Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Good question

Why the heck did they ever get married in the first place?

This question got me to thinking.  My parents didn't have a wedding.  They got married at a Justice of the Peace.  There was no honeymoon if I recall correctly.  They didn't even have any "wedding" pictures of them displayed in the house.  Hell, I don't think they had *any* kind of picture of themselves displayed in a frame in the house.  I have friends who didn't spend money to have a big wedding, but at least they went to a photographer to have "wedding" pictures taken of themselves as a couple.  Even when I go into clients' houses, there are always pictures displayed if the client has a spouse or significant other.

This is a pretty good indicator to me that my parents weren't in love with each other.  I can't imagine being married to someone I don't love.  It's just so wrong on so many levels.  I think of myself as a very affectionate person(even if I have Northern European DNA ;P ) and very romantic, and if I was to marry someone I'd want to stay as spicy as possible for the duration.  I just can't imagine being any other way.  To live with someone I don't like just seems so counter intuitive to me.

Why my parents thought it would be a good idea to have a kid (me) is beyond me.  It seems so selfish and narcissistic.  They obviously weren't thinking how it would affect me.


Anonymous arekino said...

This is a pretty good indicator to me that my parents weren't in love with each other.

And ending up in an ultimately inconvenient marriage of convenience?

To live with someone I don't like just seems so counter intuitive to me.

I think everyone would - all things being equal - agree with that.

It seems so selfish and narcissistic.

I for one find it hard to imagine a happy childless marriage. Maybe they thought it would be an improvement? Or maybe they were just jealous of other couples.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013 12:23:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I for one find it hard to imagine a happy childless marriage.

I think a lot of people have the idea that having a kid will somehow make a bad relationship better. Seems a lot of pressure to put on a kid. Ultimately, when things don't turn out (Shock! :o /sarc ), then the kid becomes the one who is to blame in the eyes of the parents. (Not that this was my experience, but it seemed to have happened with a few peeps at the PD forum.)

Or the parent can just play the Holy Martyr role like my mother, that she did EVERYTHING for me and was a SLAVE and I am just so selfish and ungrateful! LOL

Or maybe they were just jealous of other couples.

My parents have absolutely NO friends. Never have, still don't. The only other couples would be immediate family and all of them are train wrecks. (In my mother's eyes, she is the best and only her way is correct.)

Anyway, I'm going to try to get off this depressing topic soon. I have yet another doc appt today, so see ya laterz! ;P

Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:14:00 PM  

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