Wednesday, January 09, 2013

OUAT Fan-fic

This is my own personal little fan fiction based on Once Upon A Time.  This particular "story/episode" would take place after the next episode(number 11) of the second season.  I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil anything for anyone.  If I was a writer on the series, this is the direction I'd like to see Regina's character go.  (And maybe a love interest.  :P )  Here's the first few scenes:
Regina drives out of Storybrooke to an undisclosed destination.

She arrives at another town(or larger city) and goes to a tea/herbals shop.

Once inside, she looks around a bit and asks the female shopkeeper for a certain item.

From behind one of the cases, on the other side of the shop, a man spots Regina and has the looks of stunned surprise as if he recognizes her.

He then comes over to where Regina and the other employee are and asks Regina if he could help her find anything.  She tells him what she is looking for.  He replies that that is a very rare item and that he would have to check to see if they had any in the back. "You're going to have to wait a bit while I look," says the man. "Would you like to come in the back and have some tea while you wait?" Regina hesitates a moment, and then agrees to have tea.

The man takes Regina to a small break room/kitchenette area in the back. "What do you need that item for?" he asks. "I don't get many requests for that." "Oh, an old family recipe," say Regina. The man in the meantime is preparing some loose-leaf tea in a pot. He brings it over to the little table where Regina is sitting and pours a cup-full for her. "Here, I hope you enjoy this. It's my own special blend.  Now, I'll go see if we have any of what you are looking for." Regina takes a sip. "It's delicious," she replies. The man smiles at her and then leaves and goes to the store room.

Regina continues sitting and drinking her tea. Suddenly, she feels lightheaded and realizes that the man has drugged her, but it's too late...
***Cut to the next scene***
The scene opens and we see Regina asleep in a strange ornately carved poster bed in a darkened room. She then starts to awaken and realizes that she's in a strange bed in an unfamiliar place. As she starts to get up, we see that she is still in her clothes. As she groggily looks around the room, she sees her trench coat and jacket hanging off the back of a chair, her purse in the seat, and her shoes positioned neatly under the chair.

She looks around the room. It seems to be furnished very nicely. Regina gets out of the bed and stands up, then goes over to the window and pulls back the curtain. She sees that she is on the second floor of a building. She looks around the room a little more now that there is some light to see by. There is a painting of a man on the wall. There are ships in the background of the painting. The man in the painting looks like a captain. Suddenly, the door opens and the man from the tea shop comes in.

"You! You drugged me!" shouts Regina. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I didn't do anything inappropriate," says the man.

"Nothing inappropriate?!" says Regina in disbelief, then suddenly realizes the irony of it all.

"Your Majesty, I'm not trying to harm you in any way."

Regina is stunned. " do you know me? Who are you?"


Anonymous arekino said...

Nice. I get the impression that you find Regina the most interesting character of the show.

After watching six episodes I'm finding the show is getting a little predictable. It's not a bad show. The acting is good, the plot is still somewhat compelling. IDK, I'm missing something.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:37:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Unfortunately, I can't post any more of my little story or else there will be spoilers. I think you'll have to get to the episode 'The Stable Boy' before I can continue. I think that's ep 17 so you'll have to wait a while. ;P

As far as the predictability goes, just stick with it. There are some good episodes to come. I'm liking the second season much better, though.

Regina the most interesting character of the show. Definitely. Her character has been written with more depth than the rest so far, and Lana Parrilla's acting is superb. She really makes the character believable.

Oh! I found out something interesting about the Queen's Insignia/Crest/Banner. It's based on the ancient Roman game 'mills' but set ablaze. Nice little nod to the mayor's last name.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 5:42:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

To add to my last comment, in the first season I liked the Queen character and hated Mayor Regina. It's not until 'Stable Boy' that my feelings for Regina's character changed.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 9:39:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

hated Mayor Regina

Well, that angry control freak is easy to hate :P

BTW if you have 25 minutes to spare, you can take a short but fascinating tour through the international space station.

Thursday, January 10, 2013 7:29:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

What's with the ISS? Are you planning on taking a trip? ;P

I wish Sunday would get here already. I need to know what happens on the next OUAT ep. I may have to do revisions on my fan-fic. Or they could just hire me on as a writer...(like that would ever happen)

Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:19:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Are you planning on taking a trip? ;P

Nah, I ran into that little movie while surfin' the net. Of course, when I was a kid I wanted to become an astronaut :)

...but these days I've gotten less ambitious. Now I just want to rule the world :P

...although I suppose I could do that from space... hmmmm....

Or they could just hire me on as a writer...(like that would ever happen)

How would they know that you exist and are willing to enrich their show with your literary genius?
I have no doubt the producers of the show can use you BTW. Your enthusiasm counts for at least 50 percent of your suitability as a writer. Maybe you can apply for the job?

Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:09:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I wanted to become an astronaut :) It might be nice to visit(like in one of Richard Branson's space planes) but Oy! I couldn't hack living in a weightless environment with no sense of up or down or whatever. That might make me mental(er). ;P

Now I just want to rule the world :P Noble ambitions there, my dear Lord of Brabant!

...although I suppose I could do that from space... hmmmm.... You forgot to put your pinky finger up to the corner of your mouth. :) And you'll need some lasers...or magic.

How would they know that you exist and are willing to enrich their show with your literary genius? A while back, there was a regular on my stat counter from LA. I'd like to think it's one of them reading my stuff and stealing my ideas. LOL literary genius Surely you jest! LOL

I'm sure they'd really want someone with absolutely no Hollywood connections, no training in writing, and no degree. And writes on a blog from her bedroom./sarc

BTW, I think I figured out the relational connection between Regina and Charming based on a synopsis for an upcoming episode, but that'd be a super big-time spoiler for you so I'll refrain from posting it. It wasn't what I originally thought. :o

Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:35:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

and no degree

Apparently one doesn't always need one.
Some people became famous without one.

no training in writing

I would say you have some training. :)

I wasn't kidding about the enthusiasm, it's where the 99 percent transpiration draws its energy from.

Friday, January 11, 2013 5:06:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Well, I'm glad you seem to like my writing and have some confidence in me. I guess I should learn how to take a compliment. I've never been particularly good at that.

Not to be pessimistic but... unless I'm an actor, singer, athlete or a Jew, my chances go down significantly. :( Billions of people in the world and only a handful 'make it'. Not very good odds.

Funny you linking my own blog. I have thought about if I ever ran into someone I knew from school and they asked me what I do, I'd tell them that I'm a published author. ;P It's not entirely untrue. :)

Friday, January 11, 2013 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I've never been particularly good at that.

Me neither. I always think there's an agenda behind it. Giving compliments can be a cheap way to get people to like you.

only a handful 'make it'.

A couple of thousand, I would guess. Still not a lot, comparatively.

Not very good odds.

I really have to learn how to screw those :P

Would be better for me, I suspect.

I saw "Prometheus" this afternoon (library DVD). It was better than I expected it to be. Not at all perfect but enjoyable even though I'd already read so many spoiler-laden, hate-filled reviews. Darned critics!

Friday, January 11, 2013 4:57:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

they asked me what I do, I'd tell them

There's nothing wrong with the job you do ATM, albeit intermittently. It's an good, honest way to make a living.

Friday, January 11, 2013 5:02:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I always think there's an agenda behind it. Yes. I always feel like I'm being buttered up for something, a manipulation.

so many spoiler-laden, hate-filled reviews. Darned critics! Yeah, I have a bit of a bad habit of letting my opinions get skewed by critics.

I saw The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo a few weeks ago. I liked it.

It's an good, honest way to make a living. Speaking of which, a miracle has occurred! A previous client called and needs my services! Someone had called a week earlier but only wanted to pay for two hours. I don't leave the house for less than four. I'm in the business to make money, not cost me money.

Yes, The Great Xul: Artist, Author, Martial Artist, and that *Other Thing* LOL

Friday, January 11, 2013 7:46:00 PM  

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