Saturday, July 20, 2013

Seems like a good idea


Anonymous arekino said...

If you do that then your mother wins, right? So, not such a great idea.

Besides, I'd miss you. :( (and I'm sure other people would too. They'd be shocked.)

Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Are you serious or are you just kidding? I don't think it's that funny.

Sunday, July 21, 2013 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I was serious when I posted it. At my wit's end with a no win situation.

I feel like I'm in Bizarro World ATM. If I *don't* argue, I'm accused of being argumentative. My silence is an assault. No matter what I do, I'm accused of doing the very thing my mother is doing while she's accusing me of doing what she's doing to me. It's crazy-making to the Nth degree.

Now I'm at the point where I'm feeling sarcastic. So that pic is sarcasm ATM.

Besides, I'd miss you. :( (and I'm sure other people would too. They'd be shocked.)

I think you're the only one who would miss me. Maybe Petrichor, too. Other than that, I don't really exist or matter to anyone in meat world.

I won't follow through mainly for your sake, Arekino.

I'm supposed to be this horrible self-centered awful person but somehow I keep thinking of others' welfare and doing things that aren't in my best interest because of how it would affect others.

I must really be mental or something.

Sunday, July 21, 2013 2:03:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

somehow I keep thinking of others' welfare and doing things that aren't in my best interest because of how it would affect others

Yeah, I know what that's like. It's hard to say no to people who you know need my help. Even if I don't really want to do it. And afterwards I'm never sure how I feel about doing it. On the one hand I feel like I did a good thing and on the other hand I still feel a bit exploited. I feel like I should get more satisfaction out of helping people.

And I hate asking others for help because then I feel like I owe them something without having any idea of how to repay them, or how they might want me to repay them or even if I would want to then do what they want me to do. How can I say no to that? Would they think I'm a fraud if I do say no? Aaargh... I don't know.

Friends are a mystery to me as well really. When are people friends? What does it take? Do friends feel a certain way about each other or is it just a matter of common interests? What kind of shit can you allow a friend to get away with? Especially a new friend? I don't know what people expect from me if I'm their new friend. How often do friends visit each other? Or do they just meet in the café or the sportsclub?

Xul, you're really an easy friend to have. You don't expect me to say a lot (which is easy for me because I usually don't have a lot to say). You don't seem to expect a lot of me in general. You're a low maintenance friend, I guess.

Is it warm where you are? We're having a heat wave over here. Well, according to Dutch standards. 36 degrees! Locally, anyway. I feel like I'm in a hothouse. I'm sweating my ass off.

Did you know that Karen Gillan shaved off her hair for her new movie? I think she had her own hair then made into a wig and fooled a bunch of people with that. There's a video even. So typically Karen.

My oldest cousing brought some chocolate from Italy to use today. It turns out it's just Ritter sport but still very nice. I had some with espresso flavor in it. Maybe it had some real coffee in it as well. I haven't had any real coffee in months.

I've lost about 2 kilos BTW since I started "dieting".

Anyway, good to hear you're not going to kill yourself.

Sunday, July 21, 2013 3:59:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Arekino, to your first two paragraphs ^^^up there...EXACTLY!!! I totally get that, especially the second one. You are my peep! You get me/I get you!

About my mother...she DESERVED to get arrested and go to jail for what she did to me, but I chose to have mercy. I'm *such* a terrible person! /sarc

you're really an easy friend to have.

You, too! :) You never brow-beat me or tell me that I should do this, that or the other.(I *really* hate unsolicited advice. I'm not a moron. I usually know what I should do, I don't need help.) You are soooo easy to talk to. :)

You're a low maintenance friend, I guess.

I am, actually. ;P

Is it warm where you are?

Oh God, yes! It is terrible here, and the heat index would make it comparable to what you're experiencing. It is sooooo humid that it gets hard to breath if you do anything outside for any length of time.

I feel like I'm in a hothouse. I'm sweating my ass off.

Sucks not having A/C, huh? ;)

I had to get up on the roof to re-patch a part of the roof that has developed a leak. I was up there for 2 hours and I felt like I was being cooked. I did get some sunburn on my right arm. I thought I was going to have a heat stroke.

When I finished and came back inside, went to my room, changed clothes, sitting on my bed half dead, my mother comes in and starts chewing my ear off over some inane thing.

I'm sitting there like half keeled over, not saying anything(I've resolved to not say a thing to her any more. She accuses me of 'always interrupting' and 'never letting her finish' or 'cutting her off before she says what she wants to say and loses her train of thought' so I'm just sitting there, half dead, saying nothing, and she says, "What's wrong. with YOU?"

Gee, I've been up on the roof for 2 hours in maybe 110 degree heat and I'm half dead...what ever could it be?!? Tirade followed. :::facepalm:::

I've lost about 2 kilos BTW since I started "dieting".

Hey, congrats! So the no carb is working like a charm? Kinda like a phase 1 or paleo dealy-o?

That's one good thing that has come from all the drama of the last 2 weeks...I've managed to lose that stubborn 2 kilos myself. I lose my appetite when stressed. Now I'm back down to my ideal weight. :)

good to hear you're not going to kill yourself.

Yeah, I did some angry blogging. Then the old woman insisted on going to the oriental grocery for a few things. That place is like a culinary toy store for me and got me in a good mood. I'm going to set the auto-post for afternoon(my time)tomorrow so new post after 3pm. :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013 9:00:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

and she says, "What's wrong. with YOU?"

Honestly, I think your mother is insane. She needs professionals to take care of her.

So the no carb is working like a charm?

Well, less carb and yes it looks like it works. Maybe I just always ate too many carbs?

Now I'm back down to my ideal weight. :)


new post after 3pm. :)

Okay, looking forward to it.

Monday, July 22, 2013 2:50:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I think your mother is insane. She needs professionals to take care of her.

I have came to the same conclusion.

it looks like it works

Push-ups, sit-ups, and some weight lifting would work to make you extra sexy, too! ;P



Monday, July 22, 2013 6:18:00 PM  

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