Tuesday, August 20, 2013

No need to adjust your screen...

...because Xul has been adjusting it for you.

I decided that I needed to tweak my blog html settings to something a little more modern so I adjusted the width to look better on all these new-fangled wide screens.  So...wadya think?  I'm still hell-bent on keeping my old Blogger template because I like the minimalist look of it.  I'm not too keen on putting any fancy backgrounds on here, so no upgrading just yet!  ;P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...wadya think?

I can't judge that ATM as I am seeing your blog on my small-ish laptop and not the wide screen monitor downstairs. I'll have a look tomorrow and report back. There doesn't seem to be any difference on the small screen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:48:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Mr. anonymous up there was me BTW.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 2:48:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Arekino, I didn't know you had a laptop. Anyway, I just made the body of the blog a little wider. I had lots of margin space and it was starting to annoy me(yeah, after 7 years ;P). I'm not much of a code monkey so I'm sticking with the easy modifications.

In other news, I managed to hurt my trigger finger yesterday. I was trimming hedges for 3 hours. :/

The damage came when I was one-handing the trimmer trying to stretch and reach the tops of the taller hedges. I'm not sure if I broke a blood vessel or pulled a tendon. Either way it hurts like a bastard. :(

My right knee has been feeling wonky for the past few days, too. I'm not sure what I did to it.

Oh well, I guess I'll just watch MMA all day and enjoy basking in the testosterone of manly-men on a certain blog talking about fighting and Wing Chun. ;P

And what are you up to?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 3:41:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I didn't know you had a laptop.

I bought it in early 2012, I think. Just a cheap one but it works well with linux on it.

I've viewed your blog on the big screen now and I still don't see a lot of difference. It continues to look good. :)

I'm not sure if I broke a blood vessel or pulled a tendon.

Does your finger look all blue now?

I'm not sure what I did to it.

Maybe give it rest. I had an inflammated tendon in my knee a couple of years ago. My doctor gave me diclofenac. Worked like a charm.

what are you up to?

Let's see, some coding, watching some movies from the library, some net surfin' and enjoying ome general boredom. :P

talking about fighting and Wing Chun. ;P

Now don't get all inspired and start practicing your martial arts with that wonky knee now. :P

Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:47:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

That damn shitting bastard was back yesterday(and the day before). I was mowing the yard and when I got by the hedge by the neighbor's there was a big dump. The day before there were shitty tissues. I'm going to get this bastard.


I still don't see a lot of difference.

I just made it a little wider. Before it was right down the middle of the screen. Of course, I like it not too wide as I find it easier to read that way.

Does your finger look all blue now?

There's a little blue now between the fingers. I broke a blood vessel a couple times before in my thumb and it hurt like a bastard the same way. This one feels a little deeper than just the surface.

Now don't get all inspired and start practicing your martial arts with that wonky knee now. :P

I'm too tired for that. Going up and down stairs is bad enough on my knee. :/

Actually, with all the work in the yard, pretty much everything hurts at this point. Getting old kinda sucks. :(

Hey, is that Aikido thing still available to you?

Thursday, August 22, 2013 1:40:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I'm going to get this bastard.

How? And are you going to rub his nose in it if you do get him? ;P

Getting old kinda sucks. :(

Yeah... I know. I'm "only" 45 but I'm sometimes quite aware that I'm not as flexible as I use to be. Plus I think I'm starting to need reading glasses.

Hey, is that Aikido thing still available to you?

Now what made you ask that question? ;P I'm soooo ooooold.... I'd risk breaking a hip practising those Aikido moves. :P

IDK I guess it's still available.

Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:03:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

How? And are you going to rub his nose in it if you do get him? ;P

I guess I'm going to have to do a stake-out. And I'd loooove to rub the nasty bastard's nose in it. I wish I had one of those security camera systems that recorded on DVR. I'd point a camera to that area and then I wouldn't have to waste time on it. Plus, I'd have it on video for the cops, not that they would do anything about it. I'd have to go to the local TV stations and tell them that the cops don't care about public health standards. When things get publicized, THAT is when *shit* gets done. ;P

not as flexible as I use to be.

Oh, yeah...I can relate to that. And ya don't recover from physical activity as fast. :(

I'm starting to need reading glasses.

Glasses suck. O.O 8( I've had to have them since I was 8 y/o. I asked my mother's ophthalmologist about lasik and he said I'd be trading my nearsightedness for needing reading glasses in a few years. Better to keep everything as is. :/ And in 20 more years you'll need cataract surgery! ;P

Now what made you ask that question?

I was thinking you could use it as an exercise to overcome the Avoidance thing. Maybe you could get up to the building this time. Next time, you go in and ask to watch a class. Then the next time ask if they would teach an old guy like you! ;P ;D

Along those lines, I didn't need to practice any Wing Chun today because I had 2 confrontations in the store parking lot in less than 2 minutes.

Assholes always leave the carts all over blocking the parking spaces so I had to get out of the car to move them. An employee whose job it is to collect the carts walks past me and asks 'how ya doing' to which I reply 'Okay' but he couldn't just leave it at that. He has to start in on me about my being serious. Well, I wasn't being anything. The sun was in my eyes and I was a bit annoyed at having to get out to move carts. Instead of just leaving me alone like a normal person would, he has to keep persisting with it and telling me not to be so serious.

Well, that just happens to be one of my pet peeves that get me really fired up--people telling me to not be serious. I wasn't giving him a response but as he wouldn't shut up I told him quite angrily to "Don't tell me what to do." Then I got back in the car and shut the door. That got me so pissed off.

Then when I was walking to the entrance of the store and I'm in the crosswalk, some asshole who was driving kinda slow and could see me crossing, instead of just let me cross in peace he had to blow his horn at me and then make a gesture like 'watch where you are going'. That got me completely incensed and I just flipped out over the blatant disrespect. I walked right up to his window and said, "Ya got something to say?" At that he rolls his window down and has the nerve to tell me to watch where I'm walking. Well, asshole..."I was there first and pedestrians have the right-of-way so YOU need to watch where YOU are going!"

Again, another asshole who cannot shut the fuck up so I just totally flipped out and was cussing him out in a way that would make a sailor blush, much to the entertainment of the security guard who did nothing but sit in his golf cart and laugh. A few people at the front of the store got a good show.

I'm so sick of assholes who are disrespectful and have no clue to social norms and just keep persisting in being an asshole. I really wanted to punch something.

Thursday, August 22, 2013 8:19:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I wish I had one of those security camera systems that recorded on DVR.

Yeah, one of those by movement activated cameras.

Plus, I'd have it on video for the cops, not that they would do anything about it.

Still, seems worth a try.

was cussing him out in a way that would make a sailor blush

:O Where did you learn how to do that?

Friday, August 23, 2013 9:38:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

:O Where did you learn how to do that?

Sad to say, the line of work that I'm in.

Ya know, the first guy, what he was doing was predator behavior now that I think of it. The sort of person who violates boundaries to see how far you'll let them go. It's not socially normal behavior to persistently harass a complete stranger.

The second one was just a rude asshole.

Anyway, anything going on with you? I hope you have fewer assholes to deal with. ;P

Friday, August 23, 2013 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

what he was doing was predator behavior

Possibly. OTOH you *were* doing his job for him. He may have just felt the need to compensate for that.

anything going on with you?

As usual, not really. This weekend my sister will be going to Amsterdam for a dinner party. The kids will need some babysitting and I am the prime candidate for that task. Or maybe they'll have sleep over at grampa's and gramma's house. AKA my current residence.

What about you? Got any plans for the weekend?

Friday, August 23, 2013 5:13:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

He may have just felt the need to compensate for that.

I don't think so. He was giving off a creepy stalker vibe. One of these types who doesn't take "no" for an answer.

Ya know, I don't go looking for trouble. I'm generally quite pleasant and polite when I'm out and about. Creeps and assholes flip my switch. >:(

What about you? Got any plans for the weekend?

No doubt the old woman will be getting on my nerves some more. That is always a reliable bet. She was irritating me tremendously today. Her flip-flopping and indecisiveness really gets on my nerves and also the rate that she can burn through money.

I *did* change out the light switch that was acting up--took all of 5 minutes--with the old woman futzing around and annoying me the whole time.

So when do *you* get to go to dinner parties out of town? I think someone should take you out for a bit of fun. ;)

Friday, August 23, 2013 5:36:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

So when do *you* get to go to dinner parties out of town?

Now and again we (my parents, my sister's family and I) go to a restaurant together. That's about as close as I get to a dinner party.

Saturday, August 24, 2013 9:57:00 AM  

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