Saturday, March 01, 2014

I blame that damn onion. Mostly.

This is actually going to be a weird dream post, but first I have to set it up with the QoH nonsense which I'm pretty sure contributed to it.

She wanted to make some koolsla, which means that *I* will be getting roped into making the majority of it. She insists on me making it but is such a micromanager that she just can't help herself from snatching the ingredients away from me to start prepping them herself. Because me, pushing 40...I'm obviously too stupid and incompetent to be able to prep a cabbage, an onion, and a carrot to go into the food processor.

Fine. I let her do it. Less I actually had to do. She on the other hand, being of such superior intelligence and experience, doesn't know how to operate the food processor, so she leaves that to me. /sarc ::rolls eyes::   So she chopped up the cabbage and I fed it through the machine, then she peeled the carrot and I fed that through the machine. Then she went to get an onion, all the time bitching about how all the onions are defective et cetera. Anyway, the one she selected turned out to be one of those super potent ones that will bring the whole room to tears the second it's cut into. So I fed *that* through the machine. Anyway, my job being done as I was only going to operate the food processor, I dismantled it and put the main part of the machine back in its box and the other bits went to the wash. I then retired to my room while QoH mixed up her seasonings.

A while later she called me to come get some of the koolsla. Holy shit! was that onion ever powerful! It was like eating napalm or something. And I made the mistake of taking a big bowl-full. I went back to my bedroom with it and ate some, then put it aside for a while. I ended up eating all of it and then was sorry that I did. I'm not a fan of raw onion to begin with and I knew I was going to pay for it with horrible onion breath.

I brushed my teeth before I went to bed to try to get the damn taste out, but to no avail. It was so bad that even though I went to bed relatively early, I just laid there and couldn't fall asleep because of the overpowering onion flavor that kept rising from my stomach and permeating my mouth. And then I was getting an upset stomach from the napalm eating away down there.

I don't know when I managed to fall asleep, but I *do* remember waking up at 5am with that terrible churning still happening in my stomach. If that wasn't bad enough, to add insult to injury, it seemed like QoH had the A/C set to freezing. I had to get up to put my sweat pants on. I managed to fall back asleep and the last thing I remembered was the tail end of a strange dream just before I woke up for good.

All I can remember is being in a castle and the peeps around me were panicked that someone was coming. Henry Sr. was there and I wanted him to give me my hand-and-a-half sword that was in a long wooden box for some reason. I was thinking 'What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead." He instead gave me a long curved sword that looked a bit like a scimitar. The handle and hilt on the thing were messed up and I couldn't hold it the right way. Then, suddenly, two nobles on horseback came in riding side by side with at least a dozen soldiers following behind them on foot marching in two columns.

I took the scimitar-looking sword and slashed at the nobleman on the right. I cut his right arm open from his shoulder down to his hand. I was kinda surprised at that as was everyone else. Then suddenly Cora appeared, all pissed off like hell, like she was going to tear me from limb to limb.

I was indignant that she was there and really pissed off that I didn't have my hand-and-a-half sword, just that stupid long unbalanced scimitar thingy with the effed up hilt and grip. Without thinking, I went to summon a hadouken(did the 'holding the globe' thing like in Tai Chi). I was just so pissed off that I felt unarmed because I didn't have *my* sword and instead had this awkward useless sword and that I wasn't going down without a fight. I could feel my energy start to build and then someone was like, "What are you doing?!? You don't have magic!" and I was kinda like, "Wha..." I  realized that, no, I don't have magic but I have this angry energy that is just about to get unleashed and then I woke up.

Dammit! I *really* would have liked to have seen the ending to that one! WTF? It was actualy kinda scary facing Cora. What is one supposed to do against Cora with a wonky sword? She has all kinds of magic. Was I supposed to be Regina in that dream? Cuz I certainly felt like myself. So bizarre. I guess I'm way too into that show. :/


Anonymous arekino said...

The handle and hilt on the thing were messed up and I couldn't hold it the right way.

So your not as well prepared for battle as you'd like to be. Well, you know what they say, you go to battle with the army you have, not the army you'd like to have. :)

Without thinking, I went to summon a hadouken

Going into battle without thinking is rarely wise

I have this angry energy

Anger can be a great motivator but also tends to cloud the rational mind. Maybe the fact that the dream ended before you could throw the hadouken means that you're aware of that.

Also, you seem to prefer the sword over magic which could indicate that you prefer tangible arguments over intangible ones.

Was I supposed to be Regina in that dream?

That seems the obvious interpretation. Plus Cora would represent your mother, I guess.

Sunday, March 02, 2014 9:37:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Ugh, Cora may not have got me and ripped out my heart but Ma Nature is *definitely* here and it feels like she's trying to rip out my uterus. Uggghrrrr...

I feel horrible and I'm bleeding like a stuck pig(TMI I'm sure ;P). And my body keeps going from feeling too cold to feeling too hot. >:(

you seem to prefer the sword over magic

I wanted *MY* sword. That hand-and-a-half is my real-life favorite sword--I keep it in its scabbard next to my bed. :)

Although I *was* thinking 'What am I going to do with a sword--even my own--against magic?'

At least I'm a person of action. I'm the one standing up to and trying to fight "Cora" when no one else will. :/

Anyway, how's your day going, Arekino? Not battling any bitches I hope? ;P

Sunday, March 02, 2014 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I'm bleeding like a stuck pig.

That's a horribly graphic comparison but it leaves not doubt as to what your going through. Damn, I feel bad just reading about it. I hope it doesn't last too long. :/

I wanted *MY* sword.

But you had to make do with something less ideal. Something borrowed yet effective.

What am I going to do with a sword--even my own--against magic?

Maybe you can use the sword to cut the magic off at the source. But what does the sword really represent?

Not battling any bitches I hope?

I wish. That might actually be entertaining. :P

It's Carnaval so my sister is out partying. She left her youngest son at our place so we can keep each other company. It's fun, :)

BTW do you think there's a link between your menstruation and the amount of dreaming that you do?

Sunday, March 02, 2014 4:59:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

That's a horribly graphic comparison

You should have seen what happened in the shower(or not :/). Made the shower scene in Psycho look like a wee paper cut. :O

Damn, I feel bad just reading about it. I hope it doesn't last too long. :/

Thanks, I think. :)

Usually it's only the first two days that are the problem. The time before last was actually a walk in the park. I always wonder what makes the difference, whether it's something I ate or stress or something else?

But you had to make do with something less ideal. Something borrowed yet effective.

Actually, I think I threw the sword down when Cora came along. That's when I went directly for the hadouken.

I wish. That might actually be entertaining. :P

You should probably be careful what you wish for. ;P

It's Carnaval

Ah yes. Followed by Fat Tuesday and then Ash Wednesday which is the anniversary of my sister's death. :/

we can keep each other company. It's fun, :)

I think you'd make a good dad. Good with kids(the nephews anyway). :)

BTW do you think there's a link between your menstruation and the amount of dreaming that you do?

Nah, I've always had an active dream life. If I don't dream it is unusual for me.

Sunday, March 02, 2014 8:37:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

You should have seen what happened in the shower(or not :/)

I wonder if something like that ever happens to people in a bath. Or in a pool. Yikes.

whether it's something I ate or stress or something else?

Maybe there's a hormonal link? If you eat a lot of precursors?

I think I threw the sword down when Cora came along.

Aha. So you considered the sword useless against Cora. Would it have made a difference if it had been your own sword?

That's when I went directly for the hadouken.

Which represents your anger? Are you afraid to use your anger? That it's too much, too strong?

I think you'd make a good dad.

Thanks. It doesn't look like I'll ever find out if that's true though.

I actually had a dream last night as well. I was in the house I grew up in and I was locking doors to keep the burglars out. Then I went into the back yard to lock the doors of the shed. Then I went back, or I thought I did except I ended up in a neighbours house. And then the dream ended.

I guess I don't need to ask you if you're having a nice weekend? :/

Monday, March 03, 2014 9:40:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

I wonder if something like that ever happens to people in a bath. Or in a pool. Yikes.

I think I know what you're thinking and it didn't go down like that. I'll spare you the gory details(heh)because it's definitely too much information. Just that it was worse than usual. :/

Maybe there's a hormonal link? If you eat a lot of precursors?

Don't know. I think it's cyclical as most women have variations.

Would it have made a difference if it had been your own sword?

I think so. I've though a lot about it and I think my sword is representative of my will and what I want as opposed to the other sword representing what others want from me or expect me to do. Which isn't working for me.

Are you afraid to use your anger? That it's too much, too strong?

I'm good at lashing out. It's all I got.

It doesn't look like I'll ever find out if that's true though.

You could always go pick up some young horny chicks during Carnival... ;P I'm kidding, of course. I'd probably explode and implode at the same time from jealousy. ;P ;D

I actually had a dream last night as well.

:O I'll have to do an analysis when I get back as...

I guess I don't need to ask you if you're having a nice weekend? :/

...I have 3 consecutive days of doc appts to take QoH to after such a horrible weekend. Just the cherries on top of it all. :/

Monday, March 03, 2014 2:10:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

what others want from me or expect me to do.

Are there so many other people telling you what to do then? I thought it was just QoH?

I think my sword is representative of my will

In what way is your will defective?

I'm good at lashing out. It's all I got.

But it's not really effective, is it?

Just the cherries on top of it all.

When it rains, it pours. Oh well. I've got an appt myself tomorrow. :/

Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:40:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

In what way is your will defective?

My will is not defective. My sword was put away in a wooden box. When I asked for *my* sword, I was given that other mostly useless one instead. >:(

BTW, I have a *really* great example of QoH's double standards. This one is especially rich. While at the doc's today, when the doc finally came to the room to see QoH, she closed the door for privacy. Not a minute later, someone knocked on the door. The doc was speaking to QoH and ignored the first knock. The person knocked a second time, but the doc continued to ignore as she or QoH was still speaking. When she finally asked 'Who is it?' the person knocking apparently gave up and went away. At that, QoH has to go into the story of one of the MA's at the other office knocking and then walking in on her when she was getting her acupuncture treatment with her pants pulled down and her lower back exposed. She then goes into saying how *she was offended* that the person *did not respect her privacy* and that it was *rude* and *unprofessional* and that her mother always said if a door is closed, it's closed for a reason and you should knock first and get permission before entering.

Well, well, well...I gave her the biggest shit eating grin and a funny look like, 'Well, what did you just say?!?' Isn't it funny that you can remember this little rule when it applies to you, but it is lost to the four winds when it applies to me? Funny that. Basically, she just gave me the gift of some serious double standard ammo to use against her. ;D

I've got an appt myself tomorrow. :/

Good luck with that! Let me know how it goes. :)

Tuesday, March 04, 2014 8:16:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I was given that other mostly useless one instead

Oops, sorry. ;/

Okay, so your will is not your own then? Whose is it then and why can't you get your own from the box?

Funny that.

It's the "It's okay if I do it"-syndrome. ;P

Let me know how it goes.

Apparently they want me to do *something*. They didn't explain what that mysterious *something* is supposed to be though. I don't think they know yet. Perhaps volunteer work. I've done volunteer work in the past, but that didn't work out too well for me.

I'm not sure they really understand my disorder. I can do a number of types of work - I can even do stuff that kinda scares me - it's the long term (measured in units of months) stress that gets me.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014 9:28:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

It's the "It's okay if I do it"-syndrome. ;P

Amazingly enough, I had a minor miracle happen last night--I went for a shower(locked the door)and QoH never came to disturb me. I was even thinking while I was in the shower that I couldn't remember the last time I was left undisturbed for so long. And when I went back to my room to get dressed(locked the door), she *still* didn't come to bother me. Her TV program must have been super enthralling. ;P

I guess the Walmart torture after the doc appt was sufficient. :/

Speaking of...while I was in there I wandered off to look at stuff. If you lived in close proximity, there was a t-shirt there that I would have definitely bought for you--it was Wolverine's attire with his ab muscles printed on the front of the shirt. ;P ;D

To repay me, I would let you buy me the skimpy Batgirl sleep ensemble. It was pretty nice(even if I wouldn't wear it for sleeping). ;P

They didn't explain what that mysterious *something* is supposed to be though.

They should send you here to me. I could find all sorts of things for you to do. ;D

but that didn't work out too well for me.

That doesn't sound good. What the hell happened?

it's the long term (measured in units of months) stress that gets me.

Why? please explain.

Has anyone officially diagnosed you with anything? And don't they think that would be helpful?

Wednesday, March 05, 2014 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I guess the Walmart torture after the doc appt was sufficient.

Maybe it was also your assertiveness? Locking the doors to your private areas of the house gives a clear message, I think.

Why? please explain.

Okay. At its base it has to do with fear of failure, or the consequences of my failure for me and others. There's always a sense in the back of my head that disastrous failure on my part is inevitable. That leads to lot of worrying and stress. The stress builds up over time and eventually leads to me crashing mentally and emotionally. A lot of that stress comes from social interactions which is why I tend to avoid people.
One of the nastier sides of this is that even seemingly small events from 30 years ago can kick me in the head unexpectedly. Sometimes it's like my mind is a haunted house filled with ancient ghosts just waiting to jump out of a closet.
Perhaps it's also arrogance, thinking that I know ahead that I'm going to fail, I don't know. It doesn't feel like that, it doesn't feel like I have much of a choice at all. It's my destiny to fail and people will suffer as a result.

Thursday, March 06, 2014 6:28:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Has anyone officially diagnosed you with anything? And don't they think that would be helpful?

A psychiatrist did a couple of years ago, but I guess the city doesn't have access to that information. Or maybe they made up they're mind already, even before these recent evaluations, and they're just trying to find ways/excuses to increase they're annual quota of people they "helped".

Thursday, March 06, 2014 6:34:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Arekino, I have a sneaking suspicion that your fear of failure did not develop in a vacuum(speaking from personal experience). I know *exactly* how debilitating it is(been there, done that)and I'd like more than anything to see you overcome that and the anxiety.

Where do you think it stems from? Mine is easy--QoH and her unrealistic expectations as well as her being uPD and having no empathy. And always drilling into my head that everything I do is wrong(or not good enough, not the right way) and what are people going to think? Well, the reality is I'm top 10% in intelligence and academic scores, so better than 90% of everyone else. Also, most people(except for PD's it seems)don't give a flying fuck what I'm doing or did. People really don't give a fuck. They are too busy thinking about themselves and their own lives.

Anyway, if this helps, just look around...most people are dumbasses(at least where I live) and fuck up shit all the time. I'm talking massive FUBAR fuck-ups. You would have to take some severe head trauma to get to that level of fail.

I think I told you before how I eventually got over my anxiety--basically by playing a role of someone who is super awesome. I actually read an article a few months back saying that that is a technique used for shy people to overcome social anxiety--to basically be an actor playing a role. It eventually becomes who you are(rewiring the brain and all that good stuff :) ). Well, that and me making a decision to drag my ass out of clinical depression. :/

A psychiatrist did a couple of years ago

And what was the diagnosis? (I understand if you don't want to say it here.)

they're just trying to find ways/excuses to increase they're annual quota of people they "helped".

Typical government bureaucratic bullshit. :/ ::rolls eyes::

Locking the doors to your private areas of the house gives a clear message

Yeah, I just have to do it every. fucking. time. or it is back to business as usual like this morning. I even brought up to her that 'closed doors are closed for a reason' which she just totally ignored like I wasn't even talking. I really wish I could be respected in my own house, but since that is not ever going to happen, I'll just have to lock the fucking doors for every little thing. Of course then *I'm* the one with issues. >:(

Thursday, March 06, 2014 9:03:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Where do you think it stems from?

I think it's a combination of how my parents raised me - they have they're own issues, I'd say - plus being bullied during puberty (which led to me becoming even more socially isolated) plus how the diabetes has affected me plus I seem to be overly sensitive to certain sensory inputs like loud noises, bright lights and smells.

most people are dumbasses

That doesn't help me, really. My mistakes are my mistakes. It doesn't matter that other people do worse.

to basically be an actor playing a role.

I doubt that works for me. Actually, I already often feel like an actor just trying to be normal. Hiding my anxieties takes too much energy in the long run.

drag my ass out of clinical depression.

Actual *clinical* depression? So you take anti-depressants?

And what was the diagnosis?

Avoidant Personality Disorder.

I'll just have to lock the fucking doors for every little thing.

Privacy is never a little thing. I think your doing well.

Thursday, March 06, 2014 3:36:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

a combination of how my parents raised me - they have they're own issues, I'd say - plus being bullied during puberty

Yeah, I figured as much. And I'm sorry.

I seem to be overly sensitive to certain sensory inputs like loud noises, bright lights and smells.

I am all to familiar with that as well. For example: Yesterday at the doc's, he wanted QoH to come in early this morning for fasting bloodwork, which means having to get up at 0'dark-hundred. I am not a morning person. Also, the other doc had written out new prescriptions for her meds and she wanted to go fill one last night. (I'm getting to the point eventually :) ) So! Basically I've had to chauffeur her to doc appts every day this week and go to the damn pharmacy late last night to fill the script. I was exhausted by the time I got home. Too much QoH for one week. I went and took a shower and washed my hair and had enough energy to blow dry it and then wanted to go to bed. It was nearly 10pm. But can I just go to bed? Fuck no! QoH wanted me to go fetch the collard greens from the downstairs fridge so she can cook that time of night! So, of course, I couldn't get to sleep from the damn stench of collards and onions permeating the air in the house(laid there tossing and turning for at least 3 hours). It was overwhelming to be honest. Yeah, smells, noises, QoH etc really bother me, too. :/

My mistakes are my mistakes. It doesn't matter that other people do worse.

Sure it does. You are no Hitler or Pol Pot. What does it matter in the grand scheme of things?

I already often feel like an actor just trying to be normal.

For what it's worth, I like you a lot and I don't like many people. You're kind and funny and smart and hella cute for an old guy ;P and lots of other adjectives that I can't think of ATM 'cuz my aphasia is acting up. :)

Actual *clinical* depression?

That happened right after the whole CB fiasco almost 9 years ago. Unfortunately, that diagnosis came from an online mental health website urging me to get my ass to a doc ASAP but unfortunately, as is the story of my life, I just don't get to have medical attention and no one cares anyway. Everything always has to be DIY where I'm concerned.

So you take anti-depressants?

No. I take beer when needed. (and don't scold me ;) )

Avoidant Personality Disorder.

So you were actually diagnosed with that? It wasn't just my professional opinion? I wouldn't be surprised if you were diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder(just going by the new DSM) at some time.

Privacy is never a little thing. I think your doing well.

Thanks. Although dealing with the QoH toddler tantrums can be exhausting. :/

Anyhoo...someone wanted a BBQ on Sunday but it is up in the ass end of Palm Beach. It is outside, gonna be hot, and I don't feel comfortable cooking on a grill for peeps. Also OUAT comes back on that night and I reeeeeally didn't want to miss it. QoH didn't want to it either so it was declined. I'd really like if gigs could be closer...and not outside. :/

Thursday, March 06, 2014 5:28:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

What does it matter in the grand scheme of things?

That's kind of a sad way to look at things. If my mistakes don't then my successes don't matter either, right? Besides, I don't know what the grand scheme of things is. It's a meaningless abstraction to me and real mistakes hurt real people.

I take beer when needed. (and don't scold me ;) )

I won't scold you. In fact, I wish I could get drunk (or buzzed anyway :) ) without risking a coma.

So you were actually diagnosed with that?

Yes, by a real-life psychiatrist. :)

It wasn't just my professional opinion?

I think you have to get paid to make it a *professional* opinion. ;P

I'd really like if gigs could be closer...and not outside.

So it's warm, hm? It still pretty frosty at night over here. Plus it's chilly even when the sun shines. And I don't even get to watch OUAT.... :(

Have you got any other gigs planned?

Friday, March 07, 2014 1:15:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

real mistakes hurt real people.

Sigh...I's supposed to say something positive here but it all escapes me ATM. I feel like an asshole trying to help you when I can't even help myself.

Doesn't help much either that I'm reading a story that strikes waaaay too close to home. I'm tempted to message the author and ask her how long she has known my mother. :/

It's all so depressing.

I think you have to get paid to make it a *professional* opinion. ;P

So my thousands of hours of study and armchair shrink efforts don't count? ;D

So it's warm, hm?

Oh Dear Lord, yes.

Plus it's chilly even when the sun shines.

That sounds like my cup of tea. :)

Last night I tried on a very nice outfit of mine that had been put away for a long time. Not only did it still fit but I looked impeccably good in it. Just can't wear it here as silk and merino wool don't play well with S FL heat and humidity. I wish I was some place more conducive for wearing nice clothing. :/

And I don't even get to watch OUAT.... :(

Well, your life can't be *all* rainbows and unicorns. ;P

Have you got any other gigs planned?

Something fo shizzle in May. The client cornered me at the last function to make sure I was going to be available.

Also, some religious holidays coming up. Always a potential for something there.

Friday, March 07, 2014 3:23:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I feel like an asshole trying to help you when I can't even help myself.

And yet I appreciate you trying (and for other reasons). :)

It's all so depressing.

It can't be more depressing than real life, right? Although, if it is, I advise you to stop reading that story. :)

That sounds like my cup of tea. :)

You prefer ice tea then? I prefer my Earl Grey hot. :)

Always a potential for something there.

Well, thank God for religion. ;P

Saturday, March 08, 2014 12:32:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

And yet I appreciate you trying (and for other reasons). :)

Thanks. :)

It can't be more depressing than real life, right?

Nah, not at all. At least there are also a lot of good things in this particular story. I like this author. I had guessed from a couple phrases that she used (pop and Kraft Dinner)that she was Canadian. After I investigated her profile, I was proven correct. She writes very well and the stories are very realistic. It's just a bit depressing that ACON daughters and NPD mothers are so true to type--like there's some playbook somewhere. :/

It's kinda creepy, though, that the ACON in the story is an artist whose N mother doesn't approve...all the details are creeptastic right down to the ice skating, memory foam bed, and goose down pillows. :O

There was another author that I liked but had to stop reading her stories because they were just waaaay too depressing and angsty.

You prefer ice tea then? I prefer my Earl Grey hot. :)

Hot like you? ;P

I like both, actually. Although I have the bad habit of letting my beverages sit until they are room temperature. The iced tea turns blech and the hot tea stone cold. O.o Speaking of Earl Grey, I found a couple bags of that that I had stashed in my room. I should make some. :)

Well, thank God for religion. ;P

His Chosen People are the ones who keep me in business. ;)

Hey Arekino, may I impose on you a bit? I know I said that just an ecard would be fine for my birthday, but would you mind doing something a little more? Could you make me one and write something in it? I'd like to see your handwriting. :)

Saturday, March 08, 2014 2:30:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Could you make me one and write something in it?

You mean make/buy a birthday card and send it via snail mail? I suppose so. My handwriting isn't always particularly legible though.
I'll need an address. What would you like me to write in it?

Sunday, March 09, 2014 11:39:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

You mean make/buy a birthday card and send it via snail mail?

Nah, you don't have to go to that much trouble. Just make one from copier paper or something and scan it or take a pic.

What would you like me to write in it?

Uhhh...'happy birthday' would be good. ;P

Hey, did you have to do that stupid "spring forward" setting the clocks up an hour thing today? I hate that crap. Now I'm *really* glad I didn't accept that thing in PB today. Can hardly wait til OUAT tonight, though!!!

::happy dance::

Looks like there's gonna be a throw-down between Regina and WWW! Woot! Preview showed WWW getting in Regina's face and Regina was all like 'Witch,'d better step off! Who the eff do you think you are getting in my face?!?' Okay, she didn't exactly *say* that, but Lana emotes really well and I could totally see it. ;P

Sunday, March 09, 2014 3:09:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

did you have to do that stupid "spring forward" setting the clocks up an hour thing today?

You mean Daylight Savings Time? I think that's March 30th over here.

How was OUAT?

Monday, March 10, 2014 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

You mean Daylight Savings Time? I think that's March 30th over here.

Yeah. You get 3 weeks reprieve then. ;)

How was OUAT?

Weird. I'll get into it in a separate post maybe.

It started out feeling different. There was a lot of Emma scenes in the first half which were really good. I thought J Mo was great. And Jared's acting seems to have improved.

There was one continuity error at the beginning that I caught--didn't see anyone else catch it at the fansite last night--and then some goofy crap toward the end.

This show always feels like it's made by a committee--some parts are really good and others are WTF?

The fandom fanfic writers write circles around the actual writers. :/

Robin Hood made his appearance this ep and right away they were trying to hook him up with Regina. I thought they were waiting until 3 eps in for that. Althought Regina *did* say that he smelled like the forest. LOL

And there were flying monkeys right off the bat! And someone was screwing one unbeknownst to her!(Seems they can shape-shift!) :O O.o This show is nuts. LOL

Monday, March 10, 2014 2:04:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

You get 3 weeks reprieve then. ;)

Great, just when I'll be rid of that damn Spring fatigue DST comes along. :(

This show always feels like it's made by a committee

That's literally how it's done. :)

flying monkeys right off the bat!

Whose butt did they fly out of? :p

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6:41:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Whose butt did they fly out of? :p

Since it was revealed that the guy who Emma was dating for 8 months was a flying monkey, I'm sure he had plenty of opportunity to be all up in her butt(assuming she's into that). ;P

I know this is all full of spoilers, but it's almost better than the actual episodes.  I love OUAT and all, but I also love this chick's recaps.

But heed my warning! Don't get into a staring contest with Regina's boobage! ;P

Actually, the pics with Regina and Snow and Robin had me just about rolling on the ground in fits of laughter. ;D

And how is your day so far my sassy Arekino?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:45:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Don't get into a staring contest with Regina's boobage! ;P

Why? Will they stare back into me? ( <-- Nietzsche joke! Yes, people, it's all high philosophy here :P )

And how is your day so far my sassy Arekino?

I'm a little tired. Spring fatigue I think. The weather has been fickle the last few days. Yesterday was very warm for the time of year and today it was cold again. Typical Dutch Spring. #sigh#

It's been pretty boring so far. I'm glad to hear your having fun with OUAT though. That way I can live vicariously through you. ;P

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:26:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Why? Will they stare back into me?

They will. Then there will be an argument that goes something like this:

Regina: Eyes up here, dear. It's not nice to stare.

Arekino: But they started it! ;P

R: **glares**

A: Besides, if you didn't want people staring, you'd wear something else. ;D

I just don't want you getting in trouble. I know how your eyes are magically drawn to boobage and I know how *some* women can get. ;P

It's been pretty boring so far.

Lucky you. I got into it earlier with QoH. First, she was pissed that I slept in(I'm still not used to that damn time change)and then she started in on 'what are you going to do about the lawn mower.' She's such a damn nag. I went down stairs to take it apart again and she just kept running her mouth. I can't think with her so I went upstairs and slammed the door in her face. She didn't like that. I've kinda blocked out what she said but I remember telling her to shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone.

I hope your 'rents are less annoying. :/

Anyway, I took the carb apart and it appeared to be clean. I put it all back together. I'm at a loss as to what the problem is. I guess I'll just have to spend the money for a new one.

If it was up to me, I'd just ask the nabes to sell me theirs as they don't use it. They have a lawn service do their yard. I could probably get it cheap. But QoH always has to have the biggest and most expensive. >:(

I'm glad to hear your having fun with OUAT though. That way I can live vicariously through you. ;P

That's about the only fun I have ATM. And you, of course! ;D

It's funny that of all the fanfics that I read, 3 of the authors guessed 3 separate details correctly: Emma would get her memory back by drinking a potion, her love interest would be working with the WWW(good guess, as preview AFAIK didn't show a love interest), and FTL getting sent back again as if no time went by.

There was also a funny "missing scene" fanfic someone did that I could have written myself in response to those hideous plaid pants that Emma was wearing. She comes to see Regina to ask her if it was a Regina-prank and Regina was like, 'Oh no, hon, I have *good* taste. Those were all you!' LOL

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 5:57:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

your eyes are magically drawn to boobage

It's a blessing and a curse. ;P

I hope your 'rents are less annoying. :/

It's going okay lately actually. The situation is still far from perfect but it's bearable.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem is.

Maybe it's the battery? Do those things even have batteries?

But QoH always has to have the biggest and most expensive. >:(

How about a goat? :P

I've been trying to find out when season 3 of OUAT will start over here but no luck. I'll just have to wait it out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 3:27:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

It's going okay lately actually. The situation is still far from perfect but it's bearable.

That's good to hear. I assume that neither of them go out of their way to deliberately pick fights with you? Because that's what pisses me off the most--that, and her accusing me of starting it. WTF? And the constant bitching and complaining. I wish I had a Mute Spell to put on her. >:(

Maybe it's the battery? Do those things even have batteries?

No battery as it's a pull-start. That's all moot now as I bought a new one today at wonderful Walmart. $180 after tax was added on but it was much less expensive than the other one. And this one is basically the same mower, just a different brand slapped on it--it is still a Briggs & Stratton engine and a 22" cut with the high wheels in the back. The only difference is the gas tank looks to be a smaller capacity. :/

How about a goat? :P

I wouldn't put it past these island peeps around here to have one. ;P They are tricksy little bastards, though(the goats). But goat milk for goat cheese *would* be a plus. ;D

I've been trying to find out when season 3 of OUAT will start over here

Are you getting it on a Dutch channel or a UK one? Because there was a big kerfluffle about the UK channel not picking up season 3 and there was much outrage and a twitter campaign over it. :(

In other news, we've bypassed spring it seems and gone directly to summer. It is HOT outside. :/

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 6:02:00 PM  

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