Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I strongly dislike shopping with a certain person

Ugh.  I was out for most of the day Tuesday(dealing with the old woman's glasses). The eyeglass shop was in a mall.  I have not been in a mall in ages. The wait for the glasses was 1 hour 15 minutes, so what the hell! Might as well see what other shops were there!

I went in a Spencer's.  I think the last time I was in one of those was maybe 10 years ago. They always had a "naughty" section, but now the whole store seems to be the naughty section.  It used to just be naughty birthday cards and beer glasses and things, but now they are selling vibrators and such right out in the open. I guess kids these days need their vibrators. And bongs. They have bongs now.

Luckily for me, I popped in there while the old woman was still in the eyeglass shop and I popped out before she came in. I don't want to have to explain that store to her.  ;P

We ended up walking the length of the mall and back.  Didn't buy anything, but went in a couple shops and looked around.  Afterward, we went to the nearest Sam's for a few things and then a Publix and then came home.  Six hours in total. That is waaaaaay too much one on one time with the old woman.

In other news, I got a thing for Thursday!  Someone croaked so my services are required.  ;D

Sigh, I really wanted to do a new post that was positive and not a bitchy one.  It seems I'm always bitching about something.  I had a really great experience last night and I'd like to share it and give credit where credit is due, but I'm too tired to write that post right now.  So someone remind me later, okay!  ;P


Anonymous arekino said...

I guess kids these days need their vibrators.

They're all into safe sex these days. :)

And bongs. They have bongs now.

For what? AFAIK good old Mary Jane isn't legal in Florida. But it's okay to sell drugs paraphernalia?

I don't want to have to explain that store to her. ;P

Oh, come on. Couldn't you just sorta casually lead her into that shop and then take a picture of the expression on her face? ;P

Six hours in total.

Seriously? Six hours of shopping? Was your mother trying to set a record or something? :O

In other news, I got a thing for Thursday!

Great! that *is* good news. :)

Someone croaked so my services are required. ;D

We have a saying in my country. "De één zijn dood is de ander zijn brood." :)

Sigh, I really wanted to do a new post that was positive and not a bitchy one.

Meh, I liked it.

So someone remind me later, okay! ;P

You are hereby reminded. You go girl! :P

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 4:13:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

They're all into safe sex these days. :)

Truthfully, I prefer them diddling themselves and not reproducing more morons.

I was just really appalled at the level of vulgarity on display. When I was a kid, Spencer's was more like what Hot Topic is--lot's of band t-shirts and pop culture stuff and novelty items. It always had a small naughty section, but nothing like it is now. The crude t-shirts on display were especially repulsive to me.

I guess it's another sign of the crudeness and coarseness of today's culture. It's sad to see such a decline in the civil society. I'm turning into such an adult. LOL Now, get off my lawn! ;P

For what? AFAIK good old Mary Jane isn't legal in Florida. But it's okay to sell drugs paraphernalia?

The laws here are completely incoherent. It *is* legal to sell bongs and pipes etc, but not the drugs. There was even a store in the mall that sold hookahs. :/

Couldn't you just sorta casually lead her into that shop and then take a picture of the expression on her face? ;P

No way. Just no. The expression would be a pinched-face scowl and that means that she would never stop bitching about the place and I don't want to hear about it from now until the end of time.

Seriously? Six hours of shopping? Was your mother trying to set a record or something? :O

Seriously. That isn't even close to the record for my mother, though. I was ready to die.

Hey, how's your ma's glasses? Did she try bending the metal bits where the pads are attached?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 4:56:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I guess it's another sign of the crudeness and coarseness of today's culture.

Culture is such a slippery concept. On the one hand it's just the behavior that we copy from other people but on the other hand after we copy, we adapt it to our own needs and wants. Sometimes even the way in which we adapt it is defined by culture itself.

Of course, we all copy different things because we all have a different perspective on life. Geographical proximity is generally a determining factor. Culture is often what water is to goldfishes - hard to see, the cultural side is (that's Yoda speaking BTW :).

Anyway... enough with the relativism. By what unit of measurement can we call today's culture more crude and coarse than yesterday's?
Does the presence of those naughty toys and repulsive t-shirts indicate a lack of subtlety or an increase in frankness or an impoverishment of peoples fantasy life?

Did she try bending the metal bits where the pads are attached?

Nah, she didn't have the courage to try that. She plans to go back to the eyeglasses shop.

How's the ppop guy doing? Still visiting? :P

Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:27:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

POOP! IT'S POOP UP THERE! (not ppop...)

Thursday, September 12, 2013 3:28:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Im BAAAA-aaaack!!! ;D

"De één zijn dood is de ander zijn brood." :)

This turned out to be fairly literal today. ;P

By what unit of measurement can we call today's culture more crude and coarse than yesterday's?

I'm going by what is said and done around children. When I was a kid, most adults would never curse around children. Only the lowest lowlifes would do such a thing and that would be frowned upon by polite society. Also, "adult" items would not be out on full display to all and sundry. Now there are hardly any standards. Kids walk around cursing like sailors, drug paraphernalia and adult items are directly accessible to kids, and no one seems to give a damn.

Does the presence of those naughty toys and repulsive t-shirts indicate a lack of subtlety

Certainly. I'm hardly a prude. I'm fairly Libertarian in my views(don't tell Petrichor ;P). It's just that there are all ages that come to a mall and that store is marketed to younger peeps and a lot of that stuff is inappropriate for an "all ages" crowd.

I don't care if peeps want to sell those items, they can sell whatever they please. It's just that some items should be behind a curtain or something like they used to do in video stores for the adult things.

she didn't have the courage to try that. She plans to go back to the eyeglasses shop.

Pity. A chutzpah injection seems to be needed(or an American). Sometimes ya just gotta take the bull by the horns. ;P

The poo bandit? Oh sure. His/her favorite spot seems to be by the hedge now. There was getting to be quite a collection of poo covered tissues over there. It has been rainy lately so I haven't been out to check recently. I'm wondering if this person has a colostomy bag or something. Who the hell goes around taking a daily dump in one particular spot? And in full view?

Thursday, September 12, 2013 6:35:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Im BAAAA-aaaack!!! ;D

So how did it go? (BTW that movie is so much better than the paranormal crap the studios churn out these days)

This turned out to be fairly literal today. ;P

Let me guess... Zombies? ;P

Kids walk around cursing like sailors, drug paraphernalia and adult items are directly accessible to kids

Maybe this means they'll rebell against this norm when they're adolescents. :) "Bah! Drugs and sex are for old people!" :P

It's just that some items should be behind a curtain or something like they used to do in video stores for the adult things.

IDK. Being al open about such things does take away a lot of the mystery surrounding sex and drugs. Most kids don't really understand what that's all about anyway. Well, over here anyway.

Who the hell goes around taking a daily dump in one particular spot?

I guess most people. (The toilet) :P

Got any plans for the weekend (besides going to the toilet)?

Friday, September 13, 2013 4:58:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

So how did it go?

Great! One of the easiest evar!

It was a little creepy, though, being in the house of the person who died. It's like a time capsule of someone's life.

When we got there, everyone was at the funeral except for the caregiver/aide who let us in. I'm usually not very inquisitive, but I asked the aide a few things about the woman--how old, what she died from, etc.

She was 88 and had had a stroke a month or so prior. The aide had been with her for 4 weeks after she came home from the hospital. The aide told me that the husband had died at 88 also except he died 14 years ago. The lady had apparently given up on life. She didn't want to do physical therapy or anything.

Anyway, it was a really nice house. It was one of those villa type ones where it's one building divided into 3 homes. It was one of the cleanest and most immaculate homes I've ever been in. When all the guests had left, one of the daughters got out the vacuum and started vacuuming the floors. She said she normally wouldn't do that but her mother would as she was a clean/neat freak. Then the other daughter made a joke about an old Jewish tradition that states that the soul hangs around for 3 days after death and that 'mom' would be proud if she saw them cleaning. I don't believe in that but I had heard of the tradition(it's alluded to in the Bible in the story of Lazarus's resurrection)and it would be a bit creepy if it was true. :/

Anyway, I guess I inadvertently flirted with an old guy there. You men really *are* a bunch of cougars at any age. ;P He had on a very nice-smelling cologne(nice of him to not go around smelling like an old goat, I thought). I asked him which one and he told me Versace. Then he said that his girlfriend bought it for him so he wouldn't smell like an old goat. LOL He really said that! LOL Anyway, that opened the flood gates. When he and the girlfriend were leaving, the girlfriend told me that I made his day as he *loves* getting compliments. Nice guy. He looked a bit like Christoper Lee but much shorter.

Friday, September 13, 2013 1:55:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Most kids don't really understand what that's all about anyway. Well, over here anyway.

There's a time and a place for it. Let kids enjoy being kids and have their innocence as long as possible. I guess I'm turning into a right proper fogey. Next I'll be getting hitched and it'll be all huisje-boompje-beestje. ;P Oy vey!

I guess most people. (The toilet) :P

Ya silly! How many peeps do it out in the open in public? ;D

Got any plans for the weekend (besides going to the toilet)?

Nah. I'd just like to relax a bit. I'm tired from going to so many appointments and such in the past 2 weeks. I'll probably have to mow the lawn at some point. The weeds have been growing high from all the rain. :(

Friday, September 13, 2013 2:05:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

it would be a bit creepy if it was true. :/

Meh, if she was a nice lady she'd probably be a nice ghost. :P


where did you learn that expression?

How many peeps do it out in the open in public? ;D

Not that many. :) I had to do it in the woods a long time ago. Had to use a leaf. :/

The weeds have been growing high from all the rain. :(

We've been having rain also. And it's getting colder quickly. I should brace myself, winter is coming. :)

Friday, September 13, 2013 4:49:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

she was a nice lady she'd probably be a nice ghost. :P

It's weird, though, I don't recall seeing any photos of her in the house. Maybe they removed them for religious reasons? It's odd to me to be doing something on someone's behalf and not knowing who they are or what they looked like.

where did you learn that expression?

Not tellin'! Some things about me should remain mysterious. ;D

I had to do it in the woods a long time ago. Had to use a leaf. :/

:O My aunt had to do her business in the woods one time. A bear came along. I don't think she finished the transaction. ;)

I should brace myself, winter is coming. :)

That's what my GOT shirt says. ;)

Pity you don't have a hot and spicy woman to keep you warm. ;P

My Can-eh!-dian friends would give you a lot of shit over complaining about "the cold". They brag about grilling outside amongst the snow drifts. O_o

Friday, September 13, 2013 5:17:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

That's what my GOT shirt says. ;)

So which part of the GOT world is most similar to Florida would you say?

I'll be babysitting again tonight so I'll be off line. There's a movie on tonight "Cowboys And Aliens" that I'll probably watch at my sister's house or else it's off to the game room. See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, September 14, 2013 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

So which part of the GOT world is most similar to Florida would you say?

I can't think of any way that the topography or climate here would be like any of the GOT lands, but the people act like a cross between the Dothraki and Kings Landing peeps. :O

Saturday, September 14, 2013 3:39:00 PM  

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