Friday, November 30, 2012

What is best in life?


To crush your Palmetto Bugs, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.   Mua-hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

So far, Xul 1,  Palmettos 0.  The Borax potion seems to be working.  I found three roach corpses and haven't seen any live ones since I put out the baits.  Winning!

Soooooo, have you crushed your enemies today?


Anonymous arekino said...

Soooooo, have you crushed your enemies today?

IDK but AFAIK I'm my own worst enemy and I'm not planning on crushing myself anytime soon :)

Is there any risk of pets eating the dead bugs and poisoning themselves that way?

Saturday, December 01, 2012 4:35:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I'm not planning on crushing myself anytime soon :) That's good! Physically crushing yourself wouldn't be helpful. Maybe just crush any negative thoughts perhaps.

Is there any risk of pets eating the dead bugs and poisoning themselves that way? Nah. The dog isn't interested in them when they are alive let alone when they're dead. He's too old to care.

I have heard from an expat Texan living in Europe that the place as a whole seems to be relatively bug free. She was initially disconcerted at the lack of window screening but has come to realize that it is mostly unnecessary over there. Is this true?

Saturday, December 01, 2012 5:49:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Is this true?

It mostly true. I guess it's optional. We have a door screen mostly to keep the flies out during the summer but hardly any ever pass the threshold even without the screen. Where I live, cockroaches are not something anybody worries about. We do get small ant infestations sometimes, again only during the summer.

Living in the city we hardly ever notice anything of any kind of wildlife. We're supposed to have a type of poisonous snake (Vipera berus) living here in this country but I've never seen one of them, not even in the nearby woods.

I wish there was more wildlife here. :/

Sunday, December 02, 2012 1:03:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I wish there was more wildlife here. :/ Well, Florida has to be the bug and critter Capital of the South. If you didn't have screens on the windows then the house would be filled to the rafters with all sorts of bugs, lizards, and critters. Even in an urban setting we have shit tons of wildlife, mainly all sorts of birds, squirrels, possums, snakes, lizards, frogs, spiders, etc. And depending where you live, there can also be raccoons, wild hogs, an occasional bear, bobcat, panther, gator, or python. :O

Sunday, December 02, 2012 2:24:00 PM  

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