Friday, February 22, 2013

Stupid shit that I had to see today

I swear, one of the most idiotic programs on TV has to be the Dr. Oz show. This is not a show that I would choose to watch but unfortunately for me, ABC seems to be the channel that is permanently on in the waiting room at the doctor's office where my mother has her appointments and her appointments are always at the time of day when that stupid-ass show is on.

This dumb-ass show always seems to give contradictory advice from week to week. One week it's red wine is good for you because of the resveritrol and the next week it's bad because of the alcohol. It's always some 'do this' then 'don't do this' shit. And I also have to wonder where these idiots who produce this show get their information.

Another thing they always have on that show that irritates me to no end is these infantile mock-ups of everything. They just can't explain things in plain English. I guess their target audience is just too stupid to comprehend the spoken word without a ridiculously simplistic accompanying visual and some idiot from the audience to help in the demonstration. I'm not a fucking child and I don't need the accompanying puppet show. Damn that shit annoys me! Everything has to be so fucking dumbed down. There is no hope for this country.

Today's subject was "leaky gut" or some such thing. They had some moronic female supposed doctor on saying something about the digestive tract being a long tube that nothing escapes from but when you have leaky gut some things can escape. This is one of the most overly simplistic, moronic and misinformed things I've ever heard. Did this idiot actually go to medical school? And if so, is this the kind of retarded shit that they are teaching in medical school these days?

First of all, I'm petty sure I learned about the digestive tract and its function in basic anatomy class back in junior high. The beginning of the digestive tract is the mouth and the ending is at the anus--your butthole--and anything that goes into the digestive tract is disseminated throughout the body. That is why sublingual tablets and suppositories work. They dissolve and get into your blood stream through the digestive tract. This idiot was trying to make it sound like shit goes in like it's an impervious PVC pipe and then comes out the other end and nothing happens in between.

Kali. In. A. Kayak. The half-truths and misinformation on this show are unbelievable.  Don't even get me started on the subject of the actual digestive process or the subject of mycology.

I'm really glad I'm at that perfect age in my life (Why, yes! I love being the age that I am!) where I am cynical and sceptical of all things and don't just believe shit that the TV is telling me.


My next gripe is with idiots who wear their pants' length too long so that bottoms are going under the heals of their shoes and are being stepped on. Let me let you all in on a little secret. If you are buying off the rack and the pants are too long there is this thing called a HEM. It is not that complicated. If you are too brain-dead-stupid to HEM your pants-- i.e. take up the extra length--then there is someone called a SEAMSTRESS or a TAYLOR who you can pay to do that for you. You can generally find one at a dry cleaner's shop. It's well worth the few bucks you'd pay them to prevent you from ruining your pants and looking like a total dumbass and having me mock you on the internet.

That is all.


Anonymous arekino said...

There is no hope for this country.

Oh, I don't know. Doesn't the average American today know more than say, a hundred years ago?

there is this thing called a HEM.

I haven't had to have that done (by my mother) to my pants in years. I just always buy the same size jeans. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013 3:31:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Doesn't the average American today know more than say, a hundred years ago? I wouldn't bet on it. Most people who I encounter, especially those younger than I am, are dumber than a bag of hammers.

I saw a study recently about how people were smarter years ago. The lack in technology forced peeps to use their brains to problem solve. If you weren't too bright, you ended up on the Darwin Awards short list. Nowadays, technology helps the dumbasses, and then they breed more than anyone else, and then it becomes like Idiocracy.

I just always buy the same size jeans. :) I notice this issue more with women than men. There is definitely a gender bias in the clothing industry. Men's pants can be bought in specific waist size and length. Women's sizes are just a number size and generally one length unless you buy the "petite" size. I fall into the "petite" category but usually the pants in that category aren't especially fashionable. It's all very frustrating. The alternative is to just roll up the bottom if you can't hem it.

Friday, February 22, 2013 5:51:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

dumber than a bag of hammers.

Okay, they're your country people so I guess you know them best.

Do you think it's the result some kind of overspecialization process or have peoples' IQs dropped sharply the last 50 years? Are people too distracted or just lazy?

There is definitely a gender bias in the clothing industry.

Maybe. I've generally found that women have more choice AFA different types of clothing are concerned.

Saturday, February 23, 2013 12:14:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I've generally found that women have more choice AFA different types of clothing are concerned. I suppose so. Just not specific sizes like in menswear. So is there a certain type of clothing that you would like but don't have access to?

I'll have to get back to you on the other questions. I'm really tired right now and am having trouble concentrating. :(

Saturday, February 23, 2013 2:52:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Okay, I'm still tired and it's nearly bed time and I've had a massive headache for the last couple hours but the ibuprofen seems to have kicked in. I don't like to leave questions unanswered. ;P So...

they're your country people so I guess you know them best. I don't know any more. Where I live there has been a major demographic shift over the last 15-20 years so most of the peeps around here aren't American.

Do you think it's the result some kind of overspecialization process or have peoples' IQs dropped sharply the last 50 years? I know that after I graduated school, in the years following, the idiots who are in charge of school curriculum totally changed all the core subjects. I never went to a public school because they had bad reputations even when I was a kid. My mother sent me to a private school. I've never experienced anything other than very high standards where education is concerned. Of course, I have one friend who is a teacher and has told me all about how stupid and unmotivated the students are. Then there are other friends who choose to home school because of the poor quality of public schools in their area.

It seems that everyone has to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator because of some stupid notion that we can't have the idiots feel bad about being idiots.

When I was in school, we had three levels: accelerated, average, and remedial. I was in the accelerated, of course. ;) I have no idea if anything like that exists these days. It seemed to work well.

Like I said before, I think a lot of it has to do with reliance on too much technology. The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. If you have a machine doing all your thinking for you it seems there will be some loss in brain function. ;) For example, in my line of work I have had to keep up with peeps who do nothing but calculate sums of money in their heads all day long. So that's a skill that I've picked up too--calculating sums in my head. If I do that with a young person, they look at me like I'm doing some kind of sorcery. If they don't have a calculator or cash register to do the thinking for them then they are lost.

Another thing that shocks me is that cursive handwriting is no longer taught. I was at a client's house a couple years ago and the grandmother was appalled that the grandchild was a teenager and couldn't write in cursive. That's ridiculous IMO. I learned that skill when I was 6 years old.

Saturday, February 23, 2013 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

peeps around here aren't American.

I have noticed in the last decade or so that not all Americans are the same culturally.

It seems that everyone has to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator

Strange. How does one try to achieve this goal?

If they don't have a calculator or cash register to do the thinking for them then they are lost.

Is that a problem for them though? Maybe they spend their time learning a different skill that may seem like sorcery to you.

cursive handwriting is no longer taught

Seriously? That's just weird. Then again, The times are surely changing. Maybe they're learning how to type instead?

Sunday, February 24, 2013 2:37:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

How does one try to achieve this goal? Teach on the idiot level. Then the non-idiots are bored out of their minds. ;P

Is that a problem for them though? They're too stupid/ignorant to know that it could be a problem. What would happen if there was a long term power outage like during the last bad hurricane?

Maybe they spend their time learning a different skill that may seem like sorcery to you. What? Like texting with their thumbs? I'm not interested. I learned to type the proper way using all my fingers. ;P

Seriously? I shit you not.

Maybe they're learning how to type instead? I would like to hope so. Although I've seen quite a few peeps who obviously never learned the proper way.

Sunday, February 24, 2013 4:18:00 PM  

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