Nekkid and Crazy
That Naked and Afraid program is back on. The other night I caught the episode where the two clearly insane people attempted to spend three weeks nekkid in the mosquito infested Everglades. Ah-hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Dudes! You're fucking mental!!! I'm a Native Floridian and I know better than to go and do something so foolish. But bless their hearts, they sure did try. They ate all sorts of nastiness like water moccasins(and their eggs), nasty non-native armored catfish, and even an alligator. The chick had to quit after she got intestinal parasites from cooking stuff in nasty parasite-ridden apple snail shells. The dude at least finished the challenge.
They got rained on(summer deluges LOL) and were surrounded by giant alligators, nasty water moccasins, panthers, and God knows what other horrible critters. Every time I see this show, the peeps are always in some fetid swamp or nasty jungle. I *hate* humid nasty places. For the right price I *might* be persuaded to attempt something like this *only* if it was with Arekino and in De Veluwe. I think the worst things there are wild hoggies and I would make them into delicious BBQ. ;P
Here are some peeps enjoying themselves nekkid and unafraid in a cozy sauna at Sauna & Beauty De Veluwe.
If you have to rough it, that's the way to do it. ;P
They got rained on(summer deluges LOL) and were surrounded by giant alligators, nasty water moccasins, panthers, and God knows what other horrible critters. Every time I see this show, the peeps are always in some fetid swamp or nasty jungle. I *hate* humid nasty places. For the right price I *might* be persuaded to attempt something like this *only* if it was with Arekino and in De Veluwe. I think the worst things there are wild hoggies and I would make them into delicious BBQ. ;P
Here are some peeps enjoying themselves nekkid and unafraid in a cozy sauna at Sauna & Beauty De Veluwe.
If you have to rough it, that's the way to do it. ;P
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No alligators in this water. ;P |
For the right price I *might* be persuaded to attempt something like this *only* if it was with Arekino and in De Veluwe.
So what is that price and are you really that comfortable with public nudity?
No alligators in this water.
And yet there seems to be something to eat. ;P
So what is that price
::does best Dr. Evil voice:: One hundred million dollars. ::raises pinky to corner of mouth:: ;P
are you really that comfortable with public nudity?
They blur out the T & A for American TV. ;P (and if you had forgotten, I *have* been working out ;P)
And yet there seems to be something to eat. ;P
You're bad. I see I chose wisely. ;P
There are also no poisonous water snakes. I suppose there are probably mosquitoes in the actual Veluwe, so that wouldn't be too good. :/ The rest of it doesn't look too perilous. ;)
Ya know, I just thought of something...I think I'd get kinda bossy in that survival situation. I'd like to see Arekino-san's reaction to that. ;P ;D
In other news, QoH had to get her car tags renewed and the one had to get a new plate. Also her handicap placard was due for renewal. If she had mailed it in it would have been free for the placard and just the renewal fees for the tags, but she is too paranoid to pay by check and send it in the mail so she insisted on going to the tag agency. It ended up costing about $11 in fees to get it done there. :/ Pisses me off. Does your govt shake you down every year for new license renewals for your car? And then make you get a new plate every few years? Everything in this damn country is a shakedown. >:(
I think I'd get kinda bossy in that survival situation.
Does your govt shake you down every year for new license renewals for your car?
No. What kind of license are you talking about? A driver's license? We do have to get a new one of those every 10 years, I think.
And then make you get a new plate every few years?
No, never. The plates that were on my car when I bought it will always be on there probably. They came with the car when the first owner bought it.
Ehm... Seen any good movies lately? :)
Well, when I was a kid I had to play by myself a lot, and one of the things that I used to do was build huts and tree fortresses out of all the vines and shrubbery and make shoes from melaleuca bark and such. So I tend to get bossy when it comes to areas of expertise. ;P
I was curious as to what the Indians used to ward off mosquitoes so I did a little digging on the toobs last night. Not only did I learn the name of the very common weed(Dog Fennel)but I learned that it can be used as a mosquito repellant. I learned that yarrow can be used as well, but I don't think we have that in S FL. You you have yarrow over there?
What kind of license are you talking about?
It's a little yellow sticker that has to be purchased and put on the plate every year.
BTW, while in the Tag Agency, they had numerous tags from all the different states displayed on the wall. I noticed that the slogan on the plate for Washington DC was "Taxation Without Representation". Fucking bastards. They aren't even subtle about how they screw the citizens over. And I know that that is the actual DC plate because I've seen a couple of them before. What a bunch of bastards to mock the revolutionary slogan which was "NO taxation without representation" like that. I fucking hate these politicians here. They are vile.
Ehm... Seen any good movies lately? :)
LOL No, I can't recall any. They haven't had any decent ones on lately. I just caught the end of a documentary about Kung Fu movies a few minutes ago. I don't recall the title.
So I tend to get bossy when it comes to areas of expertise.
Okay, if we ever get into a situation like that then I'll make myself king and appoint you to the position of head fortress builder and head shoe maker. ;P
You you have yarrow over there?
We do. It´s called 'Duizendblad' (Thousandleaves) and it's sold as a tea that promotes peeing and lessens menstrual cramps.
I fucking hate these politicians here. They are vile.
You should go into politics and make things better. :)
I'll make myself king and appoint you to the position of head fortress builder...
King, eh? Did some moistened bint lob a scimitar at you? ;P
But seriously, these peeps on these shows make the worst damn shelters I've ever seen. And there was no excuse for that in the Everglades because there are palmettos and cypress trees everywhere.
sold as a tea that promotes peeing and lessens menstrual cramps.
Hmm, a multi-use plant. I shall have to further investigate it. :)
You should go into politics and make things better. :)
I should be appointed Queen. No rigged elections and I could rule as I see fit. ;P
Did some moistened bint lob a scimitar at you?
That's a really obscure reference. Good thing I also have an external memory or it would have gone over my head.
I shall have to further investigate it.
Perhaps you should. But be careful, okay? :)
I should be appointed Queen.
And how would you convince people to do that? :)
That's a really obscure reference.
No it's not! Anyone who likes Monty Python Holy Grail would know it immediately. ;P
an external memory
O_o ????
And how would you convince people to do that? :)
Well, just tell them that what we have now isn't working too well and I could do much better. ;P
BTW, Arekino, are you some kind of Incubus or something? I was having the best sexy times dream starring you just before I woke up. You were getting me all worked up embarrassingly quickly and then you ripped my underpants off me in one swift go and were just about to go down when all of a sudden QoH was there and ruined everything. >:( A cock blocker in dreams just as in real life. ;P It was a really long dream with lots of other stuff happening, too. Not just sexy times. :) We were in your neck of the woods and after QoH interrupted I was suddenly fully dressed again and went outside to walk around and then talked to a bunch of random people just shooting the shit kinda stuff. Weird.
O_o ????
Yes, really. I've named it "Google". Seemed like a fitting name. ;P
all of a sudden QoH was there and ruined everything.
If this ever happens in real life then you should just look her straight in the eyes with all the defiance you can muster and let me go about my sexy business. Make her see how much you're enjoying yourself. :D ;P
then talked to a bunch of random people
How random exactly? They weren't people you know?
Dammit, forgot to fill in my name.
look her straight in the eyes with all the defiance you can muster and let me go about my sexy business.
At that point I had already been divested of my shirt and pants(then unceremoniously my undies). LOL That's what happens when you make comments like "And yet there seems to be something to eat. ;P" That gets lodged in my subconscious and then dreams of oral pleasuring happen. ;D
Make her see how much you're enjoying yourself. :D ;P
I was certainly enjoying myself. ;P ;D
How random exactly? They weren't people you know?
Just random residents it seemed. I didn't know them. They brought up something about the 'biggest private home' complaining that it was an eyesore and that 'you can see it from here' and then pointed into the distance and sure enough there was a big 'home' that looked like some sort of square castle or something. The other thing was the buildings didn't look like ones in the NL, they looked more like ones from Prague(because I had looked up something about Prague a week or so ago, I guess).
BTW, bad news...the party for next weekend was cancelled. Well, our services were cancelled. I'm sure the party is still on. Peeps are being cheapskates. :(
then dreams of oral pleasuring happen.
Nom nom nom. :P :b :P :b :d :b :d :b :D ;P
our services were cancelled.
Well, damn. That sucks. Any other gigs in the foreseeable future?
BTW, my shrink (psychotherapist actually, he's not really a psychiatrist) is going to talk to my doctor about medication for me. My doctor will probably refer me to an actual psychiatrist. The talking therapy doesn't seem to be working a very well so I guess it's time to try a different approach. I wonder if they'll check for a physiological cause for my psychological symptoms first.
Nom nom nom. :P :b :P :b :d :b :d :b :D ;P
LOL ::shakes head, rolls eyes:: ;P
Any other gigs in the foreseeable future?
Nope. :(
going to talk to my doctor about medication for me.
Ya know, it really irritates me that doctors always seem to go to prescribing pills for everything. Seems like the easy way out for them instead of trying to get to the root of the problem. I guess it's an easy way for them to look like they are doing something when in actuality they aren't doing a damn thing. >:(
In other news, Halt and Catch Fire returned last night! :) It's fun to see a show about the beginnings of modern computing/gaming/etc. I was a bit too young to have been interested in those things when they were just beginning. Salem was interesting, too. :)
And while I was waiting for those 2 shows to start, I caught a couple episodes of Naked and Afraid. I caught the tail end of one that took place in Guyana. That looked like hell to me as it was often well over 100F (one day it was 111! D:)and very humid. Another one was in the Indian Himalayas. Those peeps could have utilized the abundance of pine and pine needles in better ways.
The new episode was on an island in Thailand. Those peeps did very well(the best I have seen so far). They didn't have to worry about starving to death as there were an abundance of coconuts and bananas to eat(and the dude was catching rats as there were an abundance of those as well). The chick was a vegetarian and wouldn't eat the rats. I wouldn't eat rats either(since they are diseased vermin)as long as the fruits were available. By the end the dude only lost 5 pounds and the chick 15(which is kinda average for the chicks). It looked like there were also Indian almonds and taro around as well, but I guess they didn't know they could eat those. It's hard to tell since the show is heavily edited. They didn't have to make a shelter as there was a cave. It didn't seem like they made any attempt to fish or beach comb(but the show is edited, who knows?). That kind of island had an abundance of resources and I would have done many other things. The dude seemed the better of the 2 as far as survival skills and all the things he did. I approve of him. :)
BTW, I see your previous nom nom nom and raise you a nom nom nom. ;D
Seems like the easy way out for them instead of trying to get to the root of the problem.
Well, what if the root of the problem is physiological? It would take medication then, right?
I caught a couple episodes of Naked and Afraid.
Why do they have to be naked? They blur out the interesting parts anyway. :P
and raise you a nom nom nom.
I googled that image and it came up with the term "beef curtains". So... is there something you want to tell me? ;P
It would take medication then, right?
I would like for them to do some appropriate testing first. If medication is then required, I'd be fine with that. I just don't like the whole 'medicate first' mentality.
Why do they have to be naked?
I guess to make things more difficult or as primitive as can be?
They blur out the interesting parts anyway. :P
They don't blur out ass cheeks. But if there are dangly bits from the rear view they blur those. ;P
So... is there something you want to tell me? ;P
As a matter of fact I *have* had beef tongue before and it was quite delicious. ;P ;D LOL
I was actually looking for something in particular that was a bit different than that, but when I saw that pic with a certain snarky comment attached I nearly literally spewed a mouthful of koolsla all over my computer. ;D
QoH puts too much onion in her koolsla. Raw onion seems to make my lady bits get oniony almost immediately after consumption as well as make my breath reek. :/ What about you? ;P
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