And if it's a kinky Easter, it will surely be a happy one as well. Maybe I can show the Hawt Brazilian all the creative things one can do with peeps and chocolate eggs. Mmmmmm.
This fellow doesn't appear to be having a very good day. Prolly run doon by a bearded dude in a white SUV. That's what you get for trying to steal the J Man's thunder!
well for the luvva fuck! HELLO! If I hadn't been going back through my comments i would have never seen you! and then i come here and it's all excellent and shit, and i said, like 'whoa', you know, how you say 'whoa!' sometimes? so then i went and read back for a bunch of posts and it was all pretty excellent, right, and then i had this thought, see? so i whupped back up to your linklist and sure enough there i was! 'Whoa!' i say that a lot, but i mean, whoa! and then i saw that we have all these degenerate acquaintances in common too, so i was like completely tripping by then, right? so, wow! here you are! you, my friend, are going right on my super secret undercover linklist!
now don't fuck up, a'aight? cuz if you fuck up you're off. i don't play. not that i expect you to fuck up but you never know about some people; they'll just be going all along la di dah, oh look at me, im blogging, doo di doo, blog blog blog, and then suddenly they just FUCK UP and you have to get brutal. i hate to do that; i mean not really but it's a nuisance. as long as you keep me happy (you could send me a case of Red Stripe; that would go a long way towards pleasing me) i'll be reading this and leaving hugeass long comments that ramble on and on. you wanna see a picture of my dog? i have pictures of my dog. his butt too. of course, he's dead now, but when he was alive i took a bunch of pictures. you could see them.
Hey FN, welcome to my humble wee blog! Thanks for stopping by; I'm a bit inconsistent with the posting (and commenting), but what'evs. And I don't do too much blog pimpin'/link whoring, so if you got a linky-poo from me it must mean you got some quality shit.(Oh, yeah, those brownies were most excellent, BTW)
yeah, and you know what? after you left, you wanna know how long it took me to clean the dried whatever smears off my chrome dancing pole? WEEKS, knudson. 'STEEL WOOL', knudson.
well for the luvva fuck! HELLO!
If I hadn't been going back through my comments i would have never seen you! and then i come here and it's all excellent and shit, and i said, like 'whoa', you know, how you say 'whoa!' sometimes? so then i went and read back for a bunch of posts and it was all pretty excellent, right, and then i had this thought, see? so i whupped back up to your linklist and sure enough there i was! 'Whoa!' i say that a lot, but i mean, whoa! and then i saw that we have all these degenerate acquaintances in common too, so i was like completely tripping by then, right?
so, wow! here you are! you, my friend, are going right on my super secret undercover linklist!
now don't fuck up, a'aight? cuz if you fuck up you're off. i don't play. not that i expect you to fuck up but you never know about some people; they'll just be going all along la di dah, oh look at me, im blogging, doo di doo, blog blog blog, and then suddenly they just FUCK UP and you have to get brutal. i hate to do that; i mean not really but it's a nuisance. as long as you keep me happy (you could send me a case of Red Stripe; that would go a long way towards pleasing me) i'll be reading this and leaving hugeass long comments that ramble on and on. you wanna see a picture of my dog? i have pictures of my dog. his butt too. of course, he's dead now, but when he was alive i took a bunch of pictures. you could see them.
so, yeah.
Hey FN, welcome to my humble wee blog! Thanks for stopping by; I'm a bit inconsistent with the posting (and commenting), but what'evs. And I don't do too much blog pimpin'/link whoring, so if you got a linky-poo from me it must mean you got some quality shit.(Oh, yeah, those brownies were most excellent, BTW)
That last picture reminded me of the time I stayed at FN's hoose, I am feeling rather sad now.
yeah, and you know what? after you left, you wanna know how long it took me to clean the dried whatever smears off my chrome dancing pole? WEEKS, knudson. 'STEEL WOOL', knudson.
Do either of you know my friend Fuzzy ?
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