Thursday, January 17, 2013


...I had magic, a certain someone would have been on the receiving end of a hadoken today. Damn that woman can get right up my nose without climbing gear with her never-ending bitching and criticizing. And it's always the same thing: a build-up of many small annoying things culminating in one last insult which leads to me erupting in anger. Then she gets to tell me how I have "personal issues" or how I'm "internalizing" something. Or maybe it's that I live with a rude, inconsiderate, self-centered, critical bitch and I'm just reacting normally. Couldn't that be a possibility?

Today she really crossed the line. She just had to let me know that my hair is getting *really grey* and that I need to color it. (All in the guise of being helpful.) She really gets off on sly little criticisms like that and then tries to act like she's just being helpful and if she had something wrong with her appearance then she would expect me to say something to her. Well, it was hardly a news flash as I had just mentioned the subject of my hair just a couple days ago and how I was waiting until just before a certain event so that my hair would be freshly done and not have the roots grown out by a few weeks. I mean, come on! You wouldn't say that to a stranger but it's okay to say it to me?

Last week, the thing to get me to flip out was after I had been outside for hours and hours mowing the lawn and all the other things that go along with it, she wanted me to come in and start moving some furniture around. Well, I came in and went directly to the shower. Then afterward, she acted all put out because I had a shower first and didn't make her nonsense my priority. I then reminded her that I had just come in from working hard outside and my back was hurting. She immediately has to bring it back to her by saying that her back hurts everyday. I don't remember what my reply was but then she had the audacity to say that I, *I* always have to have "tit for tat" and an argument. "Excuse me?" I said to her, "I just said my back hurts, then you immediately say that yours hurts everyday, but I'm the one who has to have 'tit for tat'?" To which she had no reply. Methinks someone doth project too much!

Damn NPDs!


Anonymous arekino said...

If I had magic

I suppose I'd just be making a living doing magical stuff. Or teach everyone else how to do magic. After magically giving everyone the ability to use that magic wisely, of course. :)


Is that strictly speaking magic?

You wouldn't say that to a stranger but it's okay to say it to me?

Yeah, that's family for you. We wouldn't burp, fart, pick our noses, slurp our soup or loudly chew our food in public but it's apparently not a problem to do that when there's only family around. Criticism of personal things is par for the course.

and my back was hurting.

Why do you even expect her to care about that?

Friday, January 18, 2013 1:13:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Is that strictly speaking magic? It is if it's the throwing fireballs kind! LOL As a martial artist, I can tell you that it is possible to project your energy in a sort of hadoken. It's a freaky thing to experience.

Criticism of personal things And also seizing upon a perceived mistake and harping on it for all eternity. For example, months ago when I was taking her to an appointment, I didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign a couple blocks down from our house. That was because it was near a high school and those kids like to deliberately walk slow and screw around while crossing the street just to be annoying and make you sit there and wait for them while they perform their antics. So I hurried up and didn't stop all the way so I could get the hell out of there and not be held up with that nonsense. Now ever since, any time I take my car out to run an errand, she has to tell me 'watch out for stop signs!'. Every. Fucking. Time. It was that plus the thing about my hair that made me flip out.

Why do you even expect her to care about that? I don't. It was my reason for not doing what she wanted. I know she doesn't care about my pain. She never has. Only if it affects her in some way. I know I'll never receive sympathy or empathy from her.

BTW, I think my Regina pic up there turned out pretty cool. I cropped it and played around with the contrast to make her look more sinister.

Friday, January 18, 2013 1:35:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

it is possible to project your energy in a sort of hadoken.

??? I don't know how to interpret that.

made me flip out

I'm not sure I understand why her criticisms bother you so much if you know that they are unfounded. If it was me, I think I'd just bask in the knowledge of how much better I know than her. I mean, if she's so wrong about things than that would make me entirely superior to her. Every time she says something, I'd win.

always have to have "tit for tat"

Personally, I think tit for tat is the most reasonable thing in the world.

Friday, January 18, 2013 4:00:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I don't know how to interpret that. Ah, I remember fondly being taught that was almost like learning a kind of magic in a way. Of course, it's not a visible thing like on a video game or "throwing it" across a room, it's more of a transference through touch. It takes great concentration and singular focus.

I'm not sure I understand why her criticisms bother you so much Because it's like being jabbed with a stick. If you are quietly reading and someone keeps coming by and poking you with a stick, it gets annoying after a while. It's a verbal poke and it's annoying.

I think tit for tat is the most reasonable thing in the world. Not to a NPD. What is normal to them is they get to poke, poke, poke and you get to take it, take it, take it. If you poke back then you are a horrible person and are always looking for a fight. O.o

Friday, January 18, 2013 4:47:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

my Regina pic up there turned out pretty cool.

It's almost like she's got these black, burning wings on her back. Demony!

always looking for a fight.

So you live in constant fear?

Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:13:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Demony! Amazing what adjusting the contrast can do.

So you live in constant fear? Hell no! More like an intermittent irritation. Every time she comes to my room, I'm like 'oh, now what stupidity/annoyance?' She had the audacity to lecture me yesterday when I was watching a The Darkness concert. Telling me that it's a bad influence and that her job is to tell me so. She even pulled the 'what would Jesus say' card which I found absolutely hilarious. I think she was trying to shame me for liking rock music. I wasn't shamed at all. It's so absurd for someone to try that tactic on someone who's pushing 40. I was so annoyed, but now I'm finding it pathetically humorous. It's so ridiculous, actually, that I'm sitting here snickering about it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013 3:01:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

So how is/was the new OUAT episode? Do you need to make revisions?

Sunday, January 20, 2013 2:56:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Oh, it's not on until 8:00pm here. It's agonizing having to wait a whole week between episodes and the last few hours and minutes are the worst!

BTW, I was looking up some genealogy stuff on my family(dad's side) and I came across something interesting. Seems some of my relatives are from Java(Dutch East Indies). That, and they're just as bad as my neighbors when it comes to going by aliases. What a pack of liars! And there seems to be some shady and dastardly shocking events to lead them to come here. I think my dad's mother confessed a bunch of things the last few years of her life. Now I'm dying for clarification and will be *forced* into calling my dad to see what he knows.

My family is as soap opera-y as OUAT! LOL O.o

Sunday, January 20, 2013 3:04:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

some genealogy stuff on my family

Sounds intriguing. I did some genealogy stuff on my dad's side of the family myself, about 30 years ago during a summer vacation. We (I and a nephew of mine) had to read through a ridiculous number of books on births, deaths and marriages for days. These days all those records are computerized and even on-line accessible, I think.

We found a few things that looked interesting. But it all happened literally centuries ago. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013 4:31:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I swear, these people love to torture the OUAT audience/fans. Good episode tonight but then we have to wait 3, THREE!!! whole weeks for the next episode. They didn't really answer my question on a little detail that might require me to revise my fanfic. From what I read on the fansite, I'm probably good but I think I'm going to change some things anyway.

BTW, how far along are you in the first season?

We found a few things that looked interesting. Any gory details? Care to share?

Sunday, January 20, 2013 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

we have to wait 3, THREE!!! whole weeks

Why?? Did they give a reason?

how far along are you in the first season?

Episode 10 was last Wednesday.

Any gory details?

Not so much gory. IIRC it had to do with a female ancestor who *somehow* "lost" her husband/boyfriend/lover and gave her children her own last name, which is now my last name.

Have you found out what your ancestors have(or had? or is that the conditional form?) been up to?

Monday, January 21, 2013 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Why?? Did they give a reason? The stupid Emmy Awards show and the stupid Super Bowl in consecutive weeks in OUAT's time slot. Oy vey!

Have you found out what your ancestors have(or had? or is that the conditional form?) been up to? I haven't spoken to my dad yet, but there was a message board on Ancestry dot com where someone with my last name was asking about the peeps with our surname. From what this guy said, I think he is the son of one of my cousins. Anyway, one person with our surname(it's very rare, if you have it then you are related to the others)responded to the query and said that we didn't have our stories right. Apparently, there may or may not have been an incident in Bermuda involving my grandfather, his brother and the death of a British soldier. And also my Dutch grandmother's name was not her real name. My grandfather wasn't originally from Bermuda either as it turns out.

I found an interesting passenger manifest on the Ellis Island site, too. Looks like my paternal grandmother's family on a ship coming from Rotterdam.

The last time I talked to my dad, he was all butthurt because his mother confessed to him that she and his father were never legally married and that he was in this country illegally.

I'm curious to talk to him about it again because of the anonymous person saying that we didn't have the correct story on things. I'd like to know what my grandmother confessed.

And one more weird thing, it seems that both my mom and dad's side have a surname in common except that the spelling is different--my mom's maiden name is the same as some peeps in my dad's mother's side.

Monday, January 21, 2013 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

the stupid Super Bowl

Really? I thought you liked sports. Just not football?

that he was in this country illegally.

That shouldn't have any legal consequences now for you or your father, right?

my mom and dad's side have a surname in common except that the spelling is different

Doesn't seem all that weird. My father's father married his brother's wife's sister. Families mingle.

Monday, January 21, 2013 4:27:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I thought you liked sports. Just not football? None of my teams will be playing. :(

That shouldn't have any legal consequences now for you or your father, right? Nope. I was born here, my dad, too, so it doesn't affect us any.

I called my dad while I was waiting for my mom to have her acupuncture. It's a perfect time to have a private phone conversation. ;P Apparently, the thing with my grandfather in Bermuda happened except it turns out the soldier didn't die. My grandfather just thought he did and that's why he fled here.

Those peeps on the Ellis Island passenger list don't seem to be related according my dad. Who knows? I'm still going to dig a little more. I find it interesting.

I've been having a good time on the OUAT message board. I like swatting the wasps' nest with a stick, as it were. ;P

Monday, January 21, 2013 5:38:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

urns out the soldier didn't die

Was he wounded or something?

I like swatting the wasps' nest with a stick, as it were. ;P

You're not trolling them, are you? Doesn't seem your style.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:32:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Was he wounded or something? Seems like the guy got knocked out cold and they thought they killed him. Since back then it was under British rule and assaulting a soldier was kind of a big deal they decided not to stick around.

You're not trolling them, are you? Doesn't seem your style. Nah, just posing some good theories and making what I think are good points. Some of them get a little worked up and it's fun to see the back and forth.

It's a pretty polite forum in general. It's moderated and has rules so everyone is pretty civil. Mostly a good group. I've never participated on a fan forum before but I'm finding it fun. These peeps aren't stupid like the ones on the Facebook page. Gawd, the stupid over buuuurrrrns. ;P

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 5:20:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Is it an official forum? Do the people from the show ever visit?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 5:51:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

No, I don't think it's an official one. I don't think they've had any of the actors visit the site.

If you want to interact with any of the actors you can follow them on twitter. The one who is absolutely the best with her fans is Lana Parrilla. She even is cool with peeps when they are shooting on location up in the Vancouver area. The guy who plays Grumpy is good on twitter, too. I've heard that even Barbara Hershey(who it's hard to get and autograph from usually)has been good with the OUAT fans. J-Mo...not so much.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6:26:00 PM  

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