Saturday, October 27, 2012

OUAT Predictions

Okay, this probably won't be too difficult of a prediction because Lana Parrilla gave a bit of a hint about what was going on in the next episode.  From what she said, it involves Rumple trying to teach young Regina magic but something is getting in the way.  We also learn why Regina hates Jefferson.  And from what the promos showed, Dr. Whale is somehow involved.

So now, my prediction:  Young Regina is having a hard time learning magic because she doesn't have much malice at this point and it's likely that her love for Daniel and mourning his death is somehow interfering with the magic lessons.  So this is where Jefferson enters the picture.  We know from previous shows that he is a 'portal jumper' and also the Mad Hatter so he is likely brought on the scene because he has been to lots of different realms and has probably met a dude who can help bring Daniel back to life- Dr. Frankenstein/Dr. Whale.  So he hooks up Regina with Frankie and he brings back Daniel, only he isn't sweet loveable Daniel, he's now evil monster Daniel and likely has to be killed -again- so now Regina has to suffer the pain of having him killed and losing him a second time.  Now she *hates* Jefferson for hooking her up with Frankie and blames him for this tragic outcome, just like she blames Snow for Daniel's death the first time around.  

Rumples is likely loving all of this.  I envision him doing the old Emperor Palpatine to Luke Skywalker routine on Regina--"Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father's mother's place at my side!"  Now that she has a goodly amount of hatred in her heart, she can now be more adept at the Dark Arts.

I will be surprised if my prediction is far off from the actual episode.

Now, about that weird dream that I had...

...I was in the Enchanted Forest and the Queen and her entourage was approaching.  The rest of the peeps are bowing as the Queen passes but I wouldn't bow.  I wanted to get a good look at the Queen.  Then they were like, "You better bow or she'll kill you!" but I still wouldn't bow.  Then the Queen rides up to me and says something about me not bowing.  Then I'm all 'Go ahead and kill me, it would be more merciful than living.'  And the Queen is like, "I'm not merciful!  Guards!  Take her to my castle!"  And I'm like 'Before you do, I need to get my stuff!'  My stuff for some reason was in a couple chests like pirates would have and they were in a cave. *?*

Back at the Queens castle, I'm settling in to my quarters.  (Yeah, quite generous of the Queen, eh?)  She comes in and starts looking at all my stuff--swords, battle axes, jewelry(one ring in particular), nice clothes--and remarks, "You weren't always as you are now.  You have some very nice things here."  Then I'm like, "You have magic.  You can make me how I'm supposed to be."  Then she poofs me into my new self.  We were both quite pleased with it for a few minutes.  Then I had the awful thought that I'm now exactly how I imagined 'perfection' to be by other peoples standards, but how I imagined *their* standards to be.  I'm not how I am actually supposed to be.  "Dammit!  Poof me back!  Now I have to find myself all over again."  So I get poofed back.  Then I say to the Queen, "Ya know, this isn't who you are supposed to be, either!"  And we both kinda give each other the 'crap, what are we supposed to do now?' look.

I have some funky-ass dreams for realz.


Anonymous arekino said...

My stuff ... they were in a cave. *?*

Maybe your stuff represents your identity and the cave a hidden, secret place (perhaps the subconscious) ?

You can make me how I'm supposed to be.

Any idea why you would ask such a thing from the Queen?

I have some funky-ass dreams for realz.


Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:11:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

My, you are up late, Arekino!

Maybe your stuff represents your identity and the cave a hidden, secret place (perhaps the subconscious) ? IDK, I know that my jewelry is in a "cave" of sorts.

Any idea why you would ask such a thing from the Queen? She has magic and magic is the easy way out perhaps? I like things to be as easy as possible.

Dreams are weird, huh? The brain and subconscious' way of doing a bit of cleaning and rearranging and maintenance. Sometimes the subconscious needs to let the conscious know that which should be obvious.

Saturday, October 27, 2012 8:06:00 PM  

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