Friday, April 20, 2012

I think my dick has been lost in the mail.

Like anything else, one tends to get into a routine with the internet. It has been said that up to 40% of the things that we do daily are habits. So in the spirit of trying new things, I have been participating in different contests on the internet.

Last year, I won a prize package from an Arctic/Antarctic exploration company which consisted of 3 books, a pair of binoculars, a carabiner and a ball cap with "Antarctica" embroidered on it. To be honest, it looked like a marketing display that the peeps at the corporate office were pawning off as a prize. This January, I entered into a dead pool. I won with Etta James. The prize was a spotted dick. Well, I don't doubt that the blogger who does this dead pool actually sent it out. She did say that it arrives by slow boat and usually looks like it was abused by gorillas. It's just that DAYUM! I know that things coming internationally take close to forever, just like my last winnings(which came from Canada), but WTF? I guess that the British mail isn't what it used to be.

And just as an aside, I know that a lot of people like to bitch about the USPS, but I have to say that our postal service does a pretty good job. I've gotten mail delivered that was sent by my senile relatives who put the wrong street address, no zip code, or even the wrong city and the post office still managed to get it to me. Much different than the Canadian mail service, which would be a whole post unto itself.


Anonymous arekino said...

Hey, I'd send you mine but I'm using it myself. *ba dum tish*

Is there chance of a J-O-B ? Sure. There's always a chance. It's about one in a zillion now. *ba dum tish*

Ah, sorry about the lame jokes. Congrats on winning the contest. Are there any other contests you're involved in ATM?

What do you say? Have I stopped beating my wife yet? Well, I've stopped clapping my hands! *ba dum tish* (sorry ;)

Saturday, April 21, 2012 4:42:00 AM  
Blogger Xul said...

I'd send you mine but I'm using it myself Hey, it's not going to work properly if it's detached from the rest of you! Where's the fun in that? ;P Besides, if you covered yourself in postage stamps and tried stuffing yourself in the mail box, I'd hate to see what they would do to you!

Maybe there are some job opportunities to be had down at the marina? Aren't you Dutch folks supposed to be good with boats? ;P

Congrats on winning the contest. Are there any other contests you're involved in ATM? Thanks! Yes, another Dead Pool and the Go Pro one, although I don't have much chance with Go Pro, the odds are too great.

Saturday, April 21, 2012 5:42:00 PM  
Anonymous arekino said...

>Maybe there are some job opportunities to be had down at the marina?

I'm not sure what marina you have in mind. There's a part of the local channel that's used to park boats but I doubt there's any work there.

Another dead pool? Hmmm, you'd think there'd be a conflict of interest there. People might, you know, help the "candidates" along, into an earlier than expected grave. :)

Did you know there's a comic book charcter named Dead Pool? He's a little excentric but a funny dude as well.

Sunday, April 22, 2012 12:15:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

So no deck hand opportunities? No North Sea fishin'? I've probably been watching too much Discovery Channel. Maybe some nice old lady could hire you for a few Quatloos to do...stuff? There must be something that you could do?

Did you know there's a comic book charcter named Dead Pool? Nope, never heard of that Dead Pool. The one I do is a celebrity dead pool. If I hadn't procrastinated so much about getting into it, I would be a 3 time winner already.

LOL capcha is "yrope" and "arstab"

Sunday, April 22, 2012 10:40:00 PM  

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