Saturday, December 15, 2012

Celebrity Sighting of Sorts

Today I was dragged to stupid Sam's Club up in Sunrise so that my mother could buy a bunch of crap that she doesn't need.  I was pissed because I don't like spending money unnecessarily and doubly pissed because my mother drives slow and like Mr. Magoo.  When we got to the Sam's and were walking in at the entrance, I looked through the window and who should I see?  None other than the King of Kong.  I was like, "Holy shit!  It's the King of Kong!"  My mother was like, "Who?"  "Over by the service desk.  The guy dressed in all black!"  "Who?  The guy with the long hair?"  "YES!"

Normally I'm like a savant when it comes to remembering names but due to my unfortunate brain aneurysm some years ago, I no longer have instant recall.  All I could remember at the moment was King of Kong.  Then a few seconds later I could remember that his name was something Mitchell.  Then a minute or so later it all came back.  Billy Mitchell!  I tried to explain to my mother that he was a minor celebrity of sorts to a certain segment of nerddom.  He was at one time the all time highest scorer on Donkey Kong and also owns the Rickey's hot sauce company.  It was kinda neat to recognize someone when everyone else in the store likely had no clue who he was.


Anonymous arekino said...

Are you doing anything special?

Just the usual routine. Xmas day 1: Dinner at parents' house, play cards, Xmas day 2: idem with my sister and her family included.

So how come you are even aware of this guys' existence? Did you see him play a long time ago?

Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:17:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

So how come you are even aware of this guys' existence? From the documentary The King of Kong. It was kinda neat that one of the best gamers of the 80's was from Hollywood, Florida.

Did you see him play a long time ago? I remember seeing some of his insanely high scores on various games around town.

Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:11:00 PM  

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