Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Here is a pic of the pineapple upside-down cake that my mother wanted me to make for Mother's Day.  It's not really a good pic.  You can't really tell that the cake was about 4 inches high, but it was.  And it's not burnt on the top.  I lined the skillet with butter and dark brown sugar and the pineapple slices, pecans, and cherries first before I poured in the cake batter, so that's why the cake looks dark.

Actually, I was lucky to have gotten a pic of it at all.  My mother is extremely impatient--worse than a little kid--and can never wait for anything to cool down before cutting into it.  I didn't even say anything to her.  I just got my camera and took a couple pics.  I said as "proof" that I actually made the cake.  Amazingly, she wasn't suspicious.  She's usually suspicious of every little move I make--always looking for hidden motives in everything.  Funny that the one time I have an ulterior motive she didn't suspect.

The cake turned out very deliciously.  There is currently only a small round piece from the center left.  I also made a roasted pork shoulder for dinner.  It turned out to be the tenderest pork roast that I ever made.  Now I'll have the main ingredient for pork fried rice!  I've been craving Chines food lately.

Other than the cooking part, I got my mom a card.  An unexpected thing that happened today was my dad dropped by for a few minutes with a couple cards--one for her for Mother's Day, and one for me for my birthday--and a small box of chocolates.  Well, the card he bought for my mother was very similar to the one that I had bought.  Of course, my mother had to find fault and get all pissed off about it.  She has a special knack for finding offense where there was none intended.  I didn't see anything wrong with it, but of course I'm the asshole now because I didn't agree with her.  So all the cooking and nice things that I did for her don't count.  I'm the asshole.  No good deed goes unpunished, especially when you're dealing with a fault-finding NPD.  And BTW, I'm late posting this because she was chewing my ear off for the last 15 minutes running down people that she used to work with and building herself up.  How fun for me.  NOT!!!
Oh!  And I forgot to add the most laughable statement of the day from my mother:   When I showed her the box of chocolates that my dad dropped by and that it was meant for both of us, the says with a straight face, "Oh, you can have it all.  I don't eat candy."  o.O  My mother is the biggest sugar addict.  She asked me *specifically* to make that pineapple cake for her.  Last week she asked me to make a chocolate cake.  She eats ice cream bars All. The. Time.  She ALWAYS has some kind of sweets in the house that she eats 99% of, yet she doesn't eat candy?  And that's a big fucking lie, too!  Who's bag of Almond Joy bars is it in the freezer?  Don't eat candy my ass!


Anonymous arekino said...

Wow, that is one gorgeous looking cake! Well done! I am literally salivating just from looking at that picture :)

Funny that the one time I have an ulterior motive she didn't suspect.

In fairy tales, a dragon is sometimes distracted with an offering of food :)

building herself up.

Yeah, I would expect NPDs to love arguments from authority, as long as they're the authority.

Don't eat candy my ass!

I guess she doesn't want stuff from your dad. Which is remarkable since she seems to have a food addiction.

Anyway, she's the asshole, not you.

Sunday, May 12, 2013 5:33:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Wow, that is one gorgeous looking cake! Well done!

Thanks! If ya ever come to Florida I'll make ya one! ;P

That was a 12 inch heavy cast-iron skillet it was baked in, so good size cake. It was a miracle that I managed to flip it out of the skillet and onto the tray and it stayed completely intact and I didn't drop the whole shebang.

I guess she doesn't want stuff from your dad

Funny you'd mention that...a while later, her GC Stazi informant called and she regaled him about her eye surgery and how they "completely destroyed" her eye.(Whoever did the anesthesia wasn't as gentle as the last time and left a big bruise under her bottom eyelid and she had a bit of bleeding from the actual incision. It wasn't as bad as she makes it out to be, it's just that it wasn't without complication like the other surgery.) She "can't see anything" either, which is funny, since the very next day when she went to the doc for him to check it, she could read down to the line on the eye chart for 20/80 vision, which is waaaaaaay better than the vision of either of my eyes. (My mother is a first class exaggerator.) So while she's telling all this to Stazi and that my dad brought by the cards and chocolates, Stazi informs her that she shouldn't eat those chocolates because he probably tampered with them or put poison in them. LOL

This was not the case. As crazy as my dad is, he isn't going to poison something that is for me as well. The chocolates were still sealed in their original packaging. My family is full of nut-jobs.

she's the asshole, not you.

Yes, she is. When she was regaling me earlier about how she's so great and the past co-workers were all shit, I was getting visibly annoyed(because I was trying to finish this blog post on the sly) and tried to cut her short. Well, that got her all pissed off because how dare I, a mere peon, interrupt her and try to cut her off. So in classic nasty NPD fashion, her parting response was, "When I am gone...[dramatic pause] will think about how you treated me." Irony is completely lost on this one. She treated me like shit all day, then has the nerve to say this. o.O

Anyway, I hope you had less stress and drama for Mother's Day on your end. You were left in peace for most of the day, yes? How did everything fair for your old peeps?
Did they all have a good time lamenting Arekino the Antisocial Jerk? LOL ;P

Sunday, May 12, 2013 7:05:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

GC Stazi informant

Is that her boyfriend? What does GC stand for? Hm, Urban Dictionary isn't helping :)

Stazi informs her

If Stazi was serious about that then I don't think he knows your mother very well.


You know, when you first used it I thought regaling meant something bad but I looked it up and apparently you were being sarcastic :)

[dramatic pause]

LOL That is so funny. You mother is such a caricature. ;P

You were left in peace for most of the day, yes?

Yes, it was nice to have some alone time.

How did everything fair for your old peeps?

Sure, they had a ball.

Did they all have a good time lamenting Arekino the Antisocial Jerk?

I didn't ask. Didn't really want to know. Better that way, I think.

Monday, May 13, 2013 4:59:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

What does GC stand for?

Golden Child. Family member(not ostracized) who she enjoys talking to.

If Stazi was serious about that

He's an idiot and can be as dramatic and histrionic as my mother. I was thinking the same thing, "You didn't *seriously* come up with that?" :::face-palm:::

regaling Yes, "entertaining" with lavish stories. I always use that word sarcastically when I use it. In fact, I've only ever heard it used in a sarcastic or disparaging way. I guess it's a Florida thing.

You mother is such a caricature. ;P

When she said it, I was thinking 'no I won't' and trying to hold back a smirk.

Soooooooo did you spend your "free" time with the old peeps away? I can just imagine a whole party of old peeps...good choice on passing that up! :)

BTW, season finale of OUAT last night. It wasn't that great and somehow I screwed up recording it so I'll have to remember everything from memory when I do my write-up. :/ No one died, which was good IMO, but the new baddies now have a bunch of heroes and magical beings hot on their kinda reminds me of a Fairy Tale version of The Avengers. LOL

In other news, I had a dream a while back where I was in a theater(a fancy one--kinda looked like The Olympia downtown)and Regina came in and sat on one side of me and then Ian McKellan dressed as Magneto sat on the other side. I got woken up before it finished and I was like WTF? I have the weirdest dreams! LOL

Monday, May 13, 2013 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

how did you spend your "free" time with the old peeps away?

I watched some movies. Exercised a bit. Enjoyed the silence.

I can just imagine a whole party of old peeps

Well, there were younger people as well. I know my sister's family was there.

Fairy Tale version of The Avengers.

That's one of the movies I watched. :)

I was like WTF

Maybe Regina and Magneto are compensatory parent figures in your subconscious?

Monday, May 13, 2013 1:57:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Exercised a bit. Enjoyed the silence.

Exercised?!? O.o ;P Enjoying the silence is a very rare thing around here. It's a very precious commodity IMO. :)

Maybe Regina and Magneto are compensatory parent figures in your subconscious?

I can understand dreaming of Regina since I watch OUAT all the time and she's my favorite character, but Magneto was right out of left field since I'm not at all into comics. I'll watch the new comic book based movies but they're not something I'd beat down the door for. It was just so...unexpected. It'd be cool to have them as parents in real life, though. What amazing possibilities! LOL

Sooooo, was The Avengers any good? I've seen some good reviews but I trust your opinion more. :)

Monday, May 13, 2013 2:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xul, I wish you would ask Arekino to be a guest-blogger on your blog. Given the lengthy comments he leaves on each post, he practically co-writes your blog anyway! :-)

That is indeed a very impressive looking cake! I didn't know you were such a talented baker!

I also didn't know that your mother has NPD. You might have hinted at it before, but I don't recall reading such a large post about your mother. It would be interesting to read more about her, or do you prefer not to think about her?

Monday, May 13, 2013 5:08:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

@ Petrichoric

I've formally asked Arekino before if he would like to guest blog and he turned down the offer. He's my unofficial main commenter/co-blogger, though!

And thank you for the compliment on the cake! It seems I'm naturally talented when it comes to baking. :)

I also didn't know that your mother has NPD

It's not an official diagnosis, but everything I've read concerning it describes my mother to a T. She also seems to have a couple other co-morbid PD traits as well.

or do you prefer not to think about her?

I'd prefer never to have to write about her. It's just that sometimes she aggravates me so badly that I have to vent, and my blog is the perfect forum!

Monday, May 13, 2013 6:40:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

was The Avengers any good?

It was fun. It had some great scenes. There are some details about the ending I didn't like but those are no reason to not see the movie. I'm looking forward to Iron Man 3, I hear it's really good.

I guess Petrichor should really read more of your blog articles. You've done much more than just hint at the extent of your mother's behaviour.

One of the reasons that I prefer not to write articles on your blog is because I feel this is *your* blog and it seems wrong to make it about me in such a way. I do enjoy commenting of course :)

The other reason is that I even if I wanted to blog, I couldn't, because nothing ever happens to me... Oh, well. :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 3:20:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

It was fun

Hopefully, my dish provider will have some free movie channels on soon and I'll get to see some of the new superhero movies.

I do enjoy commenting of course :)

And I enjoy your comments! :)

I'm kinda pissed about something and now I feel like a chump. I initially gave my dad the benefit of the doubt about the card he gave my mother and was annoyed with her reaction to it. Well, it turns out she was right and my dad *was* taking a passive/aggressive swipe at her.

He called my phone a couple times and when I returned his call, he wanted the info about the watch that I had wanted. (I had mentioned it to him when he dropped by and he said he would see if the Wally's near him had it.)

So I gave him the info I had gotten off that website. Then he gets all coy and smug and says to me, "So what did you think of the card that I got your mother?" I played dumb and asked for qualification. Well, it turns out that he was being an asshole all along and was very pleased with himself over it. *Then* he has the nerve to say to me that *I* always called my mother the Queen of Denial. Well, I never said any such thing. His lawyer used to say that about my mother when my parents were getting divorced.

My dad is SUCH and asshole! I feel duped for giving him ANY benefit of a doubt. I guess since I haven't been around him in 18 years I forgot just how bad he is.

It's really fucking pathetic that someone can be divorced from a person for 18 years and STILL be so obsessed with trying to get in insults and won't just fucking let the past go already. What a sick fucker!

And that's what is such a head fuck--even with the issues I have with my mother and her behavior, everything she says has a basis in reality. My dad OTOH just makes shit up to suit his delusional version of reality.

God I wish I had normal parents! :(

Hey Arekino...maybe you could cheer me up with some pics taken around East of the Woods? ;P

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 4:10:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I played dumb and asked for qualification.

Okay, but what was up with the card?

maybe you could cheer me up with some pics taken around East of the Woods? ;P

Good idea! It'll get me out of the house. I'll have to find some neat places to take pics of. I have a phone with a camera these days so I don't even have to bother with using my parents camera.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 5:26:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

but what was up with the card?

It was one of those cards where it says that you're Queen for the Day but it had a dog on it wearing a crown. My mother told me it was a swipe because his family used to say that my mother thought she was better than everyone and that she thinks she's royalty. And then my dad tells me the "Queen of Denial" thing. Ya know, as bad as my mother may be at times, my dad and his family are worse. I should start busting on him and not just my mother because there's plenty of blame on both sides for all the bullshit that went on in my childhood.

I have a phone with a camera these days

Cool! When did you get that? Just about anything would be interesting subject matter IMO because it is all very different than what I have around here. :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 5:49:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

When did you get that?

A while ago. I took that pic of my shoes in winter with it.

Dammit, it's raining. I was gonna go on a bike ride and take pics. Maybe just some in-house pics then?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 4:51:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Maybe just some in-house pics then?

Whatever ya wanna do! I was trying to dig through some old pics last night to find the ones from a b-day party when I was a kid and my mother made a life-size Captain Hook piñata. Then there was the time at Disney when the dude dressed as Captain Hook came out and I went totally mental because Hook was my *most favorite* character and I got to take a pic with him.

I couldn't find any of those. I *did* manage to find the pics of the b-day party where my mother made the life-size R2-D2 piñata. I think you'd probably like to see that one! :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Whatever ya wanna do!

Okay, well, 2 fresh pics are in the mail then.

I think you'd probably like to see that one! :)

Sure, bring it on. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having read the comments you left about your dad, Xul, I have to say that, culturally, I think we're all encouraged to put more blame on the mother when fathers should have to shoulder some of it, too. In my case, my mum was the one who was the most overtly "bat shit crazy" but my dad had some very fucked-up passivity and codependency issues going on that certainly didn't help matters much.

The thing your dad did with the card was really petty!

Sorry if I haven't seen some of your other posts about your mother. I do disappear from the blogosphere for a while sometimes, so maybe that explains it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 5:02:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...


It's okay if you don't read all my posts. ;) I was no contact with my dad for about 10 years after he and my mother divorced. He did some truly despicable things and I didn't want anything to do with him. He is also prone to violence and mindless, irrational things when he's raging.

About 7 years ago, I got talked into resuming contact with him by a few different people. (Now I'm starting to regret it.) Even so, I'm extremely limited with the contact. After not being around him for almost 20 years, the past bad behavior sorta fades a bit. I'm not one to dwell on the past like he does and I sure as hell don't let my life be consumed with the past like him. I don't need to get revenge for perceived wrongs like he does. Who the fuck wants to live like that?

He's a very sick person. This past incident just brings it all back front and center. What the hell kind of person stays obsessed with getting in petty shots at their ex after nearly 20 years? And yes, he is one of the most petty people I have ever known.

It's just that I feel foolish for giving him the benefit of the doubt and blaming my mother for her reaction to it. She always says that she knows him better than anyone! He will go to his grave being an asshole because he loves being that way.

I really should write about some of the crazy-ass shit that he has done but I really hate thinking about it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 5:34:00 PM  

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