Friday, April 05, 2013

Daydreaming about night dreams

Ever since I was a little kid I can remember having really great dreams-- so great, in fact, that I didn't like waking up.  This led to my parents always complaining about how much I slept.  (I could just imagine the reaming that I would have gotten if I told them the truth.  'Hey, I'm having a much better time in dream land than in reality with you!'  LOL  At least sleeping and dreaming got me away from them!)  It wasn't until a few years ago that I learned that there was a name for the types of dreams that I had--lucid dreams. 

Now, it's not like I had lucid dreams every night, but I had them quite frequently and continue to have them.  Lucid dreams are a bit different than the run of the mill ordinary dreams.  In lucid dreaming, you realize that you are dreaming and then can sort of control what is going on in the dream, although in my experience, not always.  It's when I'm having a great dream(and then realize that I'm having a great dream) I don't want to wake up.  From wiki:
"A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden. In a lucid dream, the dreamer can exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be realistic and vivid."
Wednesday night, or more accurately, Thursday morning, I had probably the best dream that I have ever had.  I am not going to give specifics, but it was so real that I could feel it.  I've had very realistic ones before but nothing like this.  It was fabulous.  Like literal dictionary definition of fabulous--almost impossible to believe; exceptionally good or unusual; known through fables or myths; superb.  It was so great that I was thinking about it for most of the day while I was finishing up raking leaves in my back yard and getting a big smirk on my face.  Seriously, everyone should have dreams like this.

I looked up a couple sites about dreams and imagery in dreams and one of them said that lucid dreams can make you feel wonderful for the rest of the day.  Indeed!  Also, the imagery that I dreamed seemed to be all positive things.  I wish that would carry over into real life!  So far my dream life is way more interesting and exciting than my real life.

One thing that makes me sad is when people say that they don't dream.  I think everyone dreams it's just that maybe they don't remember them.  It's too bad though if they really don't dream very frequently.  And if they are not able to have lucid dreams then that has to be just horrible.  As one site says:
"At least half of all adults have had one lucid dream in their lifetime. Many have reported having lucid dreams without even trying...With practice, lucid dreaming can be learned and achieved at  your will."
I know that I just don't feel as good during the day if I haven't been having a good dream life.  I can't imagine not being able to dream.  It would be like missing one of your senses.  Life would seem diminished.

A recurring theme that I've been having in my lucid dreams lately has been water--calm water, like being in a calm sea or a clear, calm swimming pool.  A lot of people dream of flying.  I don't think I have ever dreamt of flying.  I remember when I was in high school there was this one girl who always talked about dreaming of flying.  I dream about riding my bicycle, too.  So...are my dear readers having nice dreams?  If so, what are you dreaming about?


Anonymous arekino said...

Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik van Eeden

This guy is actually rather famous. In my time his books were still required reading in school. Apparently he got himself baptized in my hometown. There's a movie made based on his work "Van De Koele Meren Des Doods" which is, as you might expect, pretty dark.

are my dear readers having nice dreams?

I know for sure I dreamed last night but I only vaguely remember pieces of it. Which is generally how I (not) remember my dreams. The only time I tend to be able to recollect my dreams is when I have to be somewhere early in the morning and my internal clock keeps waking me up way before I actually need to get out of bed.

What do you think the water in your dream signifies?

In other news, the library send me an email asking me if I happen to have left one of their DVDs lying around at home. I went over there and told them this wasn't the case. I have looked everywhere that thing could be and it is nowhere to be found. I don't know what happened to it but I guess I may be considered responsible for the disappearance of the DVD by the library.

Saturday, April 06, 2013 9:36:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

This guy is actually rather famous.

I'd never heard of him until last night. Unfortunately, I've had a rather Anglo-centric education so there have been lots of things overlooked or deliberately omitted.

Apparently he got himself baptized in my hometown.

Where? At that big-ass church? Or another one?

"Van De Koele Meren Des Doods"

I like that title. I just looked at the wiki. It sounds like interesting material.

At least you know you dreamed last night. I don't think I did much. At least I don't remember any. I didn't sleep well. It wasn't restful or restorative even though I slept all the way through. I felt terrible when I woke up.

What do you think the water in your dream signifies?

I'm not sure. It has been in the context of calm water and the mood has always been serene or happy so it denotes something positive. What? I really don't know.

I guess I may be considered responsible for the disappearance of the DVD by the library.

That happened to me when I was a kid. I had borrowed a book from the school's library and returned it. Then I was accused of still having the book and owing money since it was past due. It turned into a big kerfluffle. In the end, they admitted that I had indeed returned the book. Someone in the library didn't check it back in properly.

The same thing happened to my sister before she died. Except in her case I think the books were actually past due. She had returned them in the after-hours drop box. They physically had the books but the past-due fee was owed. My sister went into the hospital and later died. She still owed the money and the library kept sending pat-due notices. Eventually they stopped sending the notices. I guess they realized that they were SOL on getting a dead person to pay a fine. :/

Maybe it's a case of someone misplacing it at the library and not checking it back in properly? They'll probably make you pay for it anyway. :(

Saturday, April 06, 2013 3:33:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Where? At that big-ass church? Or another one?

Apparently in the Sint-Paulusabdij.

I felt terrible when I woke up.

Too bad. It's weird how that happens sometimes without an obvious cause.

They'll probably make you pay for it anyway. :(

I hope not. I didn't even like the movie. I know for sure that I turned it in. They must have made some mistake or lost the DVD. I hate being accused of something I didn't do. And loose ends, those as well.

Sunday, April 07, 2013 1:42:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I figured out the meaning of the dream! Aside from what was literally going on, the secondary meaning and imagery is now obvious to me. :) Duh. ;P

I hate being accused of something I didn't do. And loose ends, those as well.

Yeah, me too. Being accused of something I didn't do really gets me riled up. That's one certain way to get my dragon fire. They need to search harder for it.

BTW, didn't they have some concerts at that church this past Christmas? I think I remember seeing that on the events calendar.

Sunday, April 07, 2013 3:28:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I figured out the meaning of the dream!

Good for you :) Did you learn something about yourself?

didn't they have some concerts at that church this past Christmas?

I don't know but I doubt it. It's a pretty quiet place there. The church in the centre of town has organ concerts sometimes and some choir singing.

I never go to church BTW (being an atheist and all :). What about you?

Sunday, April 07, 2013 4:02:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Did you learn something about yourself?

It was more of pointing out something that should have been obvious.

organ concerts

I like those, especially if is Bach.

What about you?

I haven't physically set foot in a church for a service in almost 20 years. There are a couple religious programs on TV that I like to watch. Three, actually. TV is more convenient for me. :)

Sunday, April 07, 2013 6:19:00 PM  

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