Sunday, November 17, 2013

OUAT 3.08

Pretty cool episode overall.  Definitely wasn't boring and there were a couple of funny lines to boot.  And I totally freaked out at the beginning when they were rolling the guest star names.  Someone who I absolutely did not expect was in the episode and I was wondering just what in the heck role he would be playing.  Turned out it was just a "voice of" role.  I got all excited for nothing.  I can't say who or it'd be big time spoiler but I'll just give a couple clues.  Back when I was in high school he was the lead singer of a local band that me and a bunch of my friends liked.  He's a solo act now but he used to hang with some spooky kids and I have maybe three degrees of separation between him and I.  He also came up with the name for a band whose members a friend of mine went to high school with--Jack Off Jill. to see Rump's wayyy back story and that was pretty cool.  Also Henry is such a total dink.  He obviously takes after his father.  A triumph of nature over nurture.  Also, this was sorta a cliffhanger episode as there is some stupid music awards show on next week in OUAT's slot so it'll be two whole weeks until the next episode.  Ugh!


Anonymous arekino said...

And have you had any memorable ones?

I don't remember. Sorry.

I can't say who or it'd be big time spoiler but I'll just give a couple clues.

You're making this way too easy to guess. :)

got to see Rump's wayyy back story

I've always wondered how old Rumple really is. At what time did he take his powers, you think? What ever happened to that enchanted knife BTW (I forgot)?

so it'll be two whole weeks until the next episode.

I may be catching up to you then. ;P

Monday, November 18, 2013 3:32:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

You're making this way too easy to guess. :)

And by "guess" you mean google? ;P IIRC, I think I told you about all that stuff once before, but I seriously doubt that you remembered. Yes, google helps with guessing! ;D

I was very disappointed that he was only doing the voice of a CG character. It would have been cool if he had an actual acting role. :/

I've always wondered how old Rumple really is.

I don't think he's as old as Kitsis and Horowitz have led peeps to believe. I'd guess between 150 and 200 years.

At what time did he take his powers, you think?

He was an adult. It's hard to say, but probably anywhere in the 30-50 y/o range I'd guess. The timelines in this show drive me nuts.

What ever happened to that enchanted knife BTW (I forgot)?

It's hidden in plain view. I don't think you've gotten to that ep yet. ;D

I may be catching up to you then. ;P

Very likely! ;)

Are you still sneezing your ass off? Or did you sneeze it all off and are now sneezing off other parts? You should be careful with that. My friend C and I used to have conversations about how guys lose their butts the older they get. You don't want to lose it too prematurely! You'll end up like "Corduroy Ass"--walking along the beach in your thong Speedo looking like, well... ;P ;D

Monday, November 18, 2013 6:53:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

And by "guess" you mean google?

Ehm.. Yeah. :) Wikipedia helped.

I'd guess between 150 and 200 years.


Are you still sneezing your ass off?

No, I'm mostly better. 'Twas but a mere cold.

You'll end up like "Corduroy Ass"

I googled that phrase but all that gives me is women's butts in corduroy pants. What is "Corduroy Ass"?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:26:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...


From something that was said 2 episodes ago. I can't say more or it will be a spoiler.

What is "Corduroy Ass"?

This is an excerpt from a blog post back in 2006 explaining that. It happened at the beach when I was there with C and her husband:

Oh! Nearly forgot! There are always those at the beach who just don't give a damn how nasty their body looks and have no shame in showing it to all creation but this one dude took the prize. He was walking by us and I'm like "Look at that!" So my friend looks, says "Is that..." pauses, "his ass? I thought it was corduroy for a second! That was just too much for my brain to process all at once!"

Yup. Corduroy ass.

If you are old and your ass is saggy, I implore you, don't wear a thong for God's sake! I had to take my eyeballs out and bleach 'em.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:50:00 PM  

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