatory to smoke it. I didn't and lots of other people didn't. There were people from all walks of life there actually. Young, old, rich, poor, hippies, goths, conservatives, New Agers, metal heads...

my photo album

Does this tome contain the fabled History Of the Great Xul? :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 2:28:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

A geodesic dome with concrete ribs doesn't seem so great

I was thinking a reinforced concrete foundation with steel ribs. Not sure what material to put between. Maybe 50 meters from my house is a church which is a geodesic dome. I'm not sure of the building material...probably wood/concrete.

No, but that sounds like it might be an interesting story. :)

Okay, so I think they said the head count at the Flugtag was 70,000 peeps. With an event that size, the promoters are required to have toilet facilities to accommodate. So there was an area near the concessions where there was a couple rows of Port-o-Potties/Jiffy Johns and they even had porto-sinks there, too. Well, those things tend to get pretty nasty since they're basically a glorified shit-bucket.

One of my neighbors that I went with was brave and used one of the Jiffy Johns. Then used the porto-sink. I wasn't going to use ANY of it. Only God knows what water source was used to fill up the porto-sink. It had a "non-potable" sign on it after all. Sorry, but if it's not safe to drink, I don't want it on my hands, either.

When it finally got time for me to make pee-pees, I chose to walk all the way down to the Bayside Marketplace (maybe 200-250 meters) and used the bathroom there. At least those were real functioning toilets and sinks and they were maintained and not too nasty. Yeah, I'm a toilet snob! LOL ;P

Just the smell of it gets you that way?

Yes, it makes me very sick and I want to eliminate the source. ;)

it's not like it was mandatory to smoke it

It's kinda like the "no pee-ing end" of the swimming pool then? ;P You don't really have a choice about smelling it if it's in public. :( I'm fairly libertarian leaning and I don't care if people smoke until their lungs turn black but don't do it around me.

Does this tome contain the fabled History Of the Great Xul? :)

It's a sorta scrapbook that I started back in high school that I put memorable things in--pics of me and friends, events, sports tickets, playbills, autographs, etc. :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 5:51:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

a church which is a geodesic dome

That actually looks kinda neat. Oddly sci-fi for a church. :)

I'm a toilet snob!

I used to be one as well (and to some extent I still am) but because of work conditions I got used to some rather less than ideal toilets. One time, I had no choice but to use the toilet at a local kindergarten. After asking permission, a child led me to their facilities. Unfortunately the toilets there were child sized as well. o_O I really had to go so I made do.

people smoke until their lungs turn black

That reminds me of those pics I saw in biology class of smokers' lungs with all the tar inside them. :(

Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

That actually looks kinda neat.

You've seen it? Are you *stalking* my location, Arekino? ;P

It was trendy in Florida back in the 60's and 70's to have dome homes and structures. There are a few around town that I know of off the top of my head. That church dome was an addition to the original building. I remember when they built it--probably late 70's/early 80's.

I remember the shock and horror the first time I ever saw urinals in the men's restroom. LOL IIRC, it was a class field trip to a local park and as little girls do, just like little boys, we were daring each other to do different things and one dare was to go into the men's restroom. Well, I was bold as brass around my peers so of course I went in. I don't know why it was so shocking, just not what was in the ladies' restroom.

Ya know that little trick that I know how to do? I actually got that idea from Crazy Blogger. She wouldn't tell me how to do it but referred me to a website that had the how-to. She used to laugh about how funny it would be to go into a men's restroom and straddle up to a urinal and freak out the guys. All bullshit talk IMO. I doubt that she's ever have the *balls* to do it! ;P LOL (there was a scene in The Full Monty where one of the chicks does that) Much easier with a skirt. ;P

Thursday, May 23, 2013 2:42:00 PM  

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