Cock Flavored Soup
So tonight I had to go to Wally World with a Certain Somebody and as usual it was taking much longer than I would like. For some reason I found myself wandering down the ethnic aisle. I can't remember what the hell I was looking for when I happened to look up- and lo, and behold- there it was! COCK FLAVORED SOUP. Hence, the following exchange:
CS "Is someone calling you?" (as I'm scrambling to get out my cell phone to take a picture)
Xul "No."
CS "Why are you smirking? What's so funny?"
Xul "Look!" (Pointing, which was all I could manage since I was cracking the hell up.)
CS "Oh, for Christ's sake. I can't believe you're actually taking a picture of it." (Says CS with that disapproving tone.)
Well, I don't care. I think it's funny. And yes, I know I have the sense of humour of a 13 year old sometimes.