I really am shite at this blogging business. I'm not a natural writer to begin with. I've never journaled or even particularly cared for writing for that matter. I initially started this blog to get revenge but decided that that wasn't the greatest idea after all but decided to keep the blog because it would be a good outlet for venting...and that's how most people use a blog anyway.
So, on to a little venting.
I'm fairly sure I only told about three people who I know in real life about my blog and I don't think any of them read it, so the ones I'm going to bitch about most likely won't be reading this. And if they do, I don't think I give a flying fuck at this point. Plus, I make everything I write about vague enough as it is.
One thing about me is that I'm loyal almost to a fault. If I become close friends with anyone, I'm a friend for life, unless of course, you fuck me over or are a completely self absorbed, one way street who couldn't give five minutes of attention to anyone except your own pompous, arrogant self.
I have know these two people for 15 and 13 years, respectively. The first since high school and the second since university. What really pisses me off is that I have known how self absorbed they both are for almost as long as I've known them but I've always been the one to go the extra mile to stay in touch or whatever, so that is my problem. Like I said, loyal to a fault. But now I'm quite tired of it.
I'd almost thrown in the towel, but last year they sent me a Facebook invite and I grudgingly accepted. I was so pissed off that I nearly didn't accept; I hadn't heard anything from them in almost a year and a half up until then despite my having emailed on numerous occasions. I mean, come on! Who the fuck doesn't have time to respond to an email! I really had given up, then, the stupid invite and I got sucked back into it.
I really have had it, though. These are people who are notorious for never following through on anything that they say. If they say that they are going invite you to something, don't hold your breath. The invite will never come. If they say they are going to call you back? Forget it. Don't wait by the phone; that call will never come. One time I made an
international long distance call to them and they told me that they couldn't talk because they had friends over. What the fuck?! You see those friends every week but you don't have time for me when I'm paying for the fucking call? Oh, hell no.
I'm done with it. The very last straw was recently when I sent an email and got a very smug, condescending reply. One thing I really can't stand is smugness. So the both of you can fuck the hell off.