Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Crazy Good

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it *has* been awhile since I last posted something interesting, hasn’t it?  And since OUAT is back, what better to post on?  So yeah, that pic up there was a promo pic from ABC.  The fab four up there were doing the rounds in New York last week to the various talk shows and even to Howard Stern.  I must say, this show has some damn good-looking peeps on it, especially the hottest not-so-villainous villains.

One thing about this struck me kinda funny—is ABC trying to tease some of the shippers out there?  ‘Cuz there’s four different ‘ships here:  Swan Queen, Captain Swan, Evil Charming, or Bromance.  Or is that Captain Charming?  I certainly don’t know, nor do I keep up with that silliness.  Oh, here’s one from a stalker outside:

Anyway, I could go into a whole review of this new episode, but that is best left to Lily Spark's column over at, so go read that; I’m feeling a little too lazy at the moment for reviews.  I would like to say that this show is absolutely bat-shit insane and makes absolutely no sense any more, but I guess that’s part of the charm of it these days.  It’s kinda fun to bitch and moan about it on forums, though, and then have fanfic peeps write what should be happening.

I still can’t get over the fact that they had Emma banging a Flying Monkey for 8 months.  That’s just so crazy.  LOL Also, I know that Rebecca Mader who plays the Wicked Witch is British, but I could have sworn that when they showed her at the end of the episode that she spoke with an Australian accent.  I guess they were trying to be authentic with the Witch being from Oz and all.  ;P

**A/N  First 3 pics shamelessly stolen from Lana P's twitter feed, the last one was stolen from a "stalker" in NY.


Anonymous arekino said...

Are you getting it on a Dutch channel or a UK one?

A Dutch one.

I certainly don’t know

But you know all the genre names?

this show is absolutely bat-shit insane

Makes me wonder what people will think of it 10 or 20 years from now.

they had Emma banging a Flying Monkey

Another ship genre? ;P

Is that second pic from the Daily Show?

Thursday, March 13, 2014 8:19:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Good morning, dahling! Xully the House Elf couldn't sleep. (I was making baked ziti a la Regina's lasagne recipe--spicy!--last night, went to bed at 2:30am, and for some unknown reason I woke up at 6:30-ish and couldn't get back to sleep. Figured I should do some reading and now here I am! ;D)

But you know all the genre names?

I read too much fanfic and am on the OUAT forum. It can't be helped.

Another ship genre? ;P

Yeah, so it would seem. Peeps were already trying to come up with a ship name immediately after the episode aired. I have no idea what they settled on. Flying Swan or Monkey Queen or some such nonsense. :/

Is that second pic from the Daily Show?

Good Morning America, I think.

I think Lana was on The View as well. I missed it. I would have tuned in just to see her even though I despise that show. I could probably find a YouTube clip, though. ;)

And how are you, my dearest one? Anything good cookin'?

I made baked ziti my first time ever last week and it was so good that I tried again last night(like I said up there ^). I didn't have ziti noodles so I used rotelle(as that's what QoH seems to buy exclusively). She claims to *hate* ziti, but she sure liked the one I made! I wonder how she's going to like the spicy version? ;D

Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:07:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

And how are you, my dearest one?

Well, I've just had my afternoon tea so I'm feeling pretty good right now, my lovely Xul. Some green tea with lemon, plus some speculaas cookies. Yummie! :)

Anything good cookin'?

Not literally. Actually, not even figuratively. Yesterday I had a little conversation with Social Services Guy and I don't think I like the outcome. He wants me to go look at volunteer work again and he also thinks I should join some kind of running/walking club. I kinda feel like a guinea pig being put through someone's pet project to be experimented upon.
I don't know about that SSG. He had me evaluated but yesterday it looked as if he had not even bothered to study the evaluation report. He's either sloppy or out of his depth, it seems to me. And he just doesn't seem to listen, the arrogant f#@$. (sorry, I'm still a little bit miffed)

I wonder how she's going to like the spicy version? ;D

For some reason I'm really into spicy food lately. I really like to add extra pepper or ginger or sambal oelek (whenever I make an omelet I just add as much curry as possible and a dollop of sambal oelek, plus some salt and pepper of course :) ).

So, got any plans for the weekend, Dearie? :)

Friday, March 14, 2014 10:12:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

Some green tea with lemon

Sounds good. :) Have you ever tried jasmine green tea? I just finished off that Earl Grey that I spoke of the other day. It was stone cold as I made it last night and then let it set on my bedside dresser. It was fine, though, as I just came in from raking some leaves out back and had gotten hot. Stupid trees down here drop their leave in the spring instead of autumn. :(

he also thinks I should join some kind of running/walking club.

For me, that sounds absolutely horrible. Torturous, actually. He is aware that your country is a signer of the Geneva Convention, no? And torture is forbidden?

He's either sloppy or out of his depth

Sounds to me like the typical American garden variety government worker. I guess they are all the same the word over. :/

the arrogant f#@$. (sorry, I'm still a little bit miffed)

You don't have to apologize to me of all people for cussing his ass the hell out. He deserves it. >:(

For some reason I'm really into spicy food lately.


I really like to add extra pepper or ginger or sambal oelek (whenever I make an omelet

My man! ;P

Sure you're not an undercover Evil Regal? I like to add red pepper flakes(like someone else ;P)to my omelets. Makes them yummy! :)

I think the spicy ziti turned out rather well. I was a little concerned as it seemed fairly potent when I tried some fresh after taking it out of the oven, but it seems to have mellowed a bit after sitting in the fridge. I had added red pepper flakes to the ricotta mixture and then used a spicy marinara instead of the regular kind.

So, got any plans for the weekend, Dearie? :)

Well, I intend to finish raking out back just as soon as I cool down. I managed to pull something in my lower back on the right side yesterday and moving around seems to help stretch it back out. If not, it'll be inversion table time! I'll just hang upside down like a bat until all the kinks work loose. ;P Plow position only helps so much. :/

OUAT on Sunday. Oh! OUAT in Wonderland was back on. I thought it had been cancelled. Seems I missed the first ep last week. Barbara Hershey will be on next week as the QoH! Woot!

Friday, March 14, 2014 2:38:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

And torture is forbidden?

Apparently he's not aware of this, or he is and doesn't care. It's a scandal. I should sue.

But seriously, I already take regular walks myself. On my own, choosing my own way. I get enough exercise. And it's not going to help me with my psychological issues.

Barbara Hershey will be on next week as the QoH!

Whoa, she's still around?

I'll be babysitting Saturday evening. I'll try to get a comment in in the afternoon.

Friday, March 14, 2014 5:23:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

It's a scandal. I should sue.

Damn straight! ;P

Did I ever tell you the reason I hate running? It really was torture for me. I'll never be made to do it again.

I already take regular walks myself. On my own, choosing my own way.

Sounds very American of you. You must be hanging around me too much. ;P ;D

Whoa, she's still around?

I'm thinking it's to do with a flash-back, as she is supposed to be dead. Something about why the Knave doesn't have his heart and where it is.

It's one of those annoying things with this series--they keep doing crossovers with OUAT Storybrooke. IIRC, the Knave was living in Storybrooke, then the White Rabbit came to get him to help save Alice from the loony bin. Then there was a flashback episode where the Knave was teamed up with Robin Hood and the Merry Men at some time in the past. We learned that the Knave is Will Scarlet and the Red Queen is Anastasia, his ex-GF. Apparently, he was so hurt over her leaving him to become the Red Queen that he had his heart removed so he wouldn't have to feel anything any more. I'm guessing that's where the bad ol' QoH comes in. ;D I liked Barbara Hershey in that role, so I'm looking forward to that episode.

I wasn't too keen on the OUAT Wonderland series. It was rather meh, but from the new ep that I watched last night, it looks like it's getting a little more interesting.

I'll try to get a comment in in the afternoon.

Okay, have fun with that! ;P

Hey, I meant to ask before...those herring that they sell from food trucks/stands in Amsterdam...are those suckers cooked or raw? They look absolutely disgusting. O.o And what is the most disgusting Dutch food in your opinion?

Friday, March 14, 2014 6:48:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Did I ever tell you the reason I hate running?

No, I don't think so. What happened?

You must be hanging around me too much.

Too much of a good thing? I should be so lucky. ;P

are those suckers cooked or raw?

Raw but salted/pickled.

They look absolutely disgusting.

I don't like them much either. As a kid I always preferred rolmops, which is similar.

what is the most disgusting Dutch food in your opinion?

Zuurkool, I think. My parents like it though. The eat it either separately or mixed into the mashed potatoes.
Also, beer tastes disgusting to me. :)

There are actually a lot of Dutch foods that I have never tasted because they are some regional delicacy.

Saturday, March 15, 2014 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

What happened?

When I was a kid, mainly in elementary school, there was this Nazi PE teacher who used to make us run laps for the duration of class time on Wednesdays. I used to get terrible stabbing pains in my sides after a few laps, but we weren't allowed to stop. There were other issues as well. This bitch had a German surname(I think she really was a Nazi)and my friend T also was of German heritage. This bitch favored my friend and had it out for me for some reason. IDK if it was because my friend liked running and took naturally to it(she was thin and had a runner's body, I'm naturally more muscular--muscle and cardio doesn't mix too well)or because my friend and I were competitive. This bitch also used to find lame excuses to punish me severely.

Anyway, when I was still working at my cool job, my friend and co-worker C was a retired PE teacher. I told her about the bitch and C said that it was basically laziness on the Nazi's part and that doing shit like that only makes kids hate PE. In spite of what QoH thinks of C, she was a decent person for the most part. I just wish she didn't choose the job over our friendship. :/

Anyway, I had issues with most of the female PE teachers who were all frustrated lesbians(and in the closet)by my estimation. But that is another issue. In spite of all that, I *did* love PE as I'm naturally athletic(just not with running ;P).


I prefer my herring cooked. I don't like it pickled. Smoked wold be okay.

Zuurkool...Also, beer tastes disgusting to me.

Sigh. I guess I won't be taking you to any Oktoberfests. :/

I was watching a Bizarre Foods program yesterday and he was in Hungary. They were eating lots of penises and balls and brains and stuff. I used to work for a guy who did mainly Hungarian Jewish recipes(no penises or balls, though). They showed some of them on the show. What they showed, I actually liked and didn't think it strange at all. ;)

One thing they showed that I don't like is carp. They are a nasty bottom feeder that tastes like mud.

Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I used to get terrible stabbing pains in my sides after a few laps,

I used to get that too when I was a kid. Apparently it has something to do with your spleen or something. It goes away when/if your endurance improves.

female PE teachers who were all frustrated lesbians(and in the closet)by my estimation.

That sounds a little creepy? Did one of them come on to you? Or were they just really butch?

I guess I won't be taking you to any Oktoberfests.

Well, I wouldn't drink any beer but I'd still be able to enjoy the company of die schöne mädeln. ;P

One thing they showed that I don't like is carp.

I've never had carp. I used to fishing for it as a kid but we always threw them back.

Sunday, March 16, 2014 10:40:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

It goes away when/if your endurance improves.

Not gonna happen for running. I prefer to save my endurance for other activities. ;P

Did one of them come on to you?

No, thank God. There was a substitute one in high school who wasn't so bad. I accidentally injured her during a softball game one time. She was pitching during the game as it sped up things to just let her do it as most of the girls were un-athletic. I crushed a line drive...square into her knee. :/ Felt kinda bad about that. She also subbed for a history class after the regular teacher got fired for dating a student. She was a good teacher.

Or were they just really butch?

Yes, but OMG Arekino, there was this one who I swear to God looked like a man. We all thought it was a man in drag but we dared not say anything or we'd get in trouble. Well, being kids we said it to each other but it was a verboten topic being in the 80's and all. ;P

I'd still be able to enjoy the company of die schöne mädeln. ;P

Heh, I'm sure. ;D

I'd hate to see what would happen to me at one of those. I'd likely need to be carried out. ;P

I used to fishing for it as a kid but we always threw them back.

Back to where they belong. ;D

Sooooo, anything exciting today? Have fun kid wranglin'?

Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:26:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

OMFG!!!! The new OUAT episode? I want to do a crazy happy dance but I need to pick my jaw up from the ground so I don't injure myself! Holy shit! I hope they keep up the episodes like this one!

Sunday, March 16, 2014 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I'd likely need to be carried out. ;P

You're not that heavy so I'd do that for you. I could carry you on my back and hope you don't throw up all over my neck. :)

Have fun kid wranglin'?

Yeah, it was cool. The oldest is 16 now so he doesn't really need a babysitter. There was a movie on TV (Monsters VS Aliens) but the kids spend most of their time in front of a tablet or their Xbox. It was a quiet night.

Holy shit!

Surely, it was magical, rainbow coloured shit? ;P

Monday, March 17, 2014 12:25:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I could carry you on my back and hope you don't throw up all over my neck. :) koala style? LOL Or you could do a fireman's carry--then you'd risk me barfing down your back or arse. ;P Either way, you're nearly a foot taller than me so it shouldn't be a problem. :) ;P

Surely, it was magical, rainbow coloured shit? ;P

Mostly purple and green magical shit. ;D

Seriously, it was such an awesome episode with lots of jaw-dropping things happening. I'm sooo doing a post. I just have to figure out a way to not include spoilers as there were soooo many. :O

Monday, March 17, 2014 5:07:00 PM  

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