Saturday, July 13, 2013

More bullsh*t that happened yesterday

If you didn't read the last comment on the last post where I explained what happened to my car yesterday, go read it now.  I'm not going to type it again; I'm too pissed at the moment.  But here are some pics of the damage to my car caused by three pitbulls.

This is all so much bullshit. My car has several hundreds of dollars of damage because irresponsible pieces of shit have illegal dogs and let them run loose. Now I'm stuck with a fucked up car and I get to pay for the repairs myself. This is such a fucking third world country. It's turned completely to shit. There is no rule of law. The fucking cops refuse to do anything about crimes. I fucking hate this place.


Anonymous arekino said...

If you didn't read the last comment on the last post where I explained what happened to my car yesterday, go read it now.

I had read it and I even commented on it:

arekino said...

Maybe you should just let your mother sell the house and get the hell out of there. Geesh! It should be so easy to find a better place to live than where you are now. How can people be that anti-social? Do you live in the worst part of the city or something?

See? :)

I get to pay for the repairs myself.

Insurance doesn't cover this? Maybe you can sue someone?

This is such a fucking third world country.

Ah, Florida, land of old people, lazy cops and arseholes (present company excepted). Or was that too crude?

Saturday, July 13, 2013 3:59:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Yeah, I saw the comment on the other post. I guess you were typing as I was making the new post.

According to the useless cops, they went over to the house where the dogs were at and those bastards claimed that they weren't their dogs. Riiiiiiight. That's always what these fuckers do...whenever something happens, it's always, "Oh, not my dog, never saw them before, don't know nothin'." And because these bastards NEVER obey the law and have the proper tags and licensing for the dogs, there's no paperwork linking these dogs to their address. Therefore, they can play ignorant and then it's a 'my word versus theirs' situation.

Unfortunately for me, since the car is 8 years old, it isn't covered by the insurance that I have for it. I called my agent and she said that she could back-date the additional coverage but it would be about $300 extra and then I have an additional $500 deductible. So $800 I'd have to pay. It's cheaper for me just to buy the replacement grille online--that'll run somewhere around $100 to $150.

What really pisses me off is I'd like to sue the bastards who own these dogs, but I'd have to go to small claims court and I really have no legal proof that they own the dogs. They have already denied it to the cops, plus there's no legal proof(tags, licenses) linking the dogs to that address. There's no guarantee that the court would find in my favor. My luck would be that they'd tell me that I can't prove anything, my word against theirs, and then I'd have to pay court costs on top of everything this is already costing me.

I'd really love to do something evil as revenge but my luck I'd go to jail forever so I'll just have to refrain.

Or was that too crude?

You are going too easy on this shit-hole. And yes, I live in one of the worst fucking ghettos. It wasn't always a ghetto--it's gotten increasingly worse over the past 20 years. There is a reason why peeps don't want to live with swarten.

Saturday, July 13, 2013 5:47:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

I'd really love to do something evil as revenge

Well, you could capture the dogs and then train them to obey a "kill" command of yours. :P

There is a reason why peeps don't want to live with swarten.

I do believe that is a rather racist thing to say. You must be *really* pissed off. :(

How about a hug? Hm? One Giant Mothereffin' Hug? The Mother Of All Cyber Hugs? ##HUUUUGGG## :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013 6:05:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I do believe that is a rather racist thing to say. You must be *really* pissed off. :(

Call it what you like, it's the truth. If you had to experience the bullshit firsthand, then you would understand. There is a lot of local nonsense going on ATM ie Zimmerman trial. Lots of racial bullshit. I live my life in peace and don't bother anyone, but that's not good enough. There is a certain element that would kill me just because of what I look like...they make you hate them. And the govt. and police enable it eg. DOJ paying for protestors to stir up racial trouble.

How about a hug? Hm? One Giant Mothereffin' Hug? The Mother Of All Cyber Hugs? ##HUUUUGGG## :)

That would be nice! :)

Could I come live with you? Would the old peeps mind? ;P

Saturday, July 13, 2013 7:33:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Could I come live with you? Would the old peeps mind? ;P

I think they'd be utterly surprised that there's a woman out there who would want to live in my immediate vicinity.

The USA is a huge country, surely there must be a place for you there. I mean, escape fantasies are fun but for the more realistic ones you don't need to have a passport. Do you really like the Netherlands that much?

Sunday, July 14, 2013 2:07:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I think they'd be utterly surprised that there's a woman out there who would want to live in my immediate vicinity.

Seriously? Why would they be so surprised? You are a very nice man. Why wouldn't a woman want to be in your vicinity? :)

surely there must be a place for you there

I have thought about Wyoming for something completely different, but the winters are pretty extreme. I also like some parts of North Florida, it's just that I'm tired of hurricanes. Also, the building codes up there aren't as stringent as S. Florida--I'd be nervous living in a home that wasn't made of concrete. New Hampshire seems good in some ways--it's just the winters are a bitch like with Wyoming.

It sucks cuz I like Florida for the most part even if the summers suck with the heat and humidity and hurricanes(and Palmetto bugs). :( Maybe going to Martin County(county to the north of Palm Beach Co.) like some of my friends from school would be feasible. :::shrugs:::

Do you really like the Netherlands that much?

Don't know, I've never been there! ;P It's certainly different. Would be nice to check it out some time. :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013 4:43:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

Why wouldn't a woman want to be in your vicinity? :)

It's more of a statistical matter as there has never been a woman attempting to be in my vicinity. I know, there's a logical fallacy in there somewhere. :P

Would be nice to check it out some time. :)

Well, I for one hope you get the opportunity to do so.

BTW I found this subreddit floridawoman. Is there something in the water in Florida or something? ;P

Monday, July 15, 2013 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

there has never been a woman attempting to be in my vicinity.

That's too bad. There is obviously something wrong with the women over there. They just don't know a rockin' most excellent dude when they see one. ;)

Well, I for one hope you get the opportunity to do so.

Yes, me too! :) When the Great Xul invades Europe, it shall be a grande affair. I'd likely fly in to Brussels(for some reason it's cheaper to fly in to Brussels), do some serious damage to their chocolate and Chimay supplies, come see you and see is I could talk ya into coming down to France with me ;D and then go see a bunch of cool stuff down there(like Le Mont St Michel).

Oh! That reminds me! The other day I was watching a little Tour de France(mainly because I like looking at the beautiful countryside) and they were doing a time trial thingy in front of Mont St Michel of all places when my mother walks into my room and says, "oh, look at this place...what a dump!" referring to Mont St Michel. I'm like WTF???!!! She really hates everything. BTW, she has no idea that MSM is on my bucket list, let alone I have a bucket list.

Is there something in the water in Florida or something? ;P

Lime deposits and the chemical equivalent to baking soda, but I don't think that's what the problem is! LOL I like the one about the vodka. ;P Shouldn't mess with peeps booze! LOL

IDK, this state has lots of crazies. :/

Monday, July 15, 2013 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

There is obviously something wrong with the women over there.

I doubt that I can blame that all on the women. I'm pretty sure my body language and my lack of social skills have something to do with it. Plus that I don't go out, really. People don't talk much to each other outside traditional social gatherings.

Lime deposits and the chemical equivalent to baking soda

What? So it's not the purest of H2O then? What about the fluoride stuff? Or is that an urban legend?

We had some really nice soup today. A thick courgette and Spanish onion concoction with some (un-)whipped cream added for extra flavour and texture. Very nice.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:10:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

Arekino, I'd love to hear about your upbringing/life experiences some time(privately, of course...I'd never ask you to put that on my blog) if you'd be okay with that. :)

What? So it's not the purest of H2O then?

Florida is basically one big ancient coral reef to the south and all limestone rock the whole length of the state. Limestone is very porous and brittle and water(and acidity in water) tends to make it leach out, therefore lime deposits.

The famous Zephyrhills spring water has small amounts of basically baking soda from the rocks from which the spring flows. The water has a bit of a silky texture to it.

There's also some iron in the well water in some areas. Probably all sorts of pollution from various run-offs, too. Where I'm at, the water treatment facility is literally 200-250 meters from my house. Our water here has always been pretty good until recently when they've been screwing around with how they treat the water. :/

What about the fluoride stuff? Or is that an urban legend?

I'm not sure about that. I heard that fluoride was a waste product from industry and they paid off scientists to convince the govt that it was good for teeth and to allow them to dump it into the water "for the good of the people" as opposed to being fined and made to dispose of it properly. :(

Soup sounds nice! :) Glad you are having a positive day.

I'm not having such a nice time here. My mother is being absolutely unbearable. Had a verbal altercation yesterday and a very big nasty ginormous blow-up/confrontation today which almost got physical(but I wouldn't let her bait me into hitting her or touching her, she'd LOVE that so she could call the cops and have me arrested)and which nearly led to me just getting up and moving out.

The only problem with that is the last time I went of half-cocked it didn't work out very well. I know that I can't just make life changing decisions out of emotion. I really need to get out of here but I need to have a well planned strategy first. I'm going to let the old woman think that she has won for now and that she has beaten me into submission(figuratively speaking).

I plan on contacting my one-time best friend's husband for advice. He still has contact with some people down here who might be able to assist me or offer good advice. I think it might be a bit of a bomb-shell to him, but again, maybe not. He has met my mother before and knows how she is. I just don't think he's aware of the extent of it.

I think I might just be beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel(of course, it just might be the train :O ). The thought of finally being free is wonderful. I'm to the point that I'm not feeling much guilt if I leave. My mother, through her actions, is driving me away. This is not my fault. I'm just doing what's best for self preservation here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:39:00 PM  

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