Sunday, June 08, 2008

It's All Fun And Games Until...

Ok, ok, ok. Fuck it, I'm just going to go ahead and write something since I've been very slack indeed this past month.

It seems that down here we've been having shoot outs and what-not on an almost weekly basis. It kind of goes with the territory since S. Fla has become one enormous ghetto. It gets to be rather mundane until you start getting caught up in it.

Like I said, it's all fun and games until... someone shoots a cop...then everyone becomes a hostage for 4 hours! Wheeeee!!!!! Doesn't that sound fun now?

Anyway, about three Sundays ago, I was at a birthday party over in N.Miami, not terribly far from my house. Ho-hum, yawny-yawny type thing. At one point, one of the other guests says to me that there are cops all over the place directly outside the kitchen. Since the guest of honour hadn't arrived yet and the party was a bit boring, a bunch of us went out to investigate.

There was one cop car blocking anyone from going down 170th and there were 2 K-9 units with officers going around all the houses with the dogs.(This is a residential area, mixed with orthodox Jews, Hispanics, Haitians)

We figured they were looking for robbers since everyday down here someone is robbing something. So we're watching the police activity when suddenly, "BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG,BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!!!!!!!!!" There had to have been at least 30 shots fired.

A freakin' shootout, right there! Right in front of us! The cops must have emptied there clips into the guy. Then we see 4 cops carrying another officer who apparently got shot. They carried him to the end of the street and laid him down behind a police car.

Well, then it just turned into a freaking clusterfuck after that. The cops blocked off the whole area. My car was 3 feet within the taped off perimeter so I couldn't go anywhere or even go to the vehicle. They had 2 SWAT armoured trucks there and like every cop in N. Miami out there. There must've been 20 fully armoured SWAT guys with M-16's. They thought there was a third guy on the loose.

It was ridiculous. I heard from and old Jewish guy that it was 2 "schwartzers" trying to break into a house.

Anyway, we were stuck for 2 hours after SWAT got there. 4 hours in total. It really sucked because you weren't allowed to leave. The news reported it as "A Neighborhood Held Hostage" and that's exactly what it was.

When we finally were allowed to leave and I got home to see the news, the story was 2 black teenagers, one 17, one 18, tried to break into a bunch of houses armed with a crowbar and a 9mm. One of the neighbors called the cops. The K-9 units found them hiding in someone's back yard. That's when the 18 y/o decided that it would be a brilliant idea to open fire on the cops. The cops turned him into bloody swiss cheese. One officer was shot 3 times and the dog was hit once.

Now, what really pissed me off was when the head of the police union got on the tv and was crying about how the PD is short staffed and out gunned and this incident just proves it. THE FUCK? There were like 300 cops out there, standing around yacking it up for well over 3 hours after the shooting happened. The SWAT guys were more heavily armed than Navy SEALS. There were freakin' helicopters flying around and everything. It was like Beirut. Yes. Pay them more money to stand around after all the action is over.

Never a dull moment in the M.I.A.! Fuck no!

And if that wasn't enough, last week I had an almost repeat performance in front of my own house; cops parked in my front drive, more down the block, and some around the corner. Ambulances. Fire trucks. Fucking helicopters buzzing least there wasn't any shooting. What was going down? Who the fuck knows! Status fucking quo.


Blogger FirstNations said...

it got to suck living in such a sleepy rural backwater. I bet you feel really cut off.

kinda like another typical evening in the apartment towers in Bladerunner, huh? awesome. friggin awesome. that'll teach you to go to birthday parties, huh. (sheesh!!! are you ok???)

Friday, June 13, 2008 3:58:00 PM  
Blogger Xul said...

I'm quite alright. It's just REALLY. FREAKIN'. IRRITATING. That's what it is. I'm totally not into being told when I can leave or not. I AM TOTALLY INTO blasting my way out, when necessary, of course. Xul don't need no po-pos infringin' mah constitutionalz!

Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:19:00 AM  

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